Spices Books

  • Jonty visits the spice souk
    Jonty the ginger cat goes on a rhyming journey to the spice souk in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.
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  • Herbs, Spices and A Splash of Fruit from A to Z
    It is time teach our children better eating habits from a young age. Taking advantage of the herbs, spices, fruits and vegetables that our land provides us to stay healthy an…
  • Pumpkin Spices story
    A family's beloved horse, Pumpkin Spice, is in danger of being sold when they lose their farm. The boys try to come up with a plan to keep her.
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  • Sugar and spice Bakery
    This is a great book about a Bakery named Sugar and Spice. What we may always want, doesn't mean we will get it!! Find out the dreams that Kylie has. Will they come true, fam…
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  • Macaroni & Cheese Please!
    A playful poem about a child's love for macaroni and cheese, with various food combinations suggested.
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  • Things Grownups Think Kids Don't Know
    As an adult someday planning to start my own family, I think frequently about how my brother and I grew up as children. Our parents did some of the funniest things that were …
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  • The Terror Train
    Need to spice things up a little? Well, this story's your stop! Read this adventure story to find out more!
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  • Christopher Columbus
    A brief history of Christopher Columbus and his journey to America, including the impact on Native Americans and the exchange of goods between Europe and America.
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