Ms. Gardner
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Myyrnin Creation Myth
In the beginning there was no world like we live on
today. There was a great void that stretched from one
end of the Universe to the next. In the middle of this
void was a single flower. It sat upon a block of dirt and
levitated in the very center of the Universe. The flower
was unlike ant we have ever seen on our planet today.
It had petals the color of the sky at sunrise, and it rose
mightily into the void, making everything seem a bit
less gloomy.

One day, a small drop of dew rolled down on of the
petals and lonaded on the dirt. from this first dew
drop came a man. He looked aaround, and saw the
beautiful flower from whence he came. Suddenly, a
second dew drop fell creating a woman.

Both the man and the woman looked around, but
they could make nothing out in the great void. They
did not know what to do when the flower's gentle
voice spoke to them. She said, "Take some of my
dirt and fashion yourselves a world, for I have
created you to be creators of life. Because the dew
rolled on my petals you have been given a bit of my
essence, and with that essence you must make a
world for people to live on."
The man and the woman were astonished to hear
this, but they began the flower's bidding right away.
The man tore off a chunk of dirt from the block and
stretched it out until it was a great big orb. He then
took a few dew drops from the leaves on the stem of
the flower and made the oceans.

At this time the world was bleak and brown, with the
ocean being the only color. The flower was pleased to
see that such a wonderful world had been made in the
void, but she knew it lacked something. The man and
the woman were depressed at its plainness, until the
flower spoke up.
"This world is not yet fit to live in," she said. "I want
you to take of my stem and make a likeness of me in
the earth. Then, I want you to take my petals and
create a sky."
The man and the woman understood she was willing to
give up her life in order to complete the creation of the
world, but they tried to convince her otherwise. They
told her she was too beautiful to sacrifice, but she
would not listen.

The man and the woman were very sad, but they did
what she told them to do. They created a beautiful sky
from her petals. The woman wove the trees and the
grass and the flowers from her stem. She crafted each
blade ever so carefully in honor of the flower that gave
her life for the world's creation. The flowers she made
especially beautiful, so that every time someone looked
upon them, they were filled with happiness.

When they were done the only thing left of the flower was
the bare head that once held those beautiful petals. They did
not know what to do with it when the man had a wonderful
"To honor the flower, we should place the head above our
world so it may always be seen. It will always remind of her
love and grace."
Together they placed the head above the earth and started
to leave when one of the woman's tears fell upon it.
Suddenly, the ball erupted with light and became what we
know as The Sun. Only with tears of love could this miracle
have happened. Today, we still remember the beautiful
flower who gave her live so the world could be complete. (624

One day the King of Myyrnin was having a feast in the
Great Hall. He was celebrating his fiftieth year in reign.
He invited everyone to the dinner because he was a
very friendly king. In fact, the people loved him so
much thay even brought him food to his banquet!

Now it happened on this day that the evil Gryshh was
riding into town. Gryshh was known throughout the
land as one of the most fearsome and evil men alive.
On his belt he wore the fingers of his dead victims. His
helmet was inlaid with all sorts of bones. Some were
animal, but others seemed gruesomely human. He was
not someone you would ever want to meet alive. He
rode through the countryside of Myyrnin hoping to find
at least one unlucky person to kill, but there was
nobody about. He looked in each home, but found them
strangely empty. Being a man with a quick mind, he
soon procured information as to where everyone was
from a nearby pig boy. Feeling in the mood for some
killing, Gryshh decided to visit the King's little feast.

Attending the feast was the King's only daughter,
Wrenalor. Everyone called her Wren for short. Ahe was
very beautiful and was courted by many regal princes,
but the man she loved was just a poor commoner.
Wren was known by some as Wind Girl because of her
powers of manipulation over the wind. She was sitting
next to her father when Gryshh burst through the
doors. At the sight of him all the guests began to
quake in their seats, for they knew his terrible

"What is it you want Gryshh? You must know that you are not
welcome in my kingdom," said the King as he stood up from
his chair.
"Dear old King, I am only here to do a bit of killing, if you
would be so kind as to let me." He grinned evilly as he spoke
The poor king did not know what to do. He knew he must
protect his people, but he was not skilled in fighting and he
knew if he tried to take on Gryshh he would die. He began to
despair when Gryshh spoke up again.
"I can see you are scared, King. Because I am a fair
man I will challenge one of your best men in a duel. If
he wins, I will leave but it he looses I get to fight

Before the King could consent to this a young man
from the village jumped up and said, "I will fight my
Lord! I am not scared of his rough talk and haggard
appearance." The young man grabbed his word and
pointed it at Gryshh, but before he could make the first
move he was stabbed in the heart by Gryshh. Gryshh
smiled very condescendingly, like you might smile at a
young child who was getting on your nerves. The
young man's friend was enraged and tried to stab
Gryshh from behind, but he was also slain. While this
was going on no one saw the small tears on Wren's

Children began to cry and the parents wept for their
sons. Wren watched all of this with a white face. She
knew she could not let her father die in a duel, and she
could not bear it if more people died. Before she knew
what she was doing she stood up and called to Gryshh,
"I shall fight you. You are but the scum on the bottom
of a pond, and I shall defeat you."
Everyone at Myyrnin knew of Wren's special powers,
but obviously Gryshh did not. He grinned happily as
Wren stepped up without a weapon to fight him. He
thought it was going to be an easy kill, but when a gust
of wind swept him off him feet he was utterly surprised.
He tried to get up, but the wind held him down. From
that moment he knew he had lost.

Wren stabbed her blade through his heart and began
to cry. She dropped her sword and ran out the door.
She was sad that she had just killed a man, even if he
was an evil man. She was also sad because one of the
men that was killed by Gryshh had been the man she
hoped to marry. Now all hope for love was gone. The
wind swirled around her until she was lifted up into the
air. Her tears changed her into a small brownish bird.
She flew away, forever reminded of her hatred for evil
with the dull brown feathers. So ends the story of the
first Wren.

Kenan the Goat Herder
In a rural area of Myyrnin there lived a young goat herder of
about 17 years old. His name was Kenan. Kenan had no
desire to enter the army. He was quite content watching the
goats everyday from dusk till dawn. It was not just goats he
loved, but all animals. He would sit and listen to the birds
sing, the crickets chirp, and the squirrels bound across the
meadow in search of food. One day he saw an old woman
walking out of the woods near his goats. Not wanting the
old woman to scatter his goats he walked to her and asked
if he could help her find her way home. She looked at him
and smiled a toothless grin.
“Why yes, good boy you can help me. I cannot seem to
find my cottage that is in the forest. I am afraid I am
becoming quite forgetful as of late.”
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Ms. Gardner
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Myyrnin Creation Myth
In the beginning there was no world like we live on
today. There was a great void that stretched from one
end of the Universe to the next. In the middle of this
void was a single flower. It sat upon a block of dirt and
levitated in the very center of the Universe. The flower
was unlike ant we have ever seen on our planet today.
It had petals the color of the sky at sunrise, and it rose
mightily into the void, making everything seem a bit
less gloomy.

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