Genetic Engineering Books

  • The History of Genetic Engineering
    The story provides a brief overview of Gregor Mendel, the discovery of DNA, genetic engineering, and genetically modified foods.
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  • Genetic Engineering
    A child learns about genetic engineering and DNA, discovering its uses and potential.
  • Genetic Engineering in Animals
    A mad scientist in San Francisco experiments with genetic engineering to create unique animals, facing challenges and controversy along the way.
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  • Velocardiofacial Syndrome
    This book provides information about Velocardiofacial syndrome, including its history, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, inheritance, and genetic engineering. It also discusses…
  • Vocab Project
    A collection of definitions related to genetic engineering, twins, traits, and other genetic concepts.
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  • CRISPR Man and Cassie 9 Save the Day
    A couple seeks help from CRISPR Man and his partner to cure their sick baby, despite differing opinions from others.
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    An introduction to biotechnology, covering topics such as artificial selection, genetic engineering, and cloning.
  • Genetic Biotechnology
    A basic introduction to biotechnology, genetic engineering, and gene therapy, highlighting their applications in medicine and potential future advancements.
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