This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Rob Cohen

SPLOOSH! The pot of tomato sauce boiled
over, splattering hot red liquid everywhere.
Buddy Bison watched wide-eyed through the
kitchen window as Rancher Roy hurried to turn
down the stove.
“Looks just like a volcano!” Rancher Roy
shouted. “And it so happens, Buddy Bison,
that is where our next trip will take us. In
search of volcanoes.”

I've heard about volcanoes! Buddy Bison
thought and laughed as he imagined a
mountain top exploding with smoke and
tomato sauce. Awesome!

“We’ll leave tomorrow,” Roy said. “Our trip
will take us through national parks in Arizona,
California, Oregon and Washington.” Roy
unfolded a large map, showing Buddy Bison
the route.

The next day, Rancher Roy drove Buddy
Bison in his special trailer to Arizona. Buddy
Bison looked through his binoculars at the
mountainous landscape for any signs of a
“Here we are at Sunset Crater National
Monument,” Roy announced. “Let’s go for a

Buddy Bison stepped off the trailer and
quickly opened his big umbrella to protect him
from the volcano.
“You won’t need that, Buddy Bison,” Roy
chuckled. “This volcano hasn’t erupted in over
900 years.”

Buddy Bison gazed at the distant cone
shaped, treeless mountain.
Roy continued, “That is called a cinder cone
volcano. This black, rocky ground in front of
you is actually lava from the last eruption.”

Buddy Bison jumped back.
“Not to worry,” Roy said. “The lava cooled
off shortly after the eruption.”
Roy and Buddy Bison left Arizona for
California. Maybe I’ll find an erupting volcano
there, Buddy Bison hoped.

The next day, they arrived at Lassen
Volcanic National Park. Buddy Bison searched
for fire in the sky, but what he saw was a tall,
snow-capped mountain rising above the rocky
“That’s Lassen Peak,” Roy said. “It last
erupted in 1917, but it’s due for another
eruption soon.”
Buddy Bison stepped out of the trailer and
placed a large frying pan over his head.
“Not today, Buddy Bison,” Roy said.
“You’re perfectly safe.”

They hiked to an area that had steam rising
from the ground and boiling mud puddles.
“Those are all thermal features that are often
a sign of volcanic activity. Just like
Yellowstone Park, where we live.”
Buddy Bison’s eyes nearly popped out of
his head. I live in a volcano?
“Yellowstone was formed by a huge volcano
that last erupted over 600,000 years ago.”
Rancher Roy explained. “It will erupt again.”
Buddy Bison looked at his watch. “But don’t
worry. There will be plenty of warning signs.”

Their next stop was in Oregon, at Crater Lake
National Park. Roy drove up and up the mountain
until they came to a beautiful, deep blue lake
surrounded by rocky peaks. At one end of the
lake, Buddy Bison saw a smaller mountain
surrounded by the water.
“This is Crater Lake. And you’re looking at
Wizard Island. That’s all that is left of what was
Mount Mazama after the volcano erupted. Rainfall
and snowmelt flooded the entire crater to create
this lake.”
Buddy Bison put on his snorkeling mask and
flippers. “The lake won’t be rising any time soon,”
Roy said. “The last eruption was 7,700 years ago!”

“Do you know that Crater Lake gets about
550 inches of snow every year? Roy asked.
“That’s enough snow to almost bury a five-
story building!”
Buddy Bison tried to picture a village where
only a few rooftops and steeples would stick
out above the snow.

The next morning, they arrived at Mount
Saint Helens National Volcanic Monument, in
the state of Washington. Buddy Bison saw a
barren mountain in the distance. It looked like
part of the top and side of the mountain had
been cut off.
“Mount Saint Helens is one of the country’s
most recently active volcanoes.” Roy
explained. “It’s last major eruption was in
1980, but there have been small bursts of
steam as recently as 2008.”
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Rob Cohen

SPLOOSH! The pot of tomato sauce boiled
over, splattering hot red liquid everywhere.
Buddy Bison watched wide-eyed through the
kitchen window as Rancher Roy hurried to turn
down the stove.
“Looks just like a volcano!” Rancher Roy
shouted. “And it so happens, Buddy Bison,
that is where our next trip will take us. In
search of volcanoes.”
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