All about Sikhism.... page 3-8
All about Judaism..... page 9-14
All about Hinduism... page 15-19
All about Christianity.....20-25
All bout Islam.....26-31

Great! I cannot wait! Said Boots. Dora and her best friend boots quickly took off with excitement plastered on their faces, ready to learn about the different religions.
Hola, I'm Dora!.... And I'm HBoots! Today we are going to be learning about the different religions in the world and what they have to offer.

"Wait Boots! before we leave, I would like you to meet Nathaniel. He is going to be our teacher for today and guide us."
It's great to meet you guys! Said Nathaniel. We are going to have a great time learning and exploring.
Its a pleasure to meet you Nathaniel, screamed boots. The team scurried off with enthusiasm, ready and open to learn new things.

The first religion we're going to explore is Sikhism.The Sikhism people also go by Sikh's. The Sikh's Golden Rule is "I am a stranger to no one; and no one is a stranger to me. Indeed I am a friend to all." This means we must be kind to each other no matter what!

"Do you see how Oliver Reid invented the Oliver Twist Dance? This is kind of the same idea. The person who invented the Sikhism religion is named Guru Nanak. He also a sacred person. He also goes by God to the Sikhs. He found this religion over 300 years ago, now everyone all over knows about! Cool huh?" Said Nathaniel.

"Where do Sikhs go to show their appreciation for Guru Nanak?" Asked Dora. "Great question! The go to a place called The Gurdwara. Every Sunday, the people of the Sikhism religion meet up here and show their love for God" answered Nathaniel.Ouu, ouu , look Dora! "There it is" said Boots.

"An very important event celebrated by the Sikhs is Parkash Utsav Dasveh Patshah. This is means the birth celebration of the 10th Divine Light, or Great Knowledge's. It celebrates the birth of Guru Gobind Singh who is also a sacred person" said Nathaniel.

"Learning is so much fun" Said Dora, "I agreed" said Boots. I'm glad you guys are having fun! Lets move to the next religion said Nathaniel
"Next world religion to learn about on our list is... Judaism. One of my favourites! The Judaism Golden Rule "Do to others what you want them to do to you." This means if you want people to treat you with respect you must show some first!"

Jews believe that there is on God called YAWH, that not only created the universe but is someone that every Jew can have a relationship. They use a book called the Torah which is the sacred text for Hebrews to follow God's word. the Torah is 5 books of Moses. 1st book is Genesis, 2nd book is Leviticus, 3rd book is Exodus, 4th book is Numbers and the last book is Deuteronomy.

"So interesting Nathaniel, right" Dora. Dora reply's ""Si,yes Boots"
Of course amigos, Abraham is one of the many important people in Judaism, he is the grandfather of the religion. Everyone who is born Jewish or converts later in life is considered children of Abraham. Rabbis too are also important in Jewish faith. Rabbis are men and are the leaders and teachers of this religion. Nathaniel responds.
"Is there any sacred people in Judaism?"said Boots

"Nathaniel where do you Jews worship their God" said Boots. "Jews worship in a Synagogue, it is sometimes called the Shul. Jews wash their hands when they enter a Synagogal as a form of cleaning themselves before prayer. The Synagogue is also used for studying, teaching and often used as a school." Replied Nathaniel.

A festival that is celebrated in Judaism is Passover. Passover is a 8 day festival(7 in Israel) that celebrates the Exodus of the Israelite's from Egypt. Jews eat unleavened bread during the l and eat a festival and eat a special evening meal where the Passover story is read.

H i n d u i s m
"Next world religion to learn about on our list is... Hinduism. The Hindu gods are based on Braham (one ultimate Reality or Absolute Reality). The 3 primary forms of Braham is Brahma (The Creator god), Vishnu (The Preserving god) and Shiva (The Destroying god). These 3 are also sacred people in the Hinduism religion."

"Of course there is, Dora. Hindus have many scriptures called Sruti. They believe that these scriptures are divine messages from messengers or scholars known as Rishis." Responds Nathaniel.
Wow, three gods that's so fascinating, isn't it Boots. Boots reply's "yes Dora!" Is there any sacred books, Nathaniel?

"Okay guys we're going to take a little trip somewhere, follow me." Said Nathaniel.
"Where are we Nathaniel?" Replied Dora
We are at a Mandhirs, this is a Hindu temple where Hindus come to worship their gods. They recite prayers called Puja but these prayers can also be recited at home. Nathaniel responds.
Esto es genial, this is so cool! Dora said.
"Dwali is the most popular Hindu Festival. This festival lasts for 5 days in parts of India. Diwali means "row of lights".The festival includes fasting,acts of worship, reading of scripture, communal prayers at the temple and feasting. Day 1: is a new year for business. Day 2: celebrates the triumph of the God Vishnu over evil. Day 3: Lakshmi the goddess of prosperity. Day 4: Worship of King Bali and New Year. The last day, day 5: Celebrates the bond between bothers and sisters." Replied to Dora.
Nathaniel what's Dawali? Boots and I heard a little about it, we would like to know more. Dora asked Nathaniel.

C h r i s t i a n i t y
The next religion is Christianity. Jesus Christ is the son of God, Christians Lord and savior. Christians believe in one God and the divinity of Jesus Christ replied Nathaniel.

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All about Sikhism.... page 3-8
All about Judaism..... page 9-14
All about Hinduism... page 15-19
All about Christianity.....20-25
All bout Islam.....26-31

Great! I cannot wait! Said Boots. Dora and her best friend boots quickly took off with excitement plastered on their faces, ready to learn about the different religions.
Hola, I'm Dora!.... And I'm HBoots! Today we are going to be learning about the different religions in the world and what they have to offer.

"Wait Boots! before we leave, I would like you to meet Nathaniel. He is going to be our teacher for today and guide us."
It's great to meet you guys! Said Nathaniel. We are going to have a great time learning and exploring.
Its a pleasure to meet you Nathaniel, screamed boots. The team scurried off with enthusiasm, ready and open to learn new things.

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