To my twin brothers, Joe and Jon. I love you!

Hi, my name is Riley and I've got a pretty crazy wild life. You know those kids you always see on shows like Magic School Bus that are always going to crazy fun places? Well that's my life.

"Riley, get in here and help me dress your little brothers for bed!"

That's my mom. She ruins everything for me. Or should I say THEY ruin everything for me.

Let me start from the beginning again. Hi, my name is Riley and I am in the 5th grade. Recently my mom had two baby boys, Christian and Christopher. They're cool, sometimes I guess for 2 year old but they get in the way of everything! I can never do anything fun because I always have to watch my brother or give them a bath or feed them. It's so annoying!
" Riley!"
"Yes mother.." Riley groaned.
Riley sluggishly walked into the bathroom and found the two boys playing in the bathtub, splashing water everywhere.

" Riley please help me. You know I always ask you to help with bath time. You are a big girl and mommy needs your help with the babies when daddy isn't here," pleaded her mother.
Riley sighed.
"Fine. What can I do to help mom?"
" Well first you can start by washing Christian's hair for me then you can..."

Riley began helping her mom with the boys and about 20 minutes later bath time was finished.
"Okay, so now that we've finished bath time with the boys, where was I? Oh yeah! So, my mom had my brothers and since then I've had to become a more " responsible" girl. I have had a ton of chores I did before I had brothers, I have to always cancel my sleep overs to help watch the boys, and on top of all I don't even have time to paint my nails anymore because every 5 seconds I have to help out with..."
" RILEY! I need your help sweetie!"
Riley rolled her eyes..."and here we go again, " Riley mumbled.
Mom called me to help with putting the boys down for bed, and just as I was walking up the stairs to help I heard Christian start to squeal.
“Great,” I groaned. “No way am I going to get any time to do homework or even talk on the phone tonight. This is ridiculous.”
I reach the top of the steps and peek my head around the door to my brothers’ room, and I see both of their heads poking out from the top of their cribs. It’s like they're waiting to have all of the attention on them and none on me.
I went back into the hall and ran into my mom.

“Mom, why do I always have to help with the boys? I have my own stuff to do.”
“Riley, I’ve told you this almost every day since your brothers were born. Since Daddy is away for work, I really need your help around the house and with the boys. I can only get so much done by myself and I really need you, the mature young lady you are, to step up and be a great helper for mommy and an even better big sister for your little brothers. I know it’s very hard for you because you are still young and you really want to be around your friends, but you will understand once you are older.”
I mumbled under my breath, “Yeah, that’s what they all say, “you will understand once you are older.”
I walked sluggishly down the hall back to the boys’ room and went in. I started to sing to them to get them to fall asleep and when that did not work I started to read them a bed time story. They both fell asleep remarkably fast.
I tip-toed out of their room being sure not to slam the door behind me.
I crept down the stairs attempting to not make a sound and half way down I trip over my own foot. I gracefully got up and ran to my room as quick as a jet. Slowly I closed the door avoiding the creaking noise of the rusty hinges.

Thinking about having to take care of these two snotty nosed brats until I'm 18 makes me feel like I have a long life of disappointment and boring babysitting nights. I laid awake all night that wondering how could I get out of babysitting for the next 8-9 years...but I came up with nothing, sadly.

My eyes started to close slowly but surely, a little bit at a time, cringing frequently at the thought of not being able to go on our annual summer get-away to St. Augustine Beach because of the brats. Every year my best friends and I went on a trip over the summer for a whole week to the beach. We had the best of times soaking up the warm sun, body surfing, and eating snow cones as fast as we possibly could because they would always melt away so quickly. These were the best days because we would spend hours in the water and as exhausted as we would be at the end of each day we would always stay up until the wee hours of the night gossiping and talking about boys.
Imagining those sweet waves rocking me back and forth through the water made me fall fast asleep.
I roll my eyes and turn over to see my alarm clock lighting up like a fire alarm. 6 A.M. Time for school, again. Thank god it’s Friday.
“Riley! Get up sweetie. Hurry up and get ready! I need your help before you leave getting all of your brother’s bottles together and--” I began to tune my mom out after this and crawled back under my sheets.
I finally get up out of the bed and drag myself into the shower. Sluggishly, I got dressed and went down stairs.
Mom was downstairs waiting for me to come help with bottles already without a second to even make a bowl of Frosted Flakes! I helped her to make the bottles and nervously sat down to eat breakfast finally.
I was nervous because I wanted to ask my mom about going to St. Augustine Beach with my friends for our annual beach trip. It was only 3 weeks away!

