Brittany Merrell
-Is in Second grade, Enjoys coloring, Dogs and responds well when she is able to clean her area before getting started on learning.
-Brittany Loves animals and naturally wants to help. She is very much a typical girl loves coloring with all colors of the rainbow, and drawing pictures as a reward.
-Dyslexic and ADD possible anxiety disorder
-Prefers learning in a quiet area. Responds well with little distraction. Has a hard time with rotations.

How to build connection with student
-You can connect with Brittany by allowing her to do arts and crafts. You can allow her to do assessments in a project manner as opposed to paper and pencil.It may also be a good idea to take breaks with her to see the therapy dog!
-Make sure to engage Brittany by personally calling on her during a lesson to ask what she thinks.
-For building student relationships allow Brittany time to talk with her peers.
-You may have to force Brittany to work with others due to her anxiety. However you could first start group activities with crafting projects since she likes them.
-You can also allow Brittany to pass out stickers of dogs to her classmates after doing class lessons together. It will not only give her a special job but also allow her to establish importance with her peers.
Motivation Strategies for Learning and Behavior
-Allow student to use different colors on writing assignments. This will increase attention to spelling and writing.
-For the student to be able to learn room must be if at all possible quiet (if not possible provide a safe place for student to focus).
-Brittany does her best learning when she does not feel put down or like she is in trouble. Be very mindful of your tone when correcting this student.
-Provide dog stickers to show improvement on Dibbles scores or other test.
-It also is a good idea to use manipulative such as dog toys or even dog treats!

Motivation Strategies for Learning and Behavior
-Reward Brittany when she is active listening or when she has success without praise she will "shut down". You can do this by simple praise or maybe a trip to see the school therapy dog.
-If Brittany begins to have an anxiety attack allow her to go to a safe corner, and lay a blanket over her. This will help in calming her down.
-If she is refusing to be an active listener basic punishments such as no recess or a call home is very effective.
No Behavior Chart Needed

Math:Tools to be used/allowed during testing and lessons
-Number line
-White board
-Manipulative's (blocks, counters, dog treats)
-Grid paper
During math Brittany will be provided support due to her lower writing ability. On top of that, test will be read to her in a different class.

Language Arts:Tools to be used/allowed during testing and lessons
*Brittany will be pulled for language arts into the*
Special Education Room
- Full access to our public library
- Save favorite books
- Interact with authors

Brittany Merrell
-Is in Second grade, Enjoys coloring, Dogs and responds well when she is able to clean her area before getting started on learning.
-Brittany Loves animals and naturally wants to help. She is very much a typical girl loves coloring with all colors of the rainbow, and drawing pictures as a reward.
-Dyslexic and ADD possible anxiety disorder
-Prefers learning in a quiet area. Responds well with little distraction. Has a hard time with rotations.

How to build connection with student
-You can connect with Brittany by allowing her to do arts and crafts. You can allow her to do assessments in a project manner as opposed to paper and pencil.It may also be a good idea to take breaks with her to see the therapy dog!
-Make sure to engage Brittany by personally calling on her during a lesson to ask what she thinks.
-For building student relationships allow Brittany time to talk with her peers.
-You may have to force Brittany to work with others due to her anxiety. However you could first start group activities with crafting projects since she likes them.
-You can also allow Brittany to pass out stickers of dogs to her classmates after doing class lessons together. It will not only give her a special job but also allow her to establish importance with her peers.
Motivation Strategies for Learning and Behavior
-Allow student to use different colors on writing assignments. This will increase attention to spelling and writing.
-For the student to be able to learn room must be if at all possible quiet (if not possible provide a safe place for student to focus).
-Brittany does her best learning when she does not feel put down or like she is in trouble. Be very mindful of your tone when correcting this student.
-Provide dog stickers to show improvement on Dibbles scores or other test.
-It also is a good idea to use manipulative such as dog toys or even dog treats!

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