It is a Saturday morning.
Charles and Elizabeth are at home, each enjoying a cup
of Earl Grey tea accompanied
by freshly picked strawberries.
"It was jolly good of the museum to lend us the Mona Lisa,"
said Elizabeth.
"Quite so," agreed Charles.
"I do however feel her gaze upon me when I reach for the last
strawberry or biscuit!"
The telephone rang.
Charles answered it.
"Good morrow!"
said Charles cheerfully.
"Top of the morning to you, Charles!" said a familiar voice.
"Matthew here. I've chanced
upon something of great interest I'm sure will intrigue you."
"Oh?" said Charles inquisitively.
"Chanced? Great interest? Intrigue? You've piqued my curiosity. Do go on."
"Have a look at page twelve of today's newspaper,"
said Matthew.
"You'll find a mathematics competition I'm certain
you'll want to enter."
"A mathematics competition? This is most excellent,"
said Charles.
"I'll be certain to peruse it."
"Jolly good then,"
said Matthew.
"I'll let you get on.
Cheerio for now!"
"Thank you kindly for putting me onto this," said Charles.
"Cheerio, Matthew."
"That was Matthew,"
explained Charles to Elizabeth.
"There is a mathematics competition in today's
newspaper I'm to investigate."
"A mathematics competition?
I calculated as much."
joked Elizabeth.
Charles bellowed with
laughter at Elizabeth's pun.
"Very good. I could never
match your wit, m'love."
"You'd best hop to it then,"
said Elizabeth.
"You'll find your abacus in
the study. Don't forget
today's newspaper!"
Charles took the newspaper and headed to the study. Blowing the dust of his abacus, Charles set about reading the newspaper.
"Right," said Charles turning to page twelve of the newspaper,
"Let's see what I'm up against."
"Ah," said Charles wistfully,
"computational complexity theory. That old chestnut...
Oh well, might as well take a crack at it. After all, it's what
I based my thesis on."
Charles positioned his abacus
and set to work, all the while humming as he went about it.
Unaware of the passage of time,
Charles presses on with the mathematics competition.
Elizabeth appeared, bearing
a fresh cup of Earl Grey.
"I've fresh tea for you, Charlie,"
said Elizabeth.
"How are you getting on?"
"Swimmingly," replied Charles.
"I'm not too far off completion."
"Marvellous," said Elizabeth.
"Now, Charlie, you do realise
that not only is this your
fifth cup of tea, but it's
almost five in the afternoon!"
"Heavens!" exclaimed Charles.
I've lost track of time!"
"Thanks kindly for the tea,"
said Charles.
"I've one equation left to do.
I'd best finish up soon if I'm
to make today's post."
"Yes, indeed," replied Elizabeth.
"There's about two hours of sunlight left by my reckoning."
After completing the competition, as well as consuming his fifth cup of
tea for the day, Charles set
off to post his completed work.
Spying a large advertisement, Charles turned to look at it.
"Hmm," said Charles to himself,
"Elizabeth would love to see Australia. Awfully long way though. I've always wanted to see Busselton in Western Australia.
I should make enquiries."
With letter in hand, Charles approached the post box.
"Oh dear," said Charles,
"this is a pickle. I can't reach!"
"How on earth am I going to get around this?" thought Charles.
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It is a Saturday morning.
Charles and Elizabeth are at home, each enjoying a cup
of Earl Grey tea accompanied
by freshly picked strawberries.
"It was jolly good of the museum to lend us the Mona Lisa,"
said Elizabeth.
- END >
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