This is for all the swamp donkeys I slay in the furture.

Loki gave the spear to Baldr's brother, the blind god Höðr, who then inadvertently killed his brother with it. Loki gets tied up and bonded. This event marked the start of Ragnarok.

The Norns, those inscrutable spinners of fate, decree it – "there shall come a Great Winter". A winter so bad its worst then any other ever seen by any world.The biting winds will blow snow from every direction. "This winter shall last the length of three winters" the Norns said.

The wolves Skoll and Hati, who have hunted the sun and the moon through the skies since the beginning of time, will at last catch their prey. The stars, too, will disappear, leaving nothing but a black void in the heavens. Yggdrasil, the great tree that holds the cosmos together, will tremble, and all the trees and even the mountains will fall to the ground.

Yggdrasil the tree that holds the great wolf Fernrir contained by chains will fall allowing the great wolf to escape free. Fernrir will then run across the Earth with his lower jaw on the ground and his top on the sky devouring everything in his path.

The mighty serpent that dwells at the bottom of the ocean will now rise from the depths of the deep ocean will rise. Jormungand makes the seas spill all over the earth as he makes land fall.
All these convulsions will make Naglfar shake free from its moorings. The ship that is made from dead men and women finger nails and toe nails will easily sail over the flooded earth. The crew of this mighty ship is a army giants that is captained by Loki. The traitor god who broke free from his chains that had which bonded him.

The dome of the sky will be split, and from the crack shall emerge the fire-giants from Muspelheim. Their leader shall be Surt, with a flaming sword brighter than the sun in his hand. As they march across Bifrost, the rainbow bridge to Asgard, the home of the gods, the bridge will break and fall behind them. An ominous horn blast will ring out; this will be Heimdall, the divine sentry, blowing the Gjallarhorn to announce the arrival of the moment the gods have feared. Odin will anxiously consult the head of Mimir, the wisest of all beings, for counsel.
The dome of the sky will split allowing the fire giants to emerge from Muspelheim. Their leader shall be Surt, possesses the flaming sword that is brighter than the sun in his hand. Surt leads this army across the bifrost to Asgard, the home of the Gods, the bridge will break and fall behind them. Heimdall will then blow an ominous horn to alert the Gods of the giants arrival.

Odin will anxiously consult the head of Mimir. Mimir is the wisest of all beings. Odin says "Surt is leading a army of giants across the bifrost". After that Odin and Mimir decide the only option is to go to battle even though they know the outcome.
Odin will now go to battle against Fernir. With Einherjar by his side. Einherjar is Odins champions of all man. But even with the help of the man it will not be enough Fernir swallows them both whole. Odins son Vidar burning with rage, charges the beast trying to abenge his father. Vidar has a shoe made from all the scrapes of leather that all human shoemakers have ever discared. Vidar will then use the heavy shoe to hold open the beasts mouth and stab it in the back of the mouth, thus slaying the beast.
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This is for all the swamp donkeys I slay in the furture.

Loki gave the spear to Baldr's brother, the blind god Höðr, who then inadvertently killed his brother with it. Loki gets tied up and bonded. This event marked the start of Ragnarok.

The Norns, those inscrutable spinners of fate, decree it – "there shall come a Great Winter". A winter so bad its worst then any other ever seen by any world.The biting winds will blow snow from every direction. "This winter shall last the length of three winters" the Norns said.

The wolves Skoll and Hati, who have hunted the sun and the moon through the skies since the beginning of time, will at last catch their prey. The stars, too, will disappear, leaving nothing but a black void in the heavens. Yggdrasil, the great tree that holds the cosmos together, will tremble, and all the trees and even the mountains will fall to the ground.
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