Opera Books

  • Kent and the Singing Laundry Chute!
    Larry, a sad laundry chute with dreams of becoming an opera singer, meets Kent who helps him fulfill his dream by organizing a performance for a large crowd.
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  • Pop Music
    A brief history of popular music genres, from opera to rock n' roll to hip-hop/rap, and an overview of today's music.
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  • The national opera and ballet House after Maria Bieşu
    The Maria Bieșu National Opera and Ballet Theatre in Chişinău, Moldova, is a leading theatre in Eastern Europe. It was founded in 1956 and has a rich history of performances.
  • This One Matters
    This book is about how everyone is important to God, and how everyone matters.
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  • The Baroque period
    An overview of the Baroque period, including information on composers, music, opera, painting, and sculpture.
    A brief biography of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, his musical achievements, and the mystery surrounding his death.
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  • Being cultural
    A group of students visit Timisoara, Romania for a study trip. They explore the city, attend an opera, and enjoy cultural experiences.
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  • The Phantom of the Opera
    A girl named Christine is guided by an angel of music, but faces challenges when a phantom becomes obsessed with her. She must choose between love and friendship.
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