Pirates Books

  • Pirates in the Playground
    Cute story about pirates playing in a school playground and learning all about good manners from the children
    Eye Icon 837
    Star Icon 16
  • Lego Story Mania
    Three stories of adventure and bravery. 'The Emoji Mermaids' tells the tale of two girls who outsmart a pirate on an uncharted island. 'The Ninja Unicorns' is about a princes…
  • What are we going to do today?
    A whimsical poem about a parent's willingness to go on imaginative adventures with their child.
    Eye Icon 62852
    Star Icon 1244
  • Pirate Pay Back
    Melissalopataless than a minute ago
    This is a story about pirates and knights. It's written by an 8 year old. I hope you enjoy it!
    Eye Icon 91
    Star Icon 5
  • Treasure Fun
    A group of boys go on a pirate-themed adventure, encountering various sea creatures and finding a treasure box full of snacks.
    Eye Icon 692
    Star Icon 19
  • Mystery Island
    Three pirate monkeys search for a legendary treasure on a mysterious island, encountering danger and making new friends along the way.
    Eye Icon 1289
    Star Icon 28
  • The Kingdom of Groo and the Legend of the Millos Treasure
    The Chronicles Of Whisper Springs is in the making ...keep an eye out ;) whisper springs ....
    Eye Icon 1433
    Star Icon 78
  • Irregular Plural Nouns
    A fun and informative book about irregular plural nouns, using pirates as an engaging theme. Includes examples, practice exercises, and references.
    Eye Icon 5060
    Star Icon 26
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