Brazil is the largest country in South America and offers rich, cultural experiences. Rio de Janeiro is the second most populated city in Brazil, where the biggest Carnival celebration takes places every year. You can usually find people playing the most popular sport in Brazil, Futbol, or cheering for their favorite team. The vast beauty of Brazil is shown through its variety of landscapes and cultural scenery.

Oi! Hello, my name is Fabio! I am going to take you on a tour of Brazil, which is where I live. Are you ready for an adventure? Let's go!
Oi is how you say "Hello" in Portuguese, which is the main language in Brazil.

Brazil is located in South America and is the largest country there. South America is the fourth largest continent in the world and is located under the Equator.

Equator: an imaginary line that divides the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
Where is Brazil?
Continent: one of the earth's seven major areas of land
Rio de Janeiro

This is Rio de Janeiro, or as I like to call it, home! It is the second largest city in Brazil, next to Sao Paulo. Known as the 'marvelous city,' Rio is famous for its beaches and rich culture. Want to see some more?
Rio de Janeiro

Do you see that big statue? That is the world-famous 'Christ the Redeemer' statue. It is the largest art deco statue in the world, standing at 124 feet tall, including the 26 foot pedestal!
1 foot = 12 inches
12 inches = 1 ruler
How many rulers would it take to measure the statue?

If you are wondering what it is like to live in Brazil, check out this letter I wrote to my friend Daniel who lives in the United States. He is always asking questions about what life is like here.
Dear Daniel,
Oi, from Brazil! I hope you are doing well.
How is life in America? Life here is pretty
much the same. Today, after escola (school),
I played futbol with some of my friends. Then
my dad took me surfing at Forte de
Copacabana, one of Rio's famous beaches.
Since I always have a huge appetite after
surfing, I came home to eat some feijoada,
which is stew made of pork and black beans.
What is it like to play in snow? We never
have snow in Rio since it is hot all year.
What kind of animals live near you? In
Brazil, there are wild monkeys and even
pink dolphins! They are so cool. I hope you
can come see them sometime. Write back
soon! Tchau!
Your friend,
Fabio Santos

You may have read in my letter to Daniel that I like to eat feijoada. Here is my mother's recipe for this famous Brazilian stew!
1 lb. black beans, dried
1 lb. salted pork ribs
1 lb. salted bacon
2 onions, chopped
8 tbsp. olive oil
6 garlic cloves, peeled
2 smoked sausages
1 lb. smoked pork ribs
1 lb. smoked bacon
1 tbsp. black pepper
Soak beans in cold water overnight, then boil for 30 min. Add ribs and bacon. Cook for 30 min. over medium heat. Add onions and garlic. Cook until softened. Add sausages and pepper. Simmer for 1 hour, until meat falls off the bone.
Serve with white rice.

Here in Brazil, we love to celebrate holidays! My favorites are Christmas and Carnival. Look! Carnival is going on now! Ready to have some fun? Let's go check it out!

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Brazil is the largest country in South America and offers rich, cultural experiences. Rio de Janeiro is the second most populated city in Brazil, where the biggest Carnival celebration takes places every year. You can usually find people playing the most popular sport in Brazil, Futbol, or cheering for their favorite team. The vast beauty of Brazil is shown through its variety of landscapes and cultural scenery.

Oi! Hello, my name is Fabio! I am going to take you on a tour of Brazil, which is where I live. Are you ready for an adventure? Let's go!
Oi is how you say "Hello" in Portuguese, which is the main language in Brazil.

Brazil is located in South America and is the largest country there. South America is the fourth largest continent in the world and is located under the Equator.

Equator: an imaginary line that divides the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
Where is Brazil?
Continent: one of the earth's seven major areas of land
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