eTwinning kitchen
Collection of sweet and savory recipes

Macedonian cuisine

Macedonian cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the Balkans, containing Turkish, Greek and Middle Eastern influences and spiced with some Italian, Mediterranean and Hungarian influences too. Because of the relatively warm climate in Macedonia that allows excellent conditions for growing a variety of vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs, Macedonian cuisine is very diverse.
Macedonian cuisine is also known for the variety and large quantities of dairy products and local alcoholic drinks like rakija and various wines and liquors.
Macedonian cuisine is just another symbol of Macedonia's rich tradition. A large number of dishes that were eaten in Macedonia in the past, are still consumed today, a little changed, but still delicious. And the best of Macedonia can be seen through Macedonian cuisine. It is an inherent part of our tradition.
Macedonian food is one of the most delicious foods in the world. The secret of its irreplaceable flavor is that it's been prepared the same way for centuries: with lots of love. Some recipes have been restored and adapted to the present day.
Macedonian cuisine is known for its diversity. Favorite vegetables in Macedonia are tomatoes and cucumbers. You can't imagine a salad without these vegetables. Another, favorite vegetable in Macedonia is the red pepper. Red peppers are used for making ajvar, one of Macedonian's favorite delicacies for which we can certainly say that it is one of the best dishes in the whole world.

TIKVARNIK / kolac od tikve/bundeve
( traditional food in Macedonia)
Tikvarnik or pumpkin cake is a traditional cake that is commonly prepared in Macedonia during autumn and winter season. Recipe of how to prepare this awesome no-sugar pumpkin dessert.
2 kg pumpkin, 250 ml milk (you can replace milk with water), 4 eggs, 3-4 tbs honey, 1 vanilla sugar, 1-2 tablespoons flour , 1 baking powder, 2-3 tablespoons oil.
Boil pumpkin until soft. Mix it. Mix eggs with milk, oil, honey and vanilla. Add this mixture to the pumpkin and mix well with a mixer. Finally add the flour with the baking powder and mix well. Place in an oiled baking pan and put to bake in a preheated oven at 220 C degrees until it gets beautiful red color. Leave cake to cool well before cutting.

Macedonian Lettuce Salad with Yoghurt
3 small cos lettuce, 1 tsp salt, 1 x 8 ounces thick, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp oil; (olive if possible)
Separate the leaves on the lettuce, wash them thoroughly and dry them.
Tear each of the bigger leaves in half and arrange in a bowl.
Not more than 5 minutes before you're ready to eat, sprinkle the salt over the lettuce and beat the oil, lemon juice and sugar into the yoghurt.
Pour the yoghurt over the lettuce and toss gently and serve rapidly.
The lettuce will wilt if kept for more than 10 minutes in this dressing, but before then its crispness and the creaminess of the dressing complement each other wonderfully.

Лепчиња со Сирење - Сирењаци
Потребни состојки:
900 g брашно, 1 филџан масло, 1 лажичка сол, 1 квасец, 1/2 литар вода, 200 g сирење, 4 јајца ( 2 за тесто, 1 за сирење, 1 за мачкање).
Замесете гo квасецот со малку брашно, шеќер и топла вода да стаса. Додадете го маслото, 2 јајца, солта и водата, изработете го и оставете го да расне.
Откако ќе биде гoтoво тестото, поделете го на кравајчиња и секое oд нив расукејте ги во правоаголни кори. Уз работ на коричката ставете од сирењетo пoмешанo со јајца и изролувајте. Извиткајте ги ролничките како полжавчиња, наредете ги вo плех, премачкајте ги сo јајце, поросете ги со сусам и афион и откако ќе раснат десетина минути, испечете ги во загреана рерна додека да се вцрват.

Bosnia and Herzegovina cuisine
Bosnian cuisine is balanced between Western and Eastern influences. The food is closely related to former Yugoslav, Middle Eastern, and other Balkan cuisines.
Bosnian cuisine uses many spices, but usually in moderate quantities. Most dishes are light, as they are cooked in lots of water; the sauces are fully natural, consisting of little more than the natural juices of the vegetables in the dish. Typical ingredients include tomatoes, potatoes,onions garlic,bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots, cabage, mushrooms, spinach, courgette, dried and fresh beans, plums, milk , paprika and cream called pavlaka and kajmak.
Typical meat dishes include primarily beef and lamb.
Some local specialties are ćevapi, burek, dolma,sarma, pilav , gulaš , ajvar and a whole range of Eastern sweets.
The best local wines come from Herzegovina where the climate is suitable for growing grapes.
Plum or apple rakija, is produced in Bosnia.

Burek- a meat-filled flaky pastry, traditionally rolled in a spiral and cut into sections for serving. The same dish filled with cottage cheese is called sirnica, one with spinach and cheese zeljanica, one with squash/ zucchini called tikvanica, and one with potatoes krompiruša. All these varieties are generically referred to as pita.

Bosanska razljevuša / Uljevak / Ulivača
( traditional food in Cazin)
- 1 small zucchini
- 1/2 l of sour milk or yogurt (can also whey or fresh milk)
- 3 tablespoons with white flour
- 3 tablespoons corn flour
- 1 pack of baking powder
- 2 eggs
- 2 scoops of oil jugs
- salt
Peel and cut the zucchini into small pieces (do not bake it because it will become watertight if you chop into the hammers, that's ok). Put it, cover it with a cloth and leave it on the side.
In the second bowl, swipe the eggs, sour milk or yogurt and oil. Add flour (white and corn) and baking powder. Dissolve until everything is well combined and then add the flask. I did everything in the same bowl. Mix the mixture well, then pour it into a larger baking pan that was previously heated in the oven and then squeezed. In this way, your bark will be more crunchy and will not stick the pieces of the baking tray.
Bake in the oven at 200 C for about 30 minutes. If you want the peels to blur, increase the temperature to 250 C 10 minutes before the end of the frying. Take it out of the ditch and, if you want, faded with the kajmak while the diver is still hot. It can also be fed with finely chopped fresh parsley.
Enjoy your meal!

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eTwinning kitchen
Collection of sweet and savory recipes

Macedonian cuisine

Macedonian cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the Balkans, containing Turkish, Greek and Middle Eastern influences and spiced with some Italian, Mediterranean and Hungarian influences too. Because of the relatively warm climate in Macedonia that allows excellent conditions for growing a variety of vegetables, fruits, spices and herbs, Macedonian cuisine is very diverse.
Macedonian cuisine is also known for the variety and large quantities of dairy products and local alcoholic drinks like rakija and various wines and liquors.
Macedonian cuisine is just another symbol of Macedonia's rich tradition. A large number of dishes that were eaten in Macedonia in the past, are still consumed today, a little changed, but still delicious. And the best of Macedonia can be seen through Macedonian cuisine. It is an inherent part of our tradition.
Macedonian food is one of the most delicious foods in the world. The secret of its irreplaceable flavor is that it's been prepared the same way for centuries: with lots of love. Some recipes have been restored and adapted to the present day.
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