-Lady Gaga
Zachary Hendrickson
5th Hour Psychology
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Table of Contents
I. Nervous System Introduction
Peripheral Nervous System
Central Nervous System
II. The Brain
Parts of the Brain
Lobes of the Brain

III. The Endocrine System
Major Glands
IV. Disorders Introduction
Nervous System Disorder
Brain Disorder
Endocrine System Disorder

Overview of the
Nervous System
The brain is the main component
of the nervous system which, in
conjunction with the endocrine
system, is responsible for all
actions of the body. The nervous
system processes thousands of
pieces of information. It's job is
to then take this information,
and tell the rest of the body how
to react. Everything you do is
controlled by the nervous

Our brains are made up of two
types of cells, glia and neurons.
Neurons, however, are the more
important of the two. They
contain a nucleus that holds
genes, as do other cells in the
body. The difference comes from
the fact that neurons are
incredibly specialized because of
their projections, known as
dendrites and axons. Dendrites
carry information to the cell,
while axons carry information

Neurotransmitters are the chemicals which allow neurons
to relay information between each other. A
neurotransmitter can send a message to the next neuron
in line to do one of two things, either fire an electrical
signal or to remain silent. Interestingly, most psychiatric
disorders are now thought to be the result of an
abnormal chemical transmission in the brain. This has led
to an increase in research and understanding of
neurotransmitters and the way the function.

Peripheral Nervous
This part of the nervous system is
what carries information between
itself and the organs of the body.
The peripheral nervous system
can then further be split into the
autonomic nervous system and
the somatic nervous system. The
autonomic nervous system
controls most subconscious bodily
functions. The somatic nervous
system is responsible for the
body's movements.

The Central Nervous System
The central nervous system is made of the
spinal cord and the brain. Information
travels here from the peripheral nervous
system, where it is then coordinated and
relayed back. The spinal cord is the main
source of transportation between the
peripheral and central nervous systems.
This is why the cord is protected by your

Part 2: The Brain
The brain is comprised of
many different structures
that each carry out an
individual function. Our
brains have evolved over
millions of years, growing
more and more complex.
Simply put, our brains are
what make us human. Its
complexity is what
separates us from beast and
gives us the capability to

Parts of the Brain
Brain Stem: involuntary actions
Medulla: monitors injury response, blood pressure, and
Reticular Activating System: sensing danger and also
sleeping or wakefulness
Pons: station between cerebellum and cerebral cortex
Cerebellum: movements, balance, and posture
Top Inch of Brain Stem: pathway between the two
hemispheres of the brain
Limbic System: emotional response, learning, and
Hypothalamus: body temperature
Thalamus: relays information from the body to the
cerebral cortex
Cerebrum: about two-thirds of the brain, it is divided into
two hemispheres (or halves), each with four lobes covered
by cerebral cortex, which is the outermost layer of the
brain (most neurons reside here)

Lobes of the Brain
Frontal Lobe: motor skills,
creativity, and emotional
Parietal Lobe: body senses,
position, orientation,
pressure, heat, cold, pain,
reading, and thinking
Occipital Lobe: vision
Temporal Lobe: hearing,
music, understanding speech,
memory for nonverbal events

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-Lady Gaga
Zachary Hendrickson
5th Hour Psychology
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Table of Contents
I. Nervous System Introduction
Peripheral Nervous System
Central Nervous System
II. The Brain
Parts of the Brain
Lobes of the Brain

III. The Endocrine System
Major Glands
IV. Disorders Introduction
Nervous System Disorder
Brain Disorder
Endocrine System Disorder

Overview of the
Nervous System
The brain is the main component
of the nervous system which, in
conjunction with the endocrine
system, is responsible for all
actions of the body. The nervous
system processes thousands of
pieces of information. It's job is
to then take this information,
and tell the rest of the body how
to react. Everything you do is
controlled by the nervous

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