“Yes Riley?”
“So you know our annual summer trip to St. Augustine Beach is coming up, and I’m trying to figure out when I should start pa--”
“Oh Riley, sweetie. You can’t possibly go to the Beach this year. I’m so sorry sweetheart, but there’s no way we can swing it. I really need the extra help around the house, and dad won’t be home in time. Maybe we can reschedule or figure something else out?”
“Reschedule?! Really Mom? We can’t reschedule a trip that has been the same since I was basically born mom!”
“Riley, please stop being so dramatic. It really will be okay. Maybe you and the boys can hang out and do something outside for fun. I will talk to your father about letting you guys go outside for a little while while we are gone.”
Without saying a word and with tears rolling down my cheeks, I stomp out the door of the house and march down to the bus stop. I can’t believe her. She really expects me to stay home with these minions all summer. This is not normal for a 10-year old! “WHY DO I HAVE TO GROW UP!!!!” I scream out of frustration.

When I finally get to school, I tell all of my friends about my new plans for the summer.
“But we’ve gone on this trip for years now Riley, why can’t they find another babysitter?” questioned Sally.
“Honestly, I’ve given up on asking questions guys. It’s like arguing with a door knob. I’m getting nowhere and no matter what I say to her, she won’t change her mind.” I groan.
Weeks go by, and every night I hope that maybe, by a stroke of luck, my mom will let me go and suddenly she will tell me one night that she finally found a babysitter. And as each night comes to a close, I realize this is not the case. They’re really serious.

As the weekend of the beach trip approaches, I venture to ask one last time just for giggles. I climb on my moms bed with her as she's watching TV and snuggle up real tight with her
“Yes Riley?” Mom said in her “I know you’re about to ask me something you’re going to be disappointed about when I say no” voice.
“Mom, I really really really want to go on the beach trip. Can’t the boys just watch themselves?”
Clearly I know this is impossible, and as the words slip through my lips I see my mom turn over and start to giggle.
“Don’t be silly Riley, you know they are only two. No you are not going this year. I’ve already called Sally’s mom and told her you won’t be attending this year and we are really sorry for the inconvenience for all of you girls but we just can’t do it.”
I slide off of her bed, beginning to crawl out of the room and acting like a child my age.
“Riley, stand up and act like the big girl I know you are and get it together.”
I stand up like she asks but with my shoulders and my head down as low as they can go. I slowly walk out of her room and into mine, plopping on the bed and beginning to cry again.
I think to myself, “you know, maybe I should just get over it and embrace it for what it is.”
I wake up the next morning with a brand new, positive attitude hoping this will make mother happier.

“Good morning mommy!” I greet her as she’s walking down the stairs.
“Oh dear, Riley, you startled me. What on earth are you doing up so early? It’s 5:00AM.”
“Well mommy, I thought it would help if I got up early this morning and make breakfast for you and I, and get the boys bottles ready for you before you even open your eyes!”
“Wow, am I impressed. See, I told you you were a big, responsible girl. You just needed a little push I suppose.”
“Yep! Well I’m headed upstairs to get myself ready for school and then I will catch the bus. I’m so excited to spend the weekend with the boys.”
Stunned and really in shock, my mother looks at me with a blank look on her face as if she’s seen a ghost.
“Oh.. o-o-of course,” she says, sounding as concerned as ever.
All day during school I think of ideas of things to do with my brothers while my mom is gone to work. We HAVE to do something exciting. It can’t just be like every other boring week at home. I need something good.
Just then, I think of building a fort! Of course! This will be so much fun and we can play in it all week. Of course the boys obviously won’t be able to help, but having them there to play in it afterwards will be so fun for them! Their big sister will have built them their very first fort. How proud I will be when I see the look on my mother’s face.
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To my twin brothers, Joe and Jon. I love you!

Hi, my name is Riley and I've got a pretty crazy wild life. You know those kids you always see on shows like Magic School Bus that are always going to crazy fun places? Well that's my life.

"Riley, get in here and help me dress your little brothers for bed!"

That's my mom. She ruins everything for me. Or should I say THEY ruin everything for me.

Let me start from the beginning again. Hi, my name is Riley and I am in the 5th grade. Recently my mom had two baby boys, Christian and Christopher. They're cool, sometimes I guess for 2 year old but they get in the way of everything! I can never do anything fun because I always have to watch my brother or give them a bath or feed them. It's so annoying!
" Riley!"
"Yes mother.." Riley groaned.
Riley sluggishly walked into the bathroom and found the two boys playing in the bathtub, splashing water everywhere.
- END >
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