I am to lazy to write a dedication page so here``´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´`` is a cat emoji instead :3

The baroque period lasted from 1600 to aroud 1750. It was a time of overdecoration dynamic movement and some incridible paintings.So lets learn about some of the greatest composers of all time
The baroque period began after a religious war the 30 years war
because of this and the loosening of the church
`'s power resulted in less people going to church so the clergy hired composers to write religious music and painters to paint religous paintings and this is how the baroque period began.
Antonio Vivaldi also known by his nickname Prete Rosso or the red priest was a baroque composer and music teacher he taught music at a music school for orphan girls . He wrote 500 concertos and the famous four seasons. four differnt pieeces of music dedicated to the four seasons.. He was an extremely talented violinist.
Johann Sebastian Bach another Baroque Composer was a talented organist and he was a master of fugues a musical form where two or more voices are one is introduced is repeated at a point in the melody. He wrote hundreds of them and i t iz possibe that many of his melodies were exercises for his students.
Georg Freidrich Handel also a Baroque Composer wrote the Messiah as well as many oratorios and Operas and Organ concertos.
Now you may be wondering who consumed music the answer is the wealthy only people with money could afford music few common people listened to music .
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I am to lazy to write a dedication page so here``´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´`` is a cat emoji instead :3

The baroque period lasted from 1600 to aroud 1750. It was a time of overdecoration dynamic movement and some incridible paintings.So lets learn about some of the greatest composers of all time
The baroque period began after a religious war the 30 years war
because of this and the loosening of the church
`'s power resulted in less people going to church so the clergy hired composers to write religious music and painters to paint religous paintings and this is how the baroque period began.
Antonio Vivaldi also known by his nickname Prete Rosso or the red priest was a baroque composer and music teacher he taught music at a music school for orphan girls . He wrote 500 concertos and the famous four seasons. four differnt pieeces of music dedicated to the four seasons.. He was an extremely talented violinist.
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