Conflict Books

  • ABC's of CONFLICT A Children's Guide
    A children's book that introduces the concept of conflict, its causes, and resolution strategies through an alphabetical format.
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  • The Amazing Story of the Zing
    A former library aide at a school in Maryland, decorated the library one day with colorful yarn. She strung it here & there and just about everywhere...even out into the…
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  • The Adventures of Goldie and Rosie
    Rosie and Goldie, two dogs, try to catch Pesky the squirrel who they think is stealing from them. The human intervenes and Pesky escapes, but the dogs vow to catch him next t…
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  • Winnie The Pooh
    Winnie the Pooh befriends a caterpillar but faces conflict with Rabbit over it. They argue about freedom of speech, but eventually reconcile.
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  • Wilderness
    As a prologue to an upcoming series, "Wilderness" explains how the character, Aaron Clark, lands himself alone, hungry, and thirsty in the unforgiving wilderness
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  • UMS Writing Camp 2019 Lego Legends Vol. I
    Princess Ariel is kidnapped by an evil alien and taken to Mars. With the help of her cook, she escapes and marries him.

    Percy investigates storms in Stormax and fig…
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  • Mining Is Hard
    Steve goes mining for diamonds and emeralds, but encounters challenges with trading and the villagers. He makes some questionable choices along the way.
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  • Twinsanity
    Sophia and Stephanie are twins. They share everything, but one day, one twin decided she wanted something different. The other wasn't too thrilled about the changes. Can thes…
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