To my Psychology Teacher who forced this upon me. Here's to you.
While my mom was pregnant with me she gained a lot of weight but was still healthy. She had a reasonable amount of morning sickness during the first trimester. She developed visual migraines during second trimester and during third the visual migraines became more frequent but the neurologist told her that was normal. She had really weird dreams, she craved tangy foods like mustard and vinegar. During the pregnancy she couldn’t smell Mexican food without wanting to throw up. During one of the last checkups the doctor told my mom that I was getting to big and they might have to do an induced labor if I didn’t come soon. During the last trimester I was very active and caused lots of pain, but as my mom put it “it was the good type of pain.” I got stuck during the pregnancy on my mom’s pubic bone and she had to wait for around two hours at least until the doctor could come and pull me out.
Question A
Question B
Collin was the only name my Mom and Dad could agree on and I was named after a small boy my mom taught. My middle name is Wesley which was the name of the character who was also Dread Pirate Roberts in Princess Bride. I was called "Dead Pirate" while in my mother's womb.
Question C
There were no names for if I was a girl, because my parents tested to see what gender I was. Other boy names that were considered were Tyler and Riley.
Question 1
My mom was in labor from 9:00 A.M. to 4:55 P.M., a total of nearly eight hours.
Question 2
At birth I was 9 pounds 4 ounces and around 21 and a half inches.
Question 3
A picture of me around birth.
Question 4
I was 6 and a half months old when my first tooth came in.
Question 5
I was 9 months old when I took my first step.
Question 6
I was officially potty trained at 2 and a half years old.
Question 7
I lost my first tooth at 6 years old.
Question 8
The national average for length and weight of baby boys is 7.5 pounds and 19.6”. I weighed more than the national average and I also was taller than the national average.
Question 9
I’m not sure what my current vision is but I got glasses in 4th grade and I sure can't see without them.
Question 10
In my own words puberty is the time when hormones are released from your body finally making you sexually mature. Puberty does not come at a fixed age it can take longer or shorter for people to become sexually mature. This happens because your hormones are released at a fixed time determined by your genes.
Question 11
This is a picture of me around puberty beginning.
Question 12
I remember having two friends their names were Bob and Joe. Bob was a late bloomer and Joe was an early bloomer. Bob was more rational, had better judgment, impulse control, and long-term planning, while Joe just, reasoning from his gut, weighing the immediate benefits more heavily than the consequences. Bob had a better experience in adolescence than Joe because even though Joe was stronger and more athletic during his early teen years and tended to be more popular, self-assured, and independent, later on he suffered from alcohol use, delinquency, and premature sexual activity.
Question 13
My first word was “mom”.
Question 14
I said my first word at around 20 months.
Question 15
I said this word because I love my mom and I was always with her.
Question 16
When I was younger, I used to push my lips out and grunt at my parents. It meant I was saying no.
Question 17
When I was younger, I had a speech delay which meant I could understand more than what I could respond to. This resulted in me being physically aggressive to other children when I couldn’t communicate with them verbally.
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To my Psychology Teacher who forced this upon me. Here's to you.
While my mom was pregnant with me she gained a lot of weight but was still healthy. She had a reasonable amount of morning sickness during the first trimester. She developed visual migraines during second trimester and during third the visual migraines became more frequent but the neurologist told her that was normal. She had really weird dreams, she craved tangy foods like mustard and vinegar. During the pregnancy she couldn’t smell Mexican food without wanting to throw up. During one of the last checkups the doctor told my mom that I was getting to big and they might have to do an induced labor if I didn’t come soon. During the last trimester I was very active and caused lots of pain, but as my mom put it “it was the good type of pain.” I got stuck during the pregnancy on my mom’s pubic bone and she had to wait for around two hours at least until the doctor could come and pull me out.
Question A
Question B
Collin was the only name my Mom and Dad could agree on and I was named after a small boy my mom taught. My middle name is Wesley which was the name of the character who was also Dread Pirate Roberts in Princess Bride. I was called "Dead Pirate" while in my mother's womb.
Question C
There were no names for if I was a girl, because my parents tested to see what gender I was. Other boy names that were considered were Tyler and Riley.
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