Written in remembrance of the whales who've had to undergo the scary big booms. </3

This is Bailey. He is a beluga whale. You may know him if you saw the movie Finding Dory. This is Bailey’s story of before he met Dory.
Bailey and his family communicate using sounds called echolocation. That is where different noise wavelengths help Bailey and his whale pals and family talk to each other.

Bailey is a very adventurous baby beluga. He loves exploring. One day, he swam away from the group to hide when he saw a big figure near the drop off.

From his hiding hole, he saw that it was a giant whale shark swimming in circles. He shouted, “Hey! Look out for the-!” He was going to say “the reef,” but the whale shark couldn’t see well and ran right into the reef.

He laughed at the whale shark. How silly of her! But all of a sudden, the fun stopped, as Bailey heard a large BOOM coming from behind him.

Bailey was very scared and he tried to use his echolocation to find his mommy. But she didn't reply, so he tried again. And again. And again. But she never heard him.

Bailey noticed the whale shark looked like she was scared and in pain too. He stopped crying and swam over to her. “What’s wrong Mrs. Shark?” he yelled.
“Mrs.?! I’m only four! Call me Destiny!” she yelled. To be heard over the constant booms, he shouted “I’m four too! My name is Bailey! Do you know where my mommy went?”

Destiny looked puzzled. She said, "I haven't seen another beluga for hours, when the whole pod left to escape these awful explosions!" Bailey looked stunned.

“Well, that means I better get going to look for them! It was nice meeting you!” Bailey yelled to Destiny.
She said “Well, it was nice meeting you too! Why don’t I just help you look?”

Together, Bailey and Destiny searched across the ocean. They passed all kinds of places, like the EAC, which is the East Australian Current. When they were there, they met Crush and his son, Squirt.
“Have you seen my family?” Bailey asked. “There were tons of loud booms every ten minutes, and they didn’t stop for weeks! I tried using my echolocation, but it wasn’t loud enough, and I lost my mommy.”

Crush looked sad for Bailey. He replied “Sorry, lil’ bro man! We haven’t seen a beluga in weeks! Bust of luck to you, whale kids!” Squirt waved goodbye, and Bailey and Destiny continued on their adventure.
Bailey and Destiny swam past the EAC, and they felt very defeated. They didn’t know if they’d ever be able to find his family.

On their swim through the ocean, they saw a lot of sad fish parents without children. Bailey swam over to one of the clownfish couples. “Excuse me, have you seen any beluga whales? I’ve lost my family and my echolocation is broken,” he explained.
“Oh I’m sorry, sweetie, but we haven’t,” replied the lady fish. She asked, “How long has it been since you’ve seen them?”
Bailey stuttered, “Um- I- uh- I DON’T KNOW!” He got very stressed and upset and he started crying again.
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Written in remembrance of the whales who've had to undergo the scary big booms. </3

This is Bailey. He is a beluga whale. You may know him if you saw the movie Finding Dory. This is Bailey’s story of before he met Dory.
Bailey and his family communicate using sounds called echolocation. That is where different noise wavelengths help Bailey and his whale pals and family talk to each other.

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