A book dedicated to all the little scientists in the world.
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Atoms. Everything on Earth contains atoms. The clouds in our atmosphere contain atoms because they are made of tiny droplets of water. When it rains, the water released from the clouds gets absorbed by the plants. Plants are all over our earth, and thankfully we have bees that function as agents of pollen which allow for diversity of plants. Some plants and fruits taste sweet, while others taste sour because they have acid. There are many alternatives out there and if you don't like sour fruit, you can always have sweet fruit!
Plants and fruits aren't the only things that can have acid. A long long time ago, when a bunch of volcanoes were active, chemicals were spouted into the air and made the rain acidic. This is known as acid rain.
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Bacteria that are all over the planet. They were the first organisms on Earth. Barrier Reef is a biome and contains all sorts of biological life, including bacteria. A lot of the lifeforms in the ocean are found on the bottom most layer of the ocean and this is known as the basal layer. The ocean is not only home to all sorts of life forms, it houses geological land forms as well. A batholith is a large "hole" in the earth made from magma rock (igneous rock) and they go deep into the earth's crust - these can be found in the ocean.
Scientists use tools to detect or determine natural phenomena. Climatologists use barometers to measure atmospheric pressure which helps them forecast the weather. The barometer is what helps the weather reporter determine if there will be a blizzard or a hurricane.
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Calorie, the measure of energy. All carbon based organisms consume calories and that's how they get their energy which is broken down chemically. Many living organisms breathe out carbon dioxide, but plants breath it in so their cells can undergo the Calvin cycle. When trees age and live healthy by breathing in CO2, they have gain concentric rings (bones also have concentric rings). In order for trees to live strong and healthy, the temperature must be ideal. Temperature is measured in Celsius in many continents.
Side note: Not all continents have trees.
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Data which is used to collect information. Data is used to determine density, dew point, and weather patterns that may affect climate and bring about drought. Data has shown us that drought coupled with over plowed fields can lead to dustbowls which are very severe dust storms.
Data also informs us of past events. We know that many dinosaurs were displaced after a meteor struck the earth and this played a role in the extinction of the dinosaurs.
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Earth. Earth is home to many natural phenomena like earthquakes which shake up and break up the land. Earthquakes take a lot of energy to produce, but everything on earth has energy. Elements like carbon, gold, and magnesium contain electrons which have an electric charge, thus having energy. You can find these elements in our environment. Oxygen is another element that is a large part of our environment. Combined with hydrogen, it produces water which then gets evaporated and forms clouds. When the water in the clouds falls heavy on the earth, erosion occurs. Erosion happens when the land gets eroded by wind, water, or other natural agents.
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Flood. Floods happen when there is too much water, a fluid, on the earth's surface - like the street in your neighborhood. The formula for water is H2O (2 hydrogen and one oxygen) and this fluid is a fundamental source for life on earth. Water isn't the only type of fluid, fluid can come in the form of petroleum which is essentially fossil fuels. You must be really careful with this fossil fuel because it is highly flammable.
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Galaxy. We live in a galaxy called the Milky Way. In our galaxy we have plenty of stars that are made of gaseous substances like helium. All the stars and dust in the galaxy are held together by gravitational pull. Gravity is a very important factor of our globe because it lets us walk the earth. Every planet and moon has a different level of gravity, but in space there is NO gravity.
Our planet has been around for billions of years and the gravity hasn't changed much. Geologists, people who study geology, are able to determine this by looking at evidence of land dating far back into geologic time and studying land forms and liquids of the earth. The main liquid that geologist study is water and this could be found on the surface of the earth or in the ground. Water that is in the ground is called ground water and we cannot see it unless we dig a well.
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Heat Energy. Everything has heat energy that can be taken away or added to. H2O or hydrogen dioxide (water) has heat energy and can get really hot when heat is applied to it. Water in the environment can make regions humid if there is plenty of sun (heat energy). When the two different temperatures of water, hot and cold, combine, hurricanes are formed. Scientists had to discover how this natural phenomena occurred by creating multiple hypotheses, or educated guesses. Most hurricanes occur in the northern hemisphere of the globe because hot and cold water mix more frequently.
Side note: hydrogen is a large component of water, and in our drinking water, industries add hydroxide.
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Igneous rock - types of rocks formed from cooled magma. Some igneous rocks are impermeable, while others aren't. Many igneous rocks can withstand large impacts and are hard to break. These rocks contain freely moving ions because they are formed from chrystaline material. Once the rocks are formed and exposed to the environment, organisms can easily interact with them such as bacteria that may eat the rocks.
Life Science Fact: An ion imbalance in our bodies can have negative results; balance is important for our health and well-being.
