We wish to dedicate this book to the Slemp Foundation and to the Appalachian Writing Project for the opportunity we have been given to write and create original stories in our Lego Story Starter Writing Camp. Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Long have enjoyed working with this talented group of children! Thank you to Lee County Public Schools for the opportunity to work with our future leaders! Thank you!

The Emoji Mermaids

The Mystery of Driftwood Island
Written by: Madison, Ava, Mia, Leah, and Alivia
During the summer of 2014, Paula and Lucy went on an adventure of a lifetime with their dog named Salty. They were suppose to go to a tropical island, instead they ended up on an uncharted island.

As they approached the island, Paula saw a sign floating on a buoy. She read the sign, “Lucy, it says no trespassing. What does this mean?” “I don’t know Paula,” said Lucy “But it can’t be bad. Let’s keep going.”

All of a sudden, Salty started to bark and growl. “What is it, Salty?” asked the girls. “He probably is just tired of the trip and hungry,” said Paula. The girls didn’t know there was a pirate hiding in the trees watching them from above.
When they arrived on the island, Salty ran over to the trees and barked. He tried to climb up the tree. Paula and Lucy ran over to Salty to see what was in the the tree. “Aghhhhhhhh!” screamed the girls. “There is a pirate in the tree! Run!!” They ran to the boat, jumped in, and left. They didn’t know that the pirate had been following and hid in a storage container on the side of the boat. “Whew!!” sighed the girls. “We got away.”
As they were sailing on the ocean, the pirate climbed out of the storage container and crept up behind the girls. He threw ropes around them and said “What were you doing on my island? That is my island! I tried to warn you with the sign that said no trespassing!” Lucy screamed, “We didn’t know what No Trespassing meant.” “Well, I don’t care! You are going to have to walk the plank,” yelled the pirate. So he found a piece of driftwood floating and made a plank. He attached it to the boat.
While the pirate was building the plank, Salty started chewing through the girls ropes. “That’s a good boy! Thanks for helping us,” said Lucy. Paula whispered to Lucy, “Don’t worry I have a plan to get rid of the pirate.” “What is it?” asked Lucy. “Just trust me,” giggled Paula.
As the pirate came closer, the girls pretended to be tied up. When he got closer, Paula tripped him and told Lucy to tie him up. Then Paula said, “You’re going to walk the plank today!” Then the pirate said, “Never, you’re just wimpy girls.” “Really, watch this! 1, 2, 3!” laughed the girls and they shoved him off. In the distance, they saw that the pirate had found a piece of driftwood and he floated away never to be seen again.
“Yay!” screamed Lucy. “We made it! Now let’s go explore OUR island." Paula wondered, “It's so cool to think that if we hadn’t ever misread our map, we wouldn’t have discovered this place and had this crazy adventure.”
“What should we name it?” asked Lucy.
In unison they yelled, “Driftwood Island!”
The End

The Ninja Unicorns

Pick Me, Pick Me!
Written By: Aiden, Tyler, Eli, K- Shea, Avery, Jimmy
Once upon a time in a Royal Kingdom lived a princess named Gracie Belle and two handsome knights. One morning at breakfast, the princess said to the King, “Father, I want to get married very soon because I’m getting older.” The King replied, “Well there are two knights from the village of Gettysburg that seem to really like you.” Gracie asked, “Who are they? What are their names?” The king replied, “There is Chad the Great and Jack the Brave.” Oh, father I don’t know what I’m going to do!! There are two of them! How am I going to pick?”

The king decided to arrange a meeting for the princess and the knights to meet. The next day, Princess Gracie and the knights met at the castle and went in to eat lunch. After they ate lunch, Princess Gracie went up to her room to decide who to choose.

As she was looking out the window, a dragon swooped in and took her by the shirt. As the dragon flew away with Gracie to Mt. Dragoon, the knights heard her screaming. “Help!!! A dragon took me!” “The king told the knights, “Whoever saves princess Gracie first will marry her and will be her hero forever!” So the knights jumped on their horses and darted toward Mt. Dragoon.

The knights began to follow a trail to the dragon’s home on Mt. Dragoon. Before they could pass the trail, they came upon the Keeper of the Gate. The Keeper of the Gate said, “ You will have to answer this riddle if you want to pass.” The riddle said What gets wetter as it dries? If you don’t answer it right you will be in a fiddle. Jack rushed to say without thinking, “Wet dry!” The Keeper replied, “You’re in trouble! Wrong answer!” and the Keeper pushed him back to the beginning of the trail.
In the distance, Chad saw something that looked like a towel hanging on a chain. He got an idea and yelled out, “It’s a towel! What gets wetter as it dries is a towel!” The Keeper of the Gate screamed, “Yes! You Shall Pass!!” Chad started riding his gallant horse up the trail until he got to the top of Mt. Dragoon where he found the princess hanging in a cage with handcuffs. “Help Me! Help Me!” screamed princess Gracie.
Chad started shooting his bow and arrow at the dragon, but it didn’t affect the dragon much. “Well, that did nothing at all,” said Chad. Then he brought out his sword and started fighting the dragon. The dragon blew fire at Chad and he used his shield. The force of the fire blew Chad back. “Agh! I was almost toast! Take this you fire breathing lizard,” screamed Chad. Chad took his sword and fought off the dragon. Chad cut off the chains with his sword and the cage fell to the ground. He rescued the princess! The princess said, “You’re my hero! I want to marry you!”

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We wish to dedicate this book to the Slemp Foundation and to the Appalachian Writing Project for the opportunity we have been given to write and create original stories in our Lego Story Starter Writing Camp. Mrs. Austin and Mrs. Long have enjoyed working with this talented group of children! Thank you to Lee County Public Schools for the opportunity to work with our future leaders! Thank you!

The Emoji Mermaids

The Mystery of Driftwood Island
Written by: Madison, Ava, Mia, Leah, and Alivia
During the summer of 2014, Paula and Lucy went on an adventure of a lifetime with their dog named Salty. They were suppose to go to a tropical island, instead they ended up on an uncharted island.

As they approached the island, Paula saw a sign floating on a buoy. She read the sign, “Lucy, it says no trespassing. What does this mean?” “I don’t know Paula,” said Lucy “But it can’t be bad. Let’s keep going.”

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