To all minecraft lovers!

they were all standing in a circle, looking at each other. Hey, me and herobrine need to go find out what that was. we need you guys to stay here until we come back. Okay we will and please dont take too long. we won't and null and herobrine went on their way. five minutes they came running at us, all out of breath. Steve asked, is everything okay, what happened? null and herobrine looked at each other and then at steve and alex and yelled, run. if you dont run then we will have to put you to sleep and teleport to safety. but steve and alex wouldn't, couldn't move. what ever had happened to null and herobrine had followed them. thats when null and herobrine realize why steve and alex wouldn't move. Alex and steve we are sorry to do this and thats when null
took alex and herobrine took steve. they shot them two with a heavy dose and then they picked them up and teleported to herobrine house. Hey, null i will take alex to the other end and i need you to watch steve for a sec. OK herobrine but why arent they going to be put together. Null, we need them apart to be able to give them powers but if they are awake it will be harder to transport them into their rooms. Okay herobrine i will stay here with him and please dont take to long. I won't and when i get back i will see if maybe 303 is still in his cell after we put steve in his room.Okay Hurry. so herobrine takes alex to her cell, gets her strapped into the bed, and hurries back to null. I've gotten her taken care of now its his turn. so, herobrine and null walks into another cell, shuts the
door and puts steve on the bed. Hey null hand me those strappes instead of these. why these ones, aren't these ones for entity when we catch him. yes null but if you look at steves eyes one of them have a red tint instead of brown. I see what you mean herobrine but won't this scare them if they wake up and are strapped to a bed. Null it might but its for their own safety. i am using all my power to keep them safe, so they will trust me enough to help them. So with the help of null they got steve strapped down and went to go and see if 303 is still in his cage. Hey, isnt that 303 in the cage with his hand out. they both run to the cell and see 303 is still there. what do you two want? First, idiotbrine doped me up and locked me in here. now i have to look at both of your
faces. Entity, we did it for the safety of alex and steve. i didnt know what you were going to do to them so i shot 3 tranquilizers and put the three of you to sleep. So how come i just woke up and the others were already gone! well, first 303 steve and alex are asleep in separate rooms and they are both strapped down for now. two you are very evil and dangerous. i will do anything to protect minecraft. i even went to get an old friend. you might recognize him because he helped me in the last battle with you. Can you guess 303? well im entity 303 and i am friends with dreadlord whose been locked up since he was thirteen. so it cant be him. oh wait i know who it is, its nully, your worthless sidekick. Null started to get very impatient with entity and asked herobrine if he
could go outside to let off some steam. Null there is a new room upstairs i installed for when someone needs to let of some steam. it is made for the power of anger. Thanks herobrine i will see you later. No problem null, go crazy. so after null left, herobrine was talking to 303 when they both stopped. Hey, idiotbrine do you here that horrible noise. yes entity i hear it to, i will be right back. Okay idiotbrine don't go to slow i might go to sleep before you get back. Whatever 303 just be quite and no noise or else you dont get to go to the anger release room for ten minutes. Fine but bring me some food im starving. Okay 303 i will. BEHAVE YOURSELF. so herobrine was walking down the hallway towards where the noise was getting louder and finally he found out
where the sound was coming from. he looked into the window to see that alex had escaped the straps and was walking around singing a song. but alex noticed the light from his eyes and stopped singing. hey why did you stop? i really like that song and now i like it even more after hearing it sung by you. Thanks herobrine and i only stopped because i saw the light from your eyes and it made me nervous. How come when i woke up i was strapped down to the bed and steve isnt in here? Sorry alex but steve is in another cell asleep and you both were strapped down for your safety and so i could talk to null and 303. So steve is okay then thats good herobrine. Hey herobrine , where's null? He's in the stress relief room blowing off some steam because 303 got on his nerves.