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Jet propulsion, an integral part of space exploration that takes a lot of energy which is measured by Joules. This allows astronomers to enter space and makes it easier to send satellites or other space craft out to explore planets like Jupiter. Through space exploration, scientists can study the atmospheres of various planets. This is how we know that our planet is not the only one that has jet streams (narrow wind currents) high in our atmosphere. Other objects that sound like jets, but aren't related at all are Jetty(ies). Jetties are found on the oceans by docs and harbors and function as breakwaters to prevent the tides from destructing the harbors.
Earth Science Fact: Oceans began to form during the Jurassic period and desert lands became tropical
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Kelvin, a unit of measure for temperature.
Johannes Kepler, a mathematician who contributed to astronomy with his work on planetary motion
Kangaroo, an Australian mammal pertaining to the kingdom animalia. Kangaroos have really strong tails to help them balance.
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Land mass. Land masses are found in various locations and make up the earth's lithosphere (crust). Land masses are made of many layers of rock and sediments that sometime erode and cause landslides. Some landmasses, like volcanoes, contain lava which is molten rock in liquid form. Unlike solid rock, lava has a low density, but as it hardens into igneous rock, it's density increases. Many photographers like to capture lava erupting from volcanoes because it is so luminous. The color of lava may resembles the color of a lunar eclipse. It may seem like lava is more luminous than a lunar eclipse, but the eclipse has more luminosity than lava, even if it seems duller in color!
Earth Fun Fact: Many of our luminous stars are farther than they seem; their distance is measured in light years (the distance traveled by light, VERY FAST)
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Magma which is found at the earth's core and, like other substances, contains plenty of elements such as magnesium which contain molecules. The earth's core contains a lot of iron which when in spinning motion creates our planet's magnetic field as it generates electric currents. This magnetic field has helped marine biologist sail the globe with compasses which use magnets for navigation. Not only has the earth's magnetic field helped people sail, so has the moon. The moon has a gravitational pull that determines how high or low the tides will be. Based on the tides, sailors know whether or not it's safe to sail.
Earth Fun Fact: Earth's atmosphere is made of many layers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. Clouds form in the mesosphere, but it's really hard to study.
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Natural gas. Nitrogen is an example of a natural gas and like all elements it has neutrons and negative charges. Nitrogen is important for plant life to grow. Many fertilizers use nitrates, a polyatomic ion, to help plants grow nice and healthy. Within our soil live organisms called nitrogen fixing bacteria which help balance the nitrogen that enters our atmosphere. Like nitrogen, other elements such as nickel contain a nucleus. From their nuclei, scientists have discovered a way to generate energy, this is called nuclear energy.
Physics Fun Fact: the international system of units for force is called a newton, named after physicist, Isaac Newton.
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Observe. Scientists, including yourself, observe the world around us. We observe how natural phenomena occur. Some scientists, marine biologists, observe oceanic life including organisms living on the ocean floor. Through our observations, we have discovered that all life forms are made of organic compounds such as carbon. We are made of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, among other things. We need oxygen to live as we breathe it in and plants need carbon dioxide (what we breathe out) to live. Oxides, like in the word dioxide, are chemical compounds composed of one oxygen atom and another element.
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Pattern. In science, you will find that there are many patterns in life. For example, in the time period (length of time) where Earth was comprised of land only and tons of volcanoes, there weren't any plants. As the volcanoes erupted and chemicals were spouted into the atmosphere, clouds with the chemicals that stayed in the atmosphere began to form. From these clouds the earth experienced it's first instance of precipitation, rain. At first, this rain was acidic, but overtime it became less so. This water gave rise to plants and thus began the life process of plants. The pattern here is that where there's water, there is life. Those plants are now decomposed and so are the animals that lived long ago. From these deceased life forms we derive our petroleum. The burning of this type of fossil fuel has lead to pollution of our planet. We know this because there are patterns to suggest the link between the two.
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A book dedicated to all the little scientists in the world.
![StoryJumper Logo](https://www.storyjumper.com/images/cloud-logo-250.png)
Atoms. Everything on Earth contains atoms. The clouds in our atmosphere contain atoms because they are made of tiny droplets of water. When it rains, the water released from the clouds gets absorbed by the plants. Plants are all over our earth, and thankfully we have bees that function as agents of pollen which allow for diversity of plants. Some plants and fruits taste sweet, while others taste sour because they have acid. There are many alternatives out there and if you don't like sour fruit, you can always have sweet fruit!
Plants and fruits aren't the only things that can have acid. A long long time ago, when a bunch of volcanoes were active, chemicals were spouted into the air and made the rain acidic. This is known as acid rain.
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