To my sister.

The cemetery dream is about this scary time we had at church it was me my sister vanna and my older sister aviana we we're asked to go in the church basement which isnt creepy we play games and do carnivals anyways we went into the storage closet and it smelled like something died and was rotting in there we held our breath and grabbed some stuff then we closed the door quickly and breathed we started to head for the stairs and the lights started flickering and we ran the heck out of there closed and locked the door then we ran to the pastor and told him what happened and he said...well you'll have to read to find out the mystery(WARNING!!! may be scary for some readers.)(Fake)

<(Pastor Joe)
Pastor Joe says"Can you girls go down and grab some things from the storage room". All of us"Yeah" he hands us the list of what we need and we start walking down there. Aviana unlocks the door and we walk down the stairs and head to the storage room. I open it and we all go in and check the list. We all gag from the smell I say"Ew it smells like something died in here" Vanna says"Yeah it does". We all hold our breath and grab the things that are on the list. We run out of the storage closet as fast as we can and i close it. We all gasp for air as we head for the stairs. We hear a weird noise and the lights start flickering Vanna says"what that noise" I say"Thats the sound of me getting the heck out of here." We all run out and i lock the door.

Bouncy balls
Hula hoops

Me"Thats the sound of me getting the heck out of here"

Vanna"Whats that noise"
As we run to the pastors office our hearts are beating a little faster then our normal pace. We knock on his door and he says"come in". As we walk in we're shaking and terrified i say with a scared voice "The storage room smells like something died in there, we heard weird noises, the the lights were flickering". We give him the stuff on his list and he says"Its okay you're fine right" we all nod our heads yes he says"okay good" Vanna"Can we go to the piano room" Pastor joe says"Sure!". We walk to the piano room except aviana she stays with pastor joe to ask him something. Me and vanna are in the piano room and the lights flicker and blow out we scream and run out of the room and run to our mom and tell her what happened. As we tell her she sits us down and tells us to stay calm and say it slowly so it doesnt sound like we're mumbling. We speak in a normal tone.

As we get ready to head home with our mom we heard a chair move but me and vanna thought it was just out imagination so we didnt think much of it. We are halfway home and i say to our mom"Mommy im scared". Mom asked"Why sweetie" and i say"Because of what happened at church and mom mom says"What happened at church" i say"Nevermind". We get home and have dinner and watch some Tv. After dinner we get in our pajamas and go to bed. Vanna wakes up in the middle of the night ans starts crying and i wake up and ask whats wrong. Vanna turns to the left and walks into the livingroom as if something was telling her to go. I get out of bed and walk into the hallway. As i look to the right i see vanna sitting in the middle of the livingroom staring at the wall. I say"Vanna are you okay". While i walk up to her she says"She told me to follow her". I grab her hand and we run into moms room.

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To my sister.

The cemetery dream is about this scary time we had at church it was me my sister vanna and my older sister aviana we we're asked to go in the church basement which isnt creepy we play games and do carnivals anyways we went into the storage closet and it smelled like something died and was rotting in there we held our breath and grabbed some stuff then we closed the door quickly and breathed we started to head for the stairs and the lights started flickering and we ran the heck out of there closed and locked the door then we ran to the pastor and told him what happened and he said...well you'll have to read to find out the mystery(WARNING!!! may be scary for some readers.)(Fake)

<(Pastor Joe)
Pastor Joe says"Can you girls go down and grab some things from the storage room". All of us"Yeah" he hands us the list of what we need and we start walking down there. Aviana unlocks the door and we walk down the stairs and head to the storage room. I open it and we all go in and check the list. We all gag from the smell I say"Ew it smells like something died in here" Vanna says"Yeah it does". We all hold our breath and grab the things that are on the list. We run out of the storage closet as fast as we can and i close it. We all gasp for air as we head for the stairs. We hear a weird noise and the lights start flickering Vanna says"what that noise" I say"Thats the sound of me getting the heck out of here." We all run out and i lock the door.
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