Table of Contents:
Chapter one: Self-esteem
Chapter two: Dating Guidelines
Chapter three: Sexting
Chapter four: Dating Violence
Chapter five: Sexual Harassment
Chapter Six: Cyber Bullying and Bullying
Self-esteem- Chapter 1
What is self-esteem?
A persons overall sense of self worth or personal value.
Self-esteem can involve a variety of beliefs about the self, such as the appraisal of one's own appearance, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors.
How does self-esteem affect body image?
Body image is how you view your physical self — including whether you feel you are attractive and whether others like your looks.
And your body image affects your self-esteem because if you like the way your body looks then you will have an easier time having good self-esteem. Your body will be something you can tell yourself that you like.
How can someone improve their self-esteem?
Self-esteem is made up of the thoughts, feelings, and opinions we have about ourselves. That means self-esteem isn't fixed. It can change, depending on the way we think because over time, habits of negative thinking about ourselves can lower our self-esteem.
So if you change the way you think about yourself, then your self-esteem will get better in return.

Dating Guidelines- Chapter 2
Characteristics of a healthy relationship?
1. Communication: you need to be able to talk with your partner so that there is no room for lying or confusion.
2. Mutual Respect: You both need to feel equally cared about and loved by not being disrespectful to each other.
3. Fun: You both need to be able to have fun with each other so that you both don't get bored in the relationship.
4. Comfort-ability: You guys need to feel comfortable around each other so that you can be yourself and not feel stressed about feeling like you need to be perfect 24/7.
5. Creativity: You both need to get creative with date ideas and etc. so that you both have a fun and good time on your dates.
Characteristics of an unhealthy relationship?
1. Abuse: You should not have any type of abuse present in your relationship, whether it be physical or mental.
2. No Communication: Without good communication your minds could wonder and you could falsely accuse them of something that they didn't do.
3. Judgment: You guys should not judge each other about what the other person enjoys or likes. How would you like that if they did it to you?
4. No fun: If you guys don't have fun when you guys are together, then you will get bored and the relationship will surely not last very long.
5. Lying: If you guys lie to each other, whether it be as small as eating the last piece of pizza or as big as cheating on each other, you guys should not lie to each other. It will leave room for confusion and your guys minds will wonder to false places.
Fight Resolution Strategies?
If you find yourself in a relationship fight then you should walk away and take time by yourself before revisiting the issue together.

Sexting Guidelines- Chapter 3
What is sexting?
Sexting, or the act of sending sexually explicit material through text messages, often via mobile phones.
How is sexting used?
People send sexually explicit photos to others over the internet and text message. The photos can be seen by one or multiple people.
What are the dangers of sexting?
The photos can be seen by people that you don't want seeing them and they can be posted on social media. They can be used as black-mail you in various ways.
What are the coincidences of sexting?
The images that you send can be seen by anyone. So that means your future employers, colleges and even your family. You should not be trust anyone with a sexual picture of yourself because it can easily be shared.

Dating Violence Guidelines- Chapter 4
Three different types of dating violence:
- Physical: Actually touching (hitting)
- verbal: Cruel words
- Sexual: Unwanted sexual experiences
Cycle of violence:
Honeymoon: Apologizes, promises and blaming.
Tension builds: Yelling, anger and criticism.
Explosion: Attacks and threats.

Resources to get help:
If you need immediate service call 911.
If not call The National Domestic Violence Hotline:
1800-799-7233 (SAFE).

Sexual Harassment Guidelines-Chapter 5
Types of sexual harassment:
Some types of sexual harassment are unwanted touching, consistent requests, verbally exclaimed remarks and etc.
How should you respond to sexual harassment?
You should evaluate your situation to see what you should say to your harasser. But a universal responses should be that you should tell them that you don't like it and tell them how they should actually treat you. And if they don't conform to your requests then you should report the incidents.
Consequences for sexual harassment?
You should not sexual harass anyone because it not only permanently affects the victim, but it can also permanently affect you. You can be arrested and charged for sexual harassment. You could lose your job, family, etc.

Cyber-Bullying and Bullying Guidelines-Chapter 6
Whats the difference between cyber-bullying and bullying?
Cyber-bullying: Cyber bullying is when either a group of people or an individual harasses another person or group of people online. This can be sexual harassment, discrimination, name calling, etc. But this type of bullying is exclusively online or on social media.
Bullying: Bullying is not online, it's in person. But it still can be really traumatic for the victim or victims and they're family. Bullying can be discrimination, name calling, physical abuse, etc.
What are three forms of bullying?
Verbal bullying: Verbal bullying may seem childish and nonthreatening but it's far from that. Verbal bullying can be name-calling or taunting. The victim or victims can take serous offence to the bullying and could start to think that the mean remarks made about them are actually true.
Physical Bullying: Physical bullying is when the bullying turns into physical abuse. This can be hitting, kicking, throwing, pushing, etc. Anytime a person touches you trying to bully you it's physical bullying.
Cyber-Bullying: Cyber-bullying, like I mentioned, is bullying that is executed online. This can be on social media or just on the internet. This can be typed insults, discrimination and etc. Although this type of bullying is not face-to-face, it still is hard for the victim to deal with.
What are some consequences of bullying for the victim?
Bullying can be really traumatic for the victim or victims.
Bullying can have long lasting effects such as new mental disorders, social skill decrease, permanent friendship damage, and even something really permanent, suicide. Bullying has been known to push kids over the edge and lead them to think that suicide is the right option. Which it is not!!
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Table of Contents:
Chapter one: Self-esteem
Chapter two: Dating Guidelines
Chapter three: Sexting
Chapter four: Dating Violence
Chapter five: Sexual Harassment
Chapter Six: Cyber Bullying and Bullying
Self-esteem- Chapter 1
What is self-esteem?
A persons overall sense of self worth or personal value.
Self-esteem can involve a variety of beliefs about the self, such as the appraisal of one's own appearance, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors.
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