This story is for all the people that love magic and hamsters. The names I used were inspired by a game I play.

It was a beautiful, summer day and Luna was walking around the palace’s gardens, but something was strange. “Squeak squeak,” said a little voice. Luna didn’t notice what was out there, she looked all around her, but everything was silent. While she was opening the door and going back in the palace, “Squeak squeak.” Luna was assuming it was a mouse or something so she rushed inside, she was afraid her parent would be suspicious of her.
“LUNA COME IN AND HELP YOUR BROTHER ON HIS HOMEWORK,” said Luna’s dad. “Ok! be there is a sec,” replied Luna. She went into her brother’s room and noticed he had finished. “What took you so long,” said Luke. “Well can you help me,” she replied. “On?” Luke said back. They both went into the palace’s backyard.

“Squeak squeak,” said the noise again. “Luna? Did you hear that?..Luna where are you!” Luke said while rushing to Luna. “IT’S A MOUSE!!!” Luna came over and picked it up. “Aww it’s so cute, let me bring it in,” Luna said while bringing the creature in her room.

AWW its so cute
“Hey Luke it’s a little hamster” Luna placed it in a box and poked some holes in there. She sneaked out to shop for cages but by the time she got back...the..hamster disappeared. “Oh no! Where did it go,” Luna said worrying. She looked all around even in the box and somehow...she saw it above her “LUKE COME LOOK!” she shouted out at her brother. “IT’S FLOATING UP!” Luke looked shocked about the fact that the hamster was flying!!! What should they do?...

Luke and Luna were both so freaked out and asked themselves, “What should we do? What if our parents find out? Would we get caught? What would we do if we get caught? What do we do with this hamster?” Both of them were frightened that something bad would happen...Like the time they both went into the deep..deep..forest, but that was long ago.

Uh oh
Uh Oh
There was a knock on the door, “Hello? Luke? Luna? You two okay?” said their mom. “Uh-Uh-Umm..” Luke stammered, he started to panic. “YEAH MOM! We’re okay in here just-that-we need peace and quiet because-” Luna tried to find a good and understood reason..but nothing seemed to be coming up in her mind. “Well okay Luke finish your homework.. and didn’t I see you two go out the front door? And came back with a bag?” Their mom was pretty suspicious about what happened but she was calm about it.

Luke was trying to catch the hamster, but he wasn’t tall enough. “Luke jump!” Luna said kinda whisper shouting. She grabbed her chair, stood on it then...the hamster fell into her hands. “That was close,” Luna said in a worried look while she placed the hamster in the cage.

Luke looked at the clock and saw that it was already an hour that had passed by so soon. “Well let’s go out to grab ice cream. Leave the hamster here it’ll be fine,” said Luke in a calm look. “ARE YOU SERIOUS?! We can’t leave his hamster all alone!” Luna yelled. “We - I mean I’ll go buy ice cream and YOU STAY HERE and watch the hamster.” Luna went off leaving Luke with the hamster and she drove off to the ice cream store, but little did she know she left something behind.

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This story is for all the people that love magic and hamsters. The names I used were inspired by a game I play.

It was a beautiful, summer day and Luna was walking around the palace’s gardens, but something was strange. “Squeak squeak,” said a little voice. Luna didn’t notice what was out there, she looked all around her, but everything was silent. While she was opening the door and going back in the palace, “Squeak squeak.” Luna was assuming it was a mouse or something so she rushed inside, she was afraid her parent would be suspicious of her.
“LUNA COME IN AND HELP YOUR BROTHER ON HIS HOMEWORK,” said Luna’s dad. “Ok! be there is a sec,” replied Luna. She went into her brother’s room and noticed he had finished. “What took you so long,” said Luke. “Well can you help me,” she replied. “On?” Luke said back. They both went into the palace’s backyard.

“Squeak squeak,” said the noise again. “Luna? Did you hear that?..Luna where are you!” Luke said while rushing to Luna. “IT’S A MOUSE!!!” Luna came over and picked it up. “Aww it’s so cute, let me bring it in,” Luna said while bringing the creature in her room.

AWW its so cute
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