1th fairy taile
29th Chalkida Greece kindergarden
5th Drama Greece kindergarden
The Sweetest Bread.

Maria Makri
Stauroula