From Colombia
"Never is late to learn"
Lourdes Victoria A.
From Guatemala
"Read and learn"

This story is dedicated to all the people who give light to our lives, our friends and families, and those who make a difference to others.


In the Pines, a small town, lives a sweet girl called Katty who loves to watch the sky. In the sky, she has a friend, a shiny star named Stella.
En los pinos, una pequeña ciudad; vive una chica dulce de nombre Katty. A ella le gusta ver el cielo. Alla ella tiene una amiga, una brillante estrella que se llama Stella.

Stella lives in the sky giving light at night.
Stella vive en el cielo brillando en la noche.

Katty loves starry nights. She has no friends at school, but she doesn't feel alone because she has a friend in the sky.
A Katty le encanta ver las noches estrelladas. Katty no tiene amigos en la escuela, pero no se siente sola porque tiene una amiga en el cielo.

When Katty wants to see her friend Stella, she goes on the top of the roof to be close to the sky. She goes to the garden, and into the yard. At night, she goes to bed to see Stella until she falls asleep.
Cuando Katty quiere ver a su amiga, sube al techo de su casa para estar más cerca del cielo, o va al jardín, o al patio. En la noche cuando esta en su cama Katty contempla a Stella hasta dormirse.

Katty plays with Stella. When she rides her tricycle, she sees Stella behind her.
Katty juega con Stella, cuando Katty monta su triciclo. Ella mira como Stella va tras ella.

Si la noche esta fria Katty mira el cielo atraves de su ventana para ver a su amiga Stella brillar junto a otras estrellas.
If it is a cold night, Katty looks through her window to see the sky. She watches her friend Stella shining with other stars.

Katty talks to Stella when she feels sad. Also, she tells her how much fun she had at school. Stella flashes her light when she hears Katty tell stories. Sometimes there are stories filled with joy, but sometimes, there are stories filled with sadness. Stella has even seen tears run down her little friend Katty's cheeks.
Katty habla con Stella cuando se siente triste. Ella le cuenta lo divertido que le fue en la escuela. Stella destella su luz cuando ella escucha a Katty contar sus historias. A veces son historias muy alegres, pero otras veces, son historias tristes. Stella incluso ha visto correr lágrimas por las mejillas de su pequeña amiga Katty.

Katty loves when the sun goes down and the birds fly to their nests. When the night comes Katty talks to her friend Stella and watches her shine in the sky.
A Katty le encanta ver el atardecer del sol y a los pajaros volar a sus nidos. Cuando anochece Katty habla con su amiga Stella y la mira como brilla en el cielo.

When Mrs. Angela, Katty's mother, tells her to go to bed, Katty looks through her window to see her friend Stella. The flashes of light from Stella seem to sing Katty a good night lullaby.
Cuando la mamá de Katty, la Señora Angela le dice a ella que vaya a la cama Katty observa por su ventana a su amiga Stella. El destello de luz de Stella da la impresion que ella le esta cantando una cancion a Katty.

During the day, Katty does her work at school, rides her tricycle, watches the garden, listens to the birds singing, and enjoys the color of the flowers.
Durante el día, Katty hace su trabajo en la escuela, sube a su triciclo, mira el jardín, escucha el canto de los pájaros, y disfruta del color de las flores.
One day, Katty had a hard time, and everything was bad. Food was bad, school was bad, and her tricycle broke. It was a sad day and she cried. The only thing Katty wanted to see was Stella the star.

Hubo un dia que fue dificil para Katty. Todo fue malo: la comida, la escuela, y su triciclo se rompió. Fue un dia triste y Katty lloró.
La única cosa que ella queria era ver a Stella, la estrella.

Katty wanted to tell Stella how sad she was, but the fog, clouds, rain and thunder did not let her see the stars. Because a stormy night was coming. Katty expected Stella to appear, but it did not happen that night. This made Katty very sad. She went crying to her room to see the darkness of the storm.
Katty deseaba decirle a Stella lo triste que habia estado, pero la niebla, las nuebes, la lluvia no le dejaron ver la estrella. Porque una tormenta se acercaba. Katty esperaba ver a Stella pero eso no sucedió esa noche. Katty se puso muy triste y se fue llorando a su cuarto para ver la oscuridad de la tormenta.
In the sky Stella was saying to herself "I want to calm my sweet girl. Yes! I'm going down"
En el cielo Stella se decia asi misma. "Deseo calmar a mi dulce amiga. Si! voy a bajar"

Katty thought about Stella all night. She was waiting for a starry night, but she fell asleep, dreaming of Stella coming down to her. Suddenly Katty woke up, and she saw a bright light behind the curtains.
Katty pensó en Stella toda la noche. Estaba esperando una noche estrellada, pero se quedó dormida, soñando que Stella se acercaba a ella. De repente, Katty se despertó y vio una luz brillante detrás de las cortinas.

"What a surprise! Stella has come down here to be close to me. Wow! my friend is here"
"Que sorpresa! Stella ha venido para estar cerca de mi. Guuaaaoo! mi amiga esta aqui"

"How did you come here? The sky is too far and high. How is the sky?" said Katty.
"Como viniste? el cielo esta lejos y alto. Como es el cielo." Le preguntó Katty

Stella only smiled and jumped into Katty's hand
Stella solo sonrió y saltó a la mano de Katty

Stella came near Katty's cheek, and Katty said: “Oh! you are so smooth.”
Stella se acerca a la mejilla de Kattty.
"Oh! eres muy suave." Exclama Katty.
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From Colombia
"Never is late to learn"
Lourdes Victoria A.
From Guatemala
"Read and learn"

This story is dedicated to all the people who give light to our lives, our friends and families, and those who make a difference to others.


In the Pines, a small town, lives a sweet girl called Katty who loves to watch the sky. In the sky, she has a friend, a shiny star named Stella.
En los pinos, una pequeña ciudad; vive una chica dulce de nombre Katty. A ella le gusta ver el cielo. Alla ella tiene una amiga, una brillante estrella que se llama Stella.
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