My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A fun and informative book about irregular plural nouns, using pirates as an engaging theme. Includes examples, practice exercises, and references.
    by taylormirwin27
    Eye Icon 5055
    Star Icon 26
  • A lesson on capitalization rules, including names of people, pets, places, months, days, holidays, 'I', and the first word of a sentence.
    by taylormirwin27
    Eye Icon 1355
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  • A list of various geographical features and landscapes.
    by taylormirwin27
    Eye Icon 65
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  • A grammar exercise where the reader is asked to form possessive nouns in sentences.
    by taylormirwin27
    Eye Icon 301
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  • Welcome to Grammar Hospital! Join skilled surgeons as they practice taking apart and putting together contractions.
    by taylormirwin27
    Eye Icon 510
    Star Icon 4
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