Responsibility Books

  • Shelter Souls
    Animal awareness, character building, responsibility & community involvement is what "Shelter Souls" is all about. Everyone deserves a loving home! Let's all do our part …
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  • How Big I Can Be
    A little girl who really want to big and do things that grown-ups do.
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    Star Icon 350
  • My Responsibility
    Friends are special and need to be respected. It is very important for everyone to be held responsible of anything that is borrowed and to return the item as soon as you are …
    Eye Icon 1090
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  • The Little Prince
    Not being spoiled and doing your duties especially when no one is around.
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  • A 5th Grade Teacher for a Day
    When their teacher is absent, a fifth-grade student named Kayla becomes the temporary teacher. She faces challenges but ultimately succeeds with the help of her classmates.
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  • Harold & Hank
    The story is a retelling of the classic fable 'The Ant and the Grasshopper'. It follows Hank, a carefree grasshopper, and Harold, a diligent ant. Hank spends his summer playi…
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  • Henry Becomes a Big Brother
    What's a big brother? That's the exact thought Henry pondered when his little sister was born. He was excited to find out it was a lot more fun than just changing diapers! Re…
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  • The Potato Family
    Fred welcomes his new baby brother, Spud, and learns to adjust to the changes in his family dynamic.
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