Brazil Books

  • Brazil
    This collection of stories, poems, and postcards provides a rich insight into Brazilian culture. It covers various aspects such as greetings, food habits, sports, folklore, f…
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  • Brazil
    This is a book stating some basic facts about the South American country Brazil
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  • Brazil: Home of Soccer
    This book explores the importance of soccer in Brazil's history, including its cultural significance, famous players, and impact on family and society.
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  • Neymar Jr.
    The story is about Neymar, a Brazilian soccer player who played for Santos FC and then joined FC Barcelona. He formed a successful trio with Messi and Suarez and helped Barce…
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  • Brazil
    An informational book about Brazil, covering its flag, geography, history, culture, resources, government, and famous people.
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  • Mestre Bimba The Founding Father
    Brief Biography of Mestre Bimba, the Founding Father of Capoeira Regional.
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  • Our Journey to Brazil
    Mr. Leuzzi, Ms. Melissa, and the grade 1/2 class travel to Brazil, explore Rio de Janeiro, visit the Amazon rainforest, and learn about Brazilian culture.
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