To my future students, who all have a story to tell, I hope you all enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed making it...and find it informative too!

"Good Morning and welcome to my, Mrs. Wilkinson's, Writer's Workshop. Please come in, gather around and let's get started!"

"Today we are going to start a new routine. Every Friday I want you to pick up your red Writing Folder, there is one for each of you with your name on it. They will be at the Writer's Station, and then gather as a group just like this."

Today's Mini Lesson: Personal Narrative

"Now, it is time for the mini lesson, for example, I may decide to share a short story, or a poem I have written or one written by someone else, maybe even one of YOURS! After the reading we will go over ideas, andI will give tips on strategies for you to use to become an even greater writer. We will spend about 10 minutes doing this. Today's mini lesson is on Personal Narrative and I am going to share a story about my silly dog ."

Today's Mini Lesson: Personal Narrative
After reading her dog story, Mrs. Wilkinson says:

"WOW!!! You are all such great listeners! Before I send you back to your seats, let's do a little brainstorming. Brainstorming is what we do when we are trying to think of ideas to write about. After listening to my story does anyone have any ideas about what they would like to write about, please raise your hand, if you would like to share your idea."

Star Writer of the Week

"What great ideas, now it is independent writing time, I want you all to take your writing folders and go back to your seats. If you need a little more time to brainstorm, take about 5 minutes to do that and then add all your ideas to your brainstorming idea page. After that, I would like you all to start writing your stories. This copy will be your rough draft. A rough draft is not your final draft, but a copy you can make changes to. I will be walking around the room while you are writing and I may stop to discuss your story. "

Yes Wanda?
Can you help me, I am not sure how to start my story?
Independent Writing Time

"It looks like all of you have had a great start! Now please bring your writing back to the group area, for Share time."
20 to 25 minutes later. . .

"During share time, we will spend 10 to 15 minutes sharing our work. You may volunteer or I will pick someone. While your classmate is sharing their story please listen, and be thinking of any questions or comments you would like to makewhen they are finished. Also, please remember to be kind, everyone has worked very hard on their stories., we want to encourage everyone, not make them feel badly. However, feedback is very important in writing and for those sharing, you may want to make notes of your classmates ideas, questions and comments to help make improvements to your story. It is o.k. to make changes to your stories, you can mark them up, remember these are rough drafts."
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To my future students, who all have a story to tell, I hope you all enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed making it...and find it informative too!

"Good Morning and welcome to my, Mrs. Wilkinson's, Writer's Workshop. Please come in, gather around and let's get started!"

"Today we are going to start a new routine. Every Friday I want you to pick up your red Writing Folder, there is one for each of you with your name on it. They will be at the Writer's Station, and then gather as a group just like this."

Today's Mini Lesson: Personal Narrative

"Now, it is time for the mini lesson, for example, I may decide to share a short story, or a poem I have written or one written by someone else, maybe even one of YOURS! After the reading we will go over ideas, andI will give tips on strategies for you to use to become an even greater writer. We will spend about 10 minutes doing this. Today's mini lesson is on Personal Narrative and I am going to share a story about my silly dog ."

- END >
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