I dedicate this poetry anthology to myself. I haven't always been a fan of poetry and this actually wasn't bad, i kind of liked doing poetry. Who knows maybe I'll do more by myself...Or not, I'm lazy. Oh well

Table Of Contents
I Am Poem
Bio Poem
Re-Creation Poem
Stylistic Imitation Poem
Definition Poem
Limerick Poem
Ode Poem
Found Poem
Choral Poem
Favorite Poem
I am a dreamer
I wonder if I’ll ever fulfill my one wish
I hear the whistle on a loop in my mind
I see teammates and defenders on the pitch
I want to win
I am a team player
I pretend to be like Lionel Messi
I feel passion for the beautiful game
I worry that i won’t make it
I cry when I let my team down
I am Poem: A Footballer
I am one of 11 warriors pushing through the battlefield
I understand that defeat is a part of life
I recite “I won’t go down” before games
I dream of being consumed by the roars and cheers of the Camp Nou
I try to be the best player I can be
I hope I can make my dream a reality
I am a footballer

Strong-minded, rebellious, independent, and funny
Cousin of Diego, Alberto, and Judas
Lover of Soccer, Success and sleep
Who feels exhausted after school, free of worry on the field, and thankful for his family
Who needs a job, time to play soccer, and to get healthy
Who gives all his energy, time, and effort into the beautiful game
Who fears getting lost in life, losing everything, and death
Who would like to see a Barcelona game, late night in Paris, and his own success
Resident of Shadow Hills
Bio Poem: Nicolas Martinez
It was on that cold December day
As the cold air was hissing past my face
The dog barked as it entered that December weather
The fog hanging around her house
Yet her porch light burned yellow
As time stood still she came out pulling the door shut
I didn't say anything, i just gazed
Her face bright with rouge, she is beautiful
As i approached her, The lady's eyes met mine
I took my girls hand as we walked away into that December day
Re-Creation Poem: A Walk In December
It was at one in the afternoon
It was exactly at one in the afternoon
The great stadium was roaring with joy
At one in the afternoon
Something extraordinary that had never happened before happened
At one in the afternoon
The steepest of mountains was to be conquered
At one in the afternoon
No team had ever come back after being 4 goals down
Stylistic imitation Poem: La Remontada
At one in the afternoon
It was Barcelona who defied all odds
At one in the afternoon
Hope dies last
At one in the afternoon
We had almost tied the game
At one in the afternoon
Until PSG got their away goal to just about seal their victory over us
At one in the afternoon
Our drive and motivation had receded like waves in the ocean
At one in the afternoon
But just like the waves, we came back
At one in the afternoon
Barcelona never stopped fighting until the last whistle had blown
At one in the afternoon
Suddenly, we were one away from winning
At one in the afternoon
The ball flew over the PSG defense
At one in the afternoon
Roberto's right foot kissed the ball into the top right
At one in the afternoon
The field began to flood with the Barcelona staff and bench
At one in the afternoon
The Camp Nou was jumping with tears of joy
At one in the afternoon
They scored four, but we knew we could score six
At one in the afternoon
We had accomplished the impossible
At one in the afternoon
We had made history with this legendary comeback
Definition Poem: Freedom
Freedom: [free-duhm], noun, the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint; flexibility; unrestrain: When I step onto the pitch. Where I can express myself without speaking a word; Ball at my feet, feet dancing, creating magic; knowing your in complete control; being the master of your own destiny; knowing no one is commanding you, ruling yourself; being subject to your judgement and only yours; running fast, feeling the wind blow against you, and not be slowed down by it; not being influenced by rules because they don't matter to you; knowing that you are completely free, free to make your own decisions, not being told what to do or anything, being free to live your life how you want to...
Limerick Poem: The Greatest Of All Time
Through the field he looked to float
All the commentators took note
Feet begin to dance
They stood no chance
Lionel has been known as the GOAT
Ode to Soccer
Soccer oh soccer you are so fun
I found you in a video game
I had never liked soccer
Until I truly understood the game
My home now lies on a field with two goal posts on each end
I adore stepping onto the pitch
With a ball that stays glued to my feet
I feel free of everything here
It is the most beautiful game of all
It is soccer to some and football to others
But to me it is my life
And it taught me alot
Like what real passion felt like
My goal has always been to go pro
But that may be the goal that I won’t be able to score

Found Poem:
Choral Poem: Raccoons
Creep in the night
Dressed in black
Scurrying around
Creep in the night
Dark eyes
Making a mess
Creep in the night
I am so small
Creep in the night
And White
Cute little bandit
Looking for food
Creep in the night
Dark sky
Trash divers
Leaving the rest
Creep in the night
Survival above all
Twitching ears
I am fast
Creep in the night
You cant see me
Glowing eyes
You cant catch me
Creep in the night
As I run into the night
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I dedicate this poetry anthology to myself. I haven't always been a fan of poetry and this actually wasn't bad, i kind of liked doing poetry. Who knows maybe I'll do more by myself...Or not, I'm lazy. Oh well

Table Of Contents
I Am Poem
Bio Poem
Re-Creation Poem
Stylistic Imitation Poem
Definition Poem
Limerick Poem
Ode Poem
Found Poem
Choral Poem
Favorite Poem
- END >
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