April 1, 1947 - September 13, 2009
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Aaron was only supposed to be in those woods for two
weeks. He had been in the woods for twenty-two days
now. He was starting to lose hope. He had no food,
water, or shelter.
Aaron had no idea that this was going to be so hard.
He realized that actually surviving was different than
what they taught him in that stupid class. He said to
himself, "How could I be so arrogant and bull-headed. I
can't believe I was stupid enough to get myself in this
Three Weeks Earlier
"How can you even benefit from this?" said Mrs.
Aaron replied, "If I'm ever in that type of situation, I'll
know exactly what to do. Would you rather have your

die?" "Never ask a question you know the answer to. I
don't like the idea of it what so ever. Your father would
turn over in his grave if he heard this." Mrs. Clark said.
Aaron said,"I'm an adult mom, I can make my own
decisions. All I wanted was your opinion." "Well you've
got it son, and if you don't like it you can get out of my
house!" yelled Mrs. Clark. Aaron didn't even hesitate. He
immediately got up from the dinner table, put on his
coat, and stormed out of his mother's home.
This would be the last time Aaron and his mother
would speak before the incident. Aaron didn't care if his
mother liked it or not, he was still going to take the
survival course in the wilderness for a month. Aaron
would get on a plane tomorrow to the location of the
course. At

this point in the day Aaron was absolutely exhausted so
he drove straight home and barely made it to his bed to
fall asleep for the night.
The next morning Aaron woke up in a daze then
looked at his clock and yelled out,"Nine-o-clock!" Aaron
had over slept and had to make it to the airfield in thirty
minutes. Aaron thought that there was no way he could
make it. He still had to pack too! He quick sprung out of
bed and threw his clothes on, and the rest of his clothes
in his duffel bag and ran out of his apartment and threw
himself and his duffel bag into his car.
While Aaron still had twenty minutes to get to the
airfield, he was worried about his car making it there in
one piece. He had recently purchased an old, beat-up

1970 Pontiac Firebird. It was a bit of a clunker. Aaron was
afraid to take the car faster than thirty miles-per-hour, but he
did it anyway. Even though his engine sputtered the whole way
and nearly lost a tire, Aaron made it to the airfield with no
time to spare. He quick ran out to the hangar where he was
told to meet the pilot at.
Once he got there he saw a burly, bearded man checking
over a small four-seated plane. Aaron assumed that this was
the pilot. To his left were two other men sitting on a bench.
One was wearing a V-neck shirt, shorts, flip flops, and a
ridiculous amount of gear. "I thought there were only men
going on this trip." Aaron said to himself. The other man
sitting on the bench had a trimmed, yet scruffy beard and
nearly the same clothes Aaron was wearing. He was sitting
next to his two duffel bags. The pilot approached Aaron and

said,"Are you Aaron Clark?" The man said,"Yes I am
sir." replied Aaron. "I'm Randall, Aaron. Nice to meet
you. I'm the man who's going to be taking you to that
camp up north." Aaron said,"Nice to meet you too
Randall. Do you know when we'll be leaving?" Randall
said,"In just a few minutes. I'm doing some last minute
check-overs, but you can have a seat over there next to
those two gentlemen."
Aaron walked over to the bench and sat down in-
between the two men. He said absolutely nothing to the
two men and within a few minutes it was time to load up
the plane. Aaron and the man with the trimmed beard
were loaded up and in the plane within seconds.
However the other man was a different story. It took a
literal ten

minutes to load all of his gear into the plane. After that,
him and the pilot got in the plane and we were off.
Aaron couldn't remember any of the plane ride, as he
had slept the entire time. When the plane landed the
man that seemed very similar to Aaron got out of the
plane and opened the door Aaron was leaning on. Aaron,
still sleeping immediately fell out of the plane. He woke
up as soon as he hit the ground and asked, ”What did
you do that for!” The man said nothing and walked
away. Aaron decided now is not the time for this.
Aaron went back into the small plane to get his bag.
When he did this, Aaron realized he had done something

horrible. His mind immediately went back to the night
before and the fight he had with his mother. Aaron
thought, “If I would've been thinking I would've done so
many things differently. I would've told her earlier. I
wouldn't have yelled. Most of all I wouldn't have left her
house on such horrible terms.”
Aaron had so many thoughts on his mind. He
decided that he needed to clear his mind, so he then
started to make his way to the check-in and orientation.
Aaron couldn't remember much of that night because he
was so tired.
The next morning Aaron awoke in a very small shack
that had only his bed, small wood stove, and an

even smaller clock. For once, Aaron had not overslept so
he put his clothes on and was out the door heading to a
lodge-like building for breakfast. When Aaron was inside
the building, the amount of people inside overwhelmed
him. On the other side of the room he saw a large
counter with a decent amount of food. Aaron walked over
to it, grabbed a plate, and found a place to sit down. Of
course, Aaron’s luck landed him sitting next to the man
who made him fall out of the plane.
When he realized the man was there, Aaron said,
“What was the point of pulling me out of the plane?”
The man said, “I didn't pull you out, you fell out. I

don’t appreciate your tone Aaron.”
Aaron said, “I don’t appreciate being pulled out of
planes but look what happened. Wait, how do you know
my name?”
The man said, “I know a lot about you Aaron. I know
where you live, I know where your mother lives, and I
know that you've been driving my stolen car.”
Aaron said, “What! I didn't steal your car. I bought it
from an old man in Florida who needed some money for
The man replied, “I saw it with my own eyes. Didn't
your mother ever teach you not to lie?”

The last thing Aaron wanted to think about right now
was his situation with his mother. Aaron thought that
this was the biggest mistake he had made in his entire
life. The guilt was overwhelming, but Aaron couldn't
leave. This was important to him. For once in his life,
Aaron wanted to completely go through with something.
Believe it or not, the only thing Aaron had completely
gone through with in his life was a meal.
Aaron thought, “I’m an adult now. I need to go
through with this. I need to.”
Aaron was sick and tired of arguing so he picked up his
things and went to a different table. Breakfast was now
over and it was time to start the training.
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April 1, 1947 - September 13, 2009
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Aaron was only supposed to be in those woods for two
weeks. He had been in the woods for twenty-two days
now. He was starting to lose hope. He had no food,
water, or shelter.
Aaron had no idea that this was going to be so hard.
He realized that actually surviving was different than
what they taught him in that stupid class. He said to
himself, "How could I be so arrogant and bull-headed. I
can't believe I was stupid enough to get myself in this
Three Weeks Earlier
"How can you even benefit from this?" said Mrs.
Aaron replied, "If I'm ever in that type of situation, I'll
know exactly what to do. Would you rather have your

die?" "Never ask a question you know the answer to. I
don't like the idea of it what so ever. Your father would
turn over in his grave if he heard this." Mrs. Clark said.
Aaron said,"I'm an adult mom, I can make my own
decisions. All I wanted was your opinion." "Well you've
got it son, and if you don't like it you can get out of my
house!" yelled Mrs. Clark. Aaron didn't even hesitate. He
immediately got up from the dinner table, put on his
coat, and stormed out of his mother's home.
This would be the last time Aaron and his mother
would speak before the incident. Aaron didn't care if his
mother liked it or not, he was still going to take the
survival course in the wilderness for a month. Aaron
would get on a plane tomorrow to the location of the
course. At
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