Null should be back at anytime now. Okay herobrine. um is it okay if when steve wakes up i can go and seem him. sure but i will have tranquilize you and it will be the smallest dose. so it will only last long enough to take you into his room. before that i will have to do the same to him so you both will wake up at the same time. okay i understand herobrine. when null comes down i will bring him in here so he can talk with you until steve wakes up. i have to go check on steve and finish talking to 303. but i really want you to lay down and relax until then. i will herobrine. so herobrine is walking down the hallway and sees null. but when he gets closer he notices that null is carrying steve. Null, what happened, is he okay, whats wrong with him? Calm down brine, he was awake and
had escaped from the straps. when i was walking by i saw him collapsed and i ran in just in time and caught him. we need to take him to the care room so we can find out what happened. to find out what had caused him to collapsed like that. herobrine and null rushed steve to the care room and started hooking him up to machines. when steve woke up he started to panic because he didnt know what was going on. he started looking around the room and started to calm down when he saw null and herobrine next to him. I see you finally woke up. Herobrine what happened to me and where am i at? well null was caring you towards me and said that you collapsed. you are in the care room. me and null are trying to figure out why you collapsed in
your room. okay herobrine. steve when i saw you start collapsing i ran in immediately and caught you before you hit the ground. do you know what happened or what caused you to collapsed like that? Null all i remember is seeing a word on the wall and heard a horrible noise and then everything went black. steve was super tired and told herobrine and null that his eyes were hurting. herobrine told steve to sit up and look him in the eyes. herobrine why do you want me to look at your eyes? Steve i just want to see something because if it is what i think it is me and null have to put you to sleep and give you some stuff to get rid of it. Okay i will herobrine. as steve was looking into herobrines eyes, herobrine
noticed that one of steves eyes were completely red now. okay null i found out what i was looking for and we need to take steve back to his room. so herobrine grabbed one arm and null grabbed the other and took steve to his room. we need you to stay here and lay down why we get a new room set up for you to go in. it will take at most an hour and then we will be back to get you. okay you two i will be on the bed when you come back. null and herobrine went to another floor that no one else new about. null we need to get this set up fast because steves one eye is turning red. i think the reason why he collapsed is because 303 tried to communicate to him and all it did was cause steve to collapsed. so three hours later they finally got the floor set up for steve. but when
they went to go get steve he was laying on the floor and he was super cold. Steve hey steve are you okay, what happened to you. hero- is all steve said before he completely blacked out. null we have to get him to the floor now his other eye is starting to turn red. herobrine was getting really nervous because he knew that if steves eyes both turn red, entity would escape. so now they had to shoot steve with a tranquilizer and strap him down onto a bed. they wheeled him down to the next floor and prepared him for a shock test. Null, we have to do this to him and it will also shock entity at the same time. i will grab entity but i need you to stay here and if he wakes up null, shoot him. okay hero i will just hurry.
so herobrine went to go get entity and when he got there he notice that there was something wrong with entity. Hey, entity whats wrong this time? I do know herobrine, maybe you should go get null and ask him. i have been on the edge for the past 2 hours. i think- hero-. Entity whats going on, hang on i will be right back. herobrine was now in a panic and was going down to where steve and null were at. Null, null entity and...Hero whats wrong what about entity. just calm do and tell me. Null something is wrong with entity and we need to bring him to the care room immediately. bring a tranquilizer just in case this is a trick. ok hero lets go find out what is wrong with- wait what about steve? just put
him in that special room over their for the extremely dangerous. ok i will hero and i will make sure to bring the tranquilizer for entity. so null took steve to the room and followed behind herobrine to entity. but when they got closer to entity they heard two voices singing. null, can you go check on alex and i will check on entity. make sure to turn you eyes off so when you get closer none of them will no that we are close to them. ok hero i will. herobrine went to check on entity and null was checking on alex. when herobrine got closer to entityś cell, he noticed that entity was in the hallway and not in his cage. herobrine slowly walked up to a dent in the wall and watched entity as he stood there singing to himself.
herobrine saw null and told him to get a tranquilizer just in case. null you need to come here and be quiet with the tranq until i say to shoot. we dont want to scare him or else it could turn out bad. ok hero but should i get a table with straps so if i do have to shoot we can put him on the table. sure null but be fast and quiet. i will call you if things go south. so herobrine came out of hiding to where if entity turned around he could see him. hey, herobrine i see you found out that i could sing and come out of the cage for a short amount of time. entity how did you get out of the cage. well lets see hero i am a glitch and so for a short amount of time i am able to stretch my legs before i get weak and return to the cage.
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To all minecraft lovers!

they were all standing in a circle, looking at each other. Hey, me and herobrine need to go find out what that was. we need you guys to stay here until we come back. Okay we will and please dont take too long. we won't and null and herobrine went on their way. five minutes they came running at us, all out of breath. Steve asked, is everything okay, what happened? null and herobrine looked at each other and then at steve and alex and yelled, run. if you dont run then we will have to put you to sleep and teleport to safety. but steve and alex wouldn't, couldn't move. what ever had happened to null and herobrine had followed them. thats when null and herobrine realize why steve and alex wouldn't move. Alex and steve we are sorry to do this and thats when null
took alex and herobrine took steve. they shot them two with a heavy dose and then they picked them up and teleported to herobrine house. Hey, null i will take alex to the other end and i need you to watch steve for a sec. OK herobrine but why arent they going to be put together. Null, we need them apart to be able to give them powers but if they are awake it will be harder to transport them into their rooms. Okay herobrine i will stay here with him and please dont take to long. I won't and when i get back i will see if maybe 303 is still in his cell after we put steve in his room.Okay Hurry. so herobrine takes alex to her cell, gets her strapped into the bed, and hurries back to null. I've gotten her taken care of now its his turn. so, herobrine and null walks into another cell, shuts the
door and puts steve on the bed. Hey null hand me those strappes instead of these. why these ones, aren't these ones for entity when we catch him. yes null but if you look at steves eyes one of them have a red tint instead of brown. I see what you mean herobrine but won't this scare them if they wake up and are strapped to a bed. Null it might but its for their own safety. i am using all my power to keep them safe, so they will trust me enough to help them. So with the help of null they got steve strapped down and went to go and see if 303 is still in his cage. Hey, isnt that 303 in the cage with his hand out. they both run to the cell and see 303 is still there. what do you two want? First, idiotbrine doped me up and locked me in here. now i have to look at both of your
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