To all the young kids willing to learn all about religions in one simple story starring yours truly Goku!

Hiya everyone! My name is Goku and I will take you on this long trip to visit and learn about these wonderful religions! Lets begin shall we!
Chapter 1: Islam
Alright kids lets start first off with Islam, the religion of giving up to God!! Lets see who gets there first! Catch me if you can!!
Muslims believe in Allah as their savior and Mohammed and their prophet just like how Christians such as me believe that God is everything and Jesus is the savior!
Also Muslims have the Quran instead of Christians Bible. While we are on the way there I should tell you to not be afraid they are really nice people just give them a chance you'll see...
Woah you're really strong! Well allow me to show you this cube! Looks good right? Well this believed to be the "House of Allah" its pronounce Kaaba (Kahbah) can you believe it?! We have an object that is believed to come from God himself! Also according to the Quran (which is their Holy Book) they must visit this place at least once in their lifetime.

Oh and these right here! These are the pillars, there are five in total. The Shahadah which is basically the quote the have to say to become a muslim, then we have prayers which they pray 5 times a day, after that we have fasting which means giving up food.. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT THEY GO WITHOUT FOOD NO WAY!! After that is the Charity work for all the poor people. And Finally we have the Pilgrimage which is them wanting to go to Mecca to see the Kaaba

Muslims pray at a certain place called the Mosque. They pray while doing actions called the Rakah. These actions are very sacred and must be taken very serious while performing them.
A major Muslim celebration is called the Ramadan.During this, Muslims practice fasting (Sawm). They fast on daylight and are not allowed to eat nor drink anything. This has a bit of more rules such as people whom are sick or under age of 12 do not have to fast.
The trip has just begun!! unto the next religion see you on Chapter 2 the religion of Hinduism! Bye now!
Chapter 2: Hinduism
Hindus believe in over 1 MILLION Gods!! They believe that there is a God for everything you want, for example if you wanted to continue your amazing life, you would pray to a God named Vishnu to keep your life the way it is! Have you ever been to a Hindu temple? No?!?! Well I can tell you it is the most BEAUTIFUL place I have every seen! Ugh! Words cant explain ill just take you there! LETS GOOOO!

Darn! They wouldn't let us in.. Well if you would like to see inside of the Hindu Temple its simple! Come to Father Henry Carr and Take Religion on Grade 11 you will have an AMAZING!! Teacher named Mrs. Nigaruie and she will take you on this amazing trip to see this place!
A major Hindu Festival is called the Diwali. During this time the Hindus pray to a God named Lakshmi who is the Goddess of Wealth. Hindus would say prayers to this Goddess for a successful business year and laps are lit up on Hindus homes. Phenomenal isn't it....
Well thats all for Hinduism! ONTO Chapter 3 WE GO!!
Chapter 3: Buddhism
-This Chapters is Starring a NEW character!!-
Hello there kid...Goku's gone off somewhere and left me with you... I don't have much time so you better get going and if you whine I will leave you behind...Lets go you're wasting time..
Buddhist believe in a guy named Buddha, now do not mistaken his name with buddha because those are people who have achieved enlightenment which basically means they have accomplished their task in life.

Buddhist have a Holy book called the Tripitaka. This book is basically their way of life. It is worshiped in a temple same as Hinduism that is if you learned that from Goku, if not READ CHAPTER 2 THEN COME HERE!!

Buddhism is very similar to Hinduism... The major holiday they have is Vesak. This is celebrated by witnessing that the three most important stages of life; Birth, Enlightenment, and death all occurred during the same day for Buddha.
Ugh! You've wasted my precious time! I'm out of here Goku is coming back to get you so don't go roaming around kid.
Chapter 4: Jainism
Hey! I'm back!! I had to use the bathroom really quick sorry. How was Vegeta? Rude?? Aw hes always like that its alright he gets nice after a few years!
Well onto Jainism!! This religion believes that God is NOT the creator, destroyer, and preserver, they believe that God was a perfect human. This also means that they read a Holy book containing teachings of a person named Mahavira, this book is called the Agamas.

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To all the young kids willing to learn all about religions in one simple story starring yours truly Goku!

Hiya everyone! My name is Goku and I will take you on this long trip to visit and learn about these wonderful religions! Lets begin shall we!
Chapter 1: Islam
Alright kids lets start first off with Islam, the religion of giving up to God!! Lets see who gets there first! Catch me if you can!!
Muslims believe in Allah as their savior and Mohammed and their prophet just like how Christians such as me believe that God is everything and Jesus is the savior!
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