the coolest midget in history,
and the namesake of Clevard.
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Fort Sumter, SC has been attacked by the Union thus starting the
Civil War. As you can see, the South had obtained many weapons
from Britain and allowed us to claim Fort Sumter! Cannons were
used to bombard the Union outposts. Clevard A. Gunter realizes
that he needs to become a spy to make up for the disadvantages
the South has, especially their shortage of weapons and supplies
due to little industry, bad transportation systems, and a smaller
population. However, he and his friends are confident in their
advantages including fighting defensively, better morale, and their
superior military minds.

Clevard A. Gunter

Cotton Diplomacy struck Clevard's thoughts as he and his best friends Robert E. Lee and Thomas
"Stonewall" Jackson discuss their advantage of having heavy foreign reliance on cotton that will
eventually aid them financially in the war. They also discuss the matter of the on-going battle of
the 1st Bull Run occurring at the moment in Virginia and how easy of a victory they are going to

Robert E. Lee
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson

cotton field! Those French and
British who will buy it will save
us a lot of money!

going to be a piece of

ill-prepared soldiers,
we Rebels will be
known as invincible!

After the big win at the Battle of Bull Run, Clevard decides to begin spying in the Union in order to
gain more advantages. He finds out that George McClellan is now the Commander of the Union
in the East, and boy does he like to train. Meanwhile, new laws enacted by the North are
beginning to take effect in the South, such as Morill Tariff Act, which protected the industrial
workers of the North by raising rates, the Homestead Act, which enabled people, even slaves, to
apply for a federal 160 acre land grant, and the Morill Land Grant Act, that allowed for the
creation of land-grant colleges.

Clevard in Union Spy Attire

soldiers like crazy! I hope they
aren't very good! After all these
tariff and land acts the Union has
been passing, we don't need them
to get any stronger!

General George McClellan

The Battle of Antietam arrives on Antietam Creek in Maryland. It was the bloodiest single
day of combat ever witnessed. Most surprisingly for Clevard, however, was seeing his
long, lost brother fight for the Union. He didn't confront him because he didn't know what
to say. The whole ordeal made Clevard very upset, even though it was his best friend
Robert E Lee's first major battle as a general for the Confederacy.

my beloved brother Hamilton is
fighting for the wrong side. If I
try to talk to him, something bad
is bound to happen.

Hamilton Gunter

Robert E Lee

Clevard decides to spy again once the Confederacy keeps hearing rumors about the Union
general, Ulysses S. Grant, and his many victories. These included the great, long battles in
the West, in which Grant used a gunboat army to capture Fort Henry and Fort Donelson in
Tennessee. After the capture, Clevard now horribly realized that the Union had control over the
Tennessee River, thanks to Grant. Additionally, the Union managed to capture New Orleans in
its wake, thus having control over the Mississippi River as well. It showed that the Confederacy
needs to be scared. Unconsciously, Clevard still worried about his brother, Hamilton.

Fort Donelson
Fort Henry

Ulysses S. Grant

strong! Where
have our
valuable rivers

New Orleans (destroyed)

Props to Clevard! He managed to snatch himself a lovely woman! Well, almost. She's from the
north. And she's Clara Barton, future founder of American Red Cross. This means she is
very well known, and other men are always around her getting treated for the war with her
medicinal remedies. BUT she doesn't know Clevard is a spy! Meanwhile, at the current battle
of Fredericksburg, in Virginia, Ambrose Burnside had replaced McClellan as Union general.
It managed to raise the spirits of the Confederacy once again.

Ambrose Burnside
Robert E. Lee


Word of the Confiscation Acts got out had now reached Clevard, and he was becoming nervous
for losing his slaves. He felt as if he desperately needed them. He knew it was supposed to be
"law" to turn them in very quickly, but as his homeland of East Georgia had yet to be captured he
was safe...for now. On a happier note, his relationship with Clara was going great, but she still
had yet to find out that he was from the South.

and I love his eye-

this war, because
we can't survive
without our

Another battle has approached, the Battle of Chancellorsville. This
time, Clevard's two best friends, Lee and Jackson, divided up the
Confederate army, ultimately providing another win for the Confederacy.
However, Jackson was hurt so badly that he dies. This puts a great
damper on Clevard, but his lover, Clara, tries her best to comfort him.
However, she evidently realizes why he is sad, and finds out his secret.
She doesn't tell Clevard she knows, but she has revenge in mind...


my best

(He's not
a Union
is he? I'll
get him
for that.)

After Chancellorsville and recovering from his grief over the loss of his two best friends, Clevard heard
rumors of the NYC Draft Riots in New York and decided to investigate. He learned that many of the
lower class Northerners were upset and rioting because they were being forced into the army due to
the draft. Copperheads, or Northern Democrats wanting immediate peace, supported them in their
cause and Clevard was happy to see disunity in the North. He recalled the Conscription Act in the
South enacted by the president to help with a victory. Clara is continuously complaining about all the
activity in the North and with all the new threats, Clevard is very worried about the safety of his

I can't take much more of this!

I hope he doesn't get
mixed up in all of this!

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the coolest midget in history,
and the namesake of Clevard.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Fort Sumter, SC has been attacked by the Union thus starting the
Civil War. As you can see, the South had obtained many weapons
from Britain and allowed us to claim Fort Sumter! Cannons were
used to bombard the Union outposts. Clevard A. Gunter realizes
that he needs to become a spy to make up for the disadvantages
the South has, especially their shortage of weapons and supplies
due to little industry, bad transportation systems, and a smaller
population. However, he and his friends are confident in their
advantages including fighting defensively, better morale, and their
superior military minds.

Clevard A. Gunter

Cotton Diplomacy struck Clevard's thoughts as he and his best friends Robert E. Lee and Thomas
"Stonewall" Jackson discuss their advantage of having heavy foreign reliance on cotton that will
eventually aid them financially in the war. They also discuss the matter of the on-going battle of
the 1st Bull Run occurring at the moment in Virginia and how easy of a victory they are going to

Robert E. Lee
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson

cotton field! Those French and
British who will buy it will save
us a lot of money!

going to be a piece of

ill-prepared soldiers,
we Rebels will be
known as invincible!

After the big win at the Battle of Bull Run, Clevard decides to begin spying in the Union in order to
gain more advantages. He finds out that George McClellan is now the Commander of the Union
in the East, and boy does he like to train. Meanwhile, new laws enacted by the North are
beginning to take effect in the South, such as Morill Tariff Act, which protected the industrial
workers of the North by raising rates, the Homestead Act, which enabled people, even slaves, to
apply for a federal 160 acre land grant, and the Morill Land Grant Act, that allowed for the
creation of land-grant colleges.

Clevard in Union Spy Attire

soldiers like crazy! I hope they
aren't very good! After all these
tariff and land acts the Union has
been passing, we don't need them
to get any stronger!

General George McClellan

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