On the 5th of March 2018, we set on an expedition to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. We learnt about many interesting organisms there. It includes mudskippers, lesser dog-faced fruit bats and many more!
This E-book includes our reflections, what we learnt about the organisms on this expedition, and many interesting facts that we found on the web! But don't worry, we have all the links of the websites we took information from. We really hope you enjoy this E-book!
Mudskippers are a type of fish and they are part of family/tribe called Periophthalmini. They are amphibious fish, which means that they can "walk" on land with their pectoral fins. Unlike most fish, they are adapted to intertidal habitats. These are places where the tide of the ocean goes in and out. E.g. Mangroves. When out of the water, mudskippers are very active. They will eat and interact with each other and protect their territories. Their relatives are gobies, although they are different in many ways. The mudskippers can breathe through their skin, lining of the mouth (mucosa) and their throat (pharynx).
Halfbeaks belong to the Family Hemiramphidae.
The family has 12 genera and 85 species. They are found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Halfbeaks eat things that float on the surface such as algae, tiny animals like zooplankton and other fishes. Some halfbeak species eat land insects that might fall into the water, while others eat seagrasses and algae.
Lesser Dog-faced Fruit Bat
Lesser dog-faced fruit bat eats fruits and drinks nectar. A fruit bat may travel nearly 100km in a single night to feed on fruiting trees such as palms, figs, guavas, bananas, mangoes and as well as on flowers.
Several bats (6-12) may roost together.
The female bat gives birth to one young which weighs about 11gms at birth.
Tree-Climbing Crab
Tree-climbing crabs, also known as Episesarma, have flat, squarish bodies and flat pointed legs. Its body width is about 4-5 cm. It can be commonly seen around the shores of Singapore. The sides of its body have a structure with a net-like pattern. This helps the crab recirculate oxygenated water in the gill chambers. In this way, these crabs can breathe air and stay out of the water for some time. At high tide during the day, tree-climbing crabs are often seen clinging to tree trunks just above the water line.
Cicadas are a part of a superfamily called Cicadoidea. They have distinctive eyes set wide apart, short antennae, and membranous front wings. They produce exceptionally loud sounds by vibrating their drumlike tymbals rapidly. This is to attract females for reproduction.
Mud Lobster
The mud lobster, also known as thalassina, is from the Family Thalassinidae.
It is almost never seen out of its burrow although the mounds that it creates on the ground is quite impressive. It can grow up to 30cm long, but rather than a lobster, it is more of a giant shrimp. It is a keystone in the eco-system. This is because when it burrows underground, it recycles nutrients to bring the nutrients within reach of other plants and animals. Its mound can be up to 2m high!
Water Hyacinth
Water hyacinths, also known as Eichhornia crassipes, are aquatic plants native to the Amazon Basin. They have broad, thick, glossy, ovate leaves. Water hyacinths may rise up above the surface up to 1 meter in height. Its leaves are up to 10-20 cm across and a single erect stalk can support a single spike of 8-15 conspicuously attractive flowers, mostly lavender to pink in colour with six petals. Its habitat ranges from tropical desert to subtropical or warm temperate desert to rainforest zones. It is also one of the fastest growing plants known.
Sea Almond
The sea almond, also known as Terminalia catappa, is a family combretaceae. It has large leaves, and is commonly grown along Singapore's parks and roadsides. It's a tall tree and is about 20-35m tall. The tree sheds its leaves twice a year, between January and February and July or August. Before shedding, its leaves will turn red, and in a few cases, yellow. Its leaves contain tanic acid, which can help to heal fish's wounds better, such as after fighting fish have fought.
Torch Ginger
Native to Malaysia, a bio-geographical region incorporating Indo-Malaysia and Australasia. Torch ginger thrives in full to partial shade and prefers disturbed areas. Pollinated mainly by spider-hunter birds.
Nipah Palm
Its palm-shaped leaves are very long (5-9m). The base of the frond is filled with air so it can remain upright even when submerged. The 'stem' of this palm is mostly horizontal and even underground.Pure stands of these palms often appear because of their growth habit from underground stems. The massive, dense underground stem and root system can resist swift running water better than most other mangrove species.
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On the 5th of March 2018, we set on an expedition to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. We learnt about many interesting organisms there. It includes mudskippers, lesser dog-faced fruit bats and many more!
This E-book includes our reflections, what we learnt about the organisms on this expedition, and many interesting facts that we found on the web! But don't worry, we have all the links of the websites we took information from. We really hope you enjoy this E-book!
Mudskippers are a type of fish and they are part of family/tribe called Periophthalmini. They are amphibious fish, which means that they can "walk" on land with their pectoral fins. Unlike most fish, they are adapted to intertidal habitats. These are places where the tide of the ocean goes in and out. E.g. Mangroves. When out of the water, mudskippers are very active. They will eat and interact with each other and protect their territories. Their relatives are gobies, although they are different in many ways. The mudskippers can breathe through their skin, lining of the mouth (mucosa) and their throat (pharynx).
Halfbeaks belong to the Family Hemiramphidae.
The family has 12 genera and 85 species. They are found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Halfbeaks eat things that float on the surface such as algae, tiny animals like zooplankton and other fishes. Some halfbeak species eat land insects that might fall into the water, while others eat seagrasses and algae.
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