A book created by eTwinners schools in
Turkey, Lithuania, Greece and Spain
Infantil 5 y.o. B, CEIP Carlos Ruiz (Spain)
The day was rainy, but soon it would be illuminated by the arriving of a very special package.
Mr. Willy Wonka, the great chocolatier, had decided to invite children from different European schools to visit his factory. It was simple, those who found a golden ticket in one of his chocolates, would be the lucky ones to accompany the five children who had already found them: August Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Bouregarde, Michael Teavee and Charlie Bucket.
Actually, Mr. Willy Wonka's intention was to give a great prize to those who proved to be exceptional and have a good heart, but nobody knew it yet.
And so, the chocolates began to arrive at the schools...
Once they opened the packages, the children were surprised. A chocolate palace was standing in the centre of the box. Around it lay a sea of milk chocolate and nuts, which reminded seaweed in taste. Gigantic plants ran wild. Caramel carrots were bulging out; a new surprise waited after biting them - a pair of marshmallows tasting like black chocolate... However greatly they were tempted by these sweets, the children first shared the sent goods with other children, their teachers, parents and, finally, had a taste themselves. The most peculiar thing was that the sweets would not end, and new ones would emerge in place of the eaten ones. A yellow bit of paper shimmered like the sun in the corner of the little box. After unfolding it, the children read: "Dear children! I am Willy Wonka, the founder and owner of the chocolate factory. I was watching you this year. I got convinced that you are kind-hearted: you help your friends, parents, you treat and behave with each, as well as with grown-ups, politely, you are diligent and generous...Therefore I decided to give you a gift - a ticket to the eTwinning chocolate factory. I will be waiting for you!" The children were left in awe out of joy...
CEIP La Gaviota, 6ºB, Spain
We were very happy for the gift of Willy Wonka and went home to tell our parents what had happened.
By the way, we met Veruca Salt, she was presuming of getting the golden ticket.
When she saw us, she told us that it wasn’t fair that Willy Wonka had given the golden ticket to us while she had to buy thousands of boxes.
We replied that it was better to be good and behave well than not to be a showoff like her.
And we kept walking towards our houses.
We were excited about the great adventure that awaited us. That night we could not sleep much thinking about everything we were going to enjoy. We had strange dreams where the main protagonist was chocolate. Deep down we were all eager to meet our travel companions. children from schools across Europe who had the same fate as us.
-Rinnnnnnggg !. (Sounded the alarm)
And surprise, Dad already had breakfast ready.
- Do you know what I had prepared?
5 y.o A Ceip Carlos Ruíz (Navalcarnero)
A delicious and sweet smell of chocolate came to the room. Dad had prepared a sweet breakfast for the family. With so many things we could invite all the children in the class !!
Then, I remembered the spatiality of this day. Finally thanks to Willy Wonka, we would meet friends from other European countries. And I got nervous because if they do not live where I am, how will I know what to say to them? And... I'm going to know what they're saying to me? My dad told me that the important thing is to smile, and the teachers surely would help us.
We all were in class waiting when suddenly ...
Kids from different European countries started to enter the classroom. Everyone in the classroom was very excited and happy. They had all brought presents special to their countries. Our friend from Turkey had brought delicious oranges that he picked from the orange tree in their garden. We could not speak the same language, nevertheless we got on very well. We saw that smiling is really important to understand each other. We were having great time together. It was one of the most special times in my life. Our teacher asked us to devise an activity collaborating altogether.
This was a great idea.
But what would it be? We had been working hard to learn what food was healthy and to get know typical meals from other countries, so maybe it was time to chill out.
One day, our teachers showed us the picture of a black and white robot. We didn’t like it very much –we are children and we love colours!
Suddenly, the teachers told us that the robot would be divided into pieces and Mr Wonka wanted us to decorate him as beautiful as possible. We were delighted and we tried to do the best we could. This is our final result.
Everything was possible in Mr Wonka’s factory. So what would be next? Will the robot come to life? We were all anxious to discover it!!
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A book created by eTwinners schools in
Turkey, Lithuania, Greece and Spain
Infantil 5 y.o. B, CEIP Carlos Ruiz (Spain)
The day was rainy, but soon it would be illuminated by the arriving of a very special package.
Mr. Willy Wonka, the great chocolatier, had decided to invite children from different European schools to visit his factory. It was simple, those who found a golden ticket in one of his chocolates, would be the lucky ones to accompany the five children who had already found them: August Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Bouregarde, Michael Teavee and Charlie Bucket.
Actually, Mr. Willy Wonka's intention was to give a great prize to those who proved to be exceptional and have a good heart, but nobody knew it yet.
And so, the chocolates began to arrive at the schools...
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