Disorders Books

  • Learning About Autism Through Kids
    This short story is about a little boy befriending a classmate with Autism. This books encourages kindness, acceptance and awareness.
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  • Malik's Autistic Adventures
    Malik, a child with Autism, explains what Autism is and how it affects him. He shares his unique experiences, challenges, and coping strategies.
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    Having a sibling, a relative, or even a friend on the spectrum, can come as a unique challenge. This book is to help younger children who may be having a tough time with appr…
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  • My Sister
    "My Sister" is a children's book dedicated addressing the stigma associated with taking prescription medication for mental illness. Please check out the website: https://do…
  • Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
    An overview of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD), including its definition, causes, characteristics, diagnosis, accommodations, and available resources.
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  • We Are All Special
    A book about people with with different disorders and how real life people leap over the hurdles and reach for extraordinary heights.
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  • Finding My Voice Autism Through My Eyes
    Learn about autism through the eyes of a middle school child who lives with it day to day.
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  • It's a Long, Hard Journey.
    Some of the struggles with an anxiety disorder and how you can still accomplish your goals.
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