[Disclaimer] Some of the characters,settings and events of this story is fictional to appeal to the target audience however the staistics, dates, and information provided is factual.
The character models used have no correlation to any form of media, television show, movie, etc.

Once upon a time around 1972 in laboratory in San Francisco, there was a mad scientist who had an idea. An idea that could very well change the rules of biology!

You see, he got tired of regular old animals. They were boring and did not do much other than what regular animals do. Because they are - well you know - regular.

He wanted to make them more exciting! He wanted more captivating creatures such as glow in the dark mice, cattle that can produce medicine, and goats that can spin silk!

He had an idea, maybe he could directly transfer the DNA of one animal and change the genetic material to give these animals new characteristics. He called this process "Genetic Engineering" !

He weighed the pros and cons. There was the possibility of accidentally harming the animals, and doing it would cost a lot of money. But he was determined because it would make groundbreaking discoveries in understanding diseases and would benefit mankind by allowing them to farm resources from animals! So he continued.

It turns out that this process has actual been around for millions of years! It's been around ever since humans have been domesticating animals. It has even been used to make his dog hypoallergenic so he could own his dog without sneezing a lot. However, that was only through breeding and not on the level of Genetic Engineering that he had in mind.

Test Result:
His first attempts were not successful however. In fact the success rate of these types of processes are only 1-3%. However, the optimistic side of him said "At least the chances are not 0!" and so he kept trying.


Finally after many tests, the scientist was able to get it right! He was able to successfully transfer foreign DNA within a mouse! With this he was able to do a everything he ever wanted such as research diseases in mice, clone animals, and grow body parts and more! It seemed as if he was on the top of the world!



However, not everybody was fond of his idea, and some people thought it wasn't fair to the animals because it was cruel and inhumane. They got mad and protested! The police even came and tried to shut down his lab!

He showed them what he has made and tried to explain that the animals were doing fine! They did not feel any pain and everything was for the benefit of mankind!

They were convinced, however, to further assure the animals' safety, the government created the Food And Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate if the animals were going through any harm and also to monitor the use of animals in Genetic Engineering.
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[Disclaimer] Some of the characters,settings and events of this story is fictional to appeal to the target audience however the staistics, dates, and information provided is factual.
The character models used have no correlation to any form of media, television show, movie, etc.

Once upon a time around 1972 in laboratory in San Francisco, there was a mad scientist who had an idea. An idea that could very well change the rules of biology!

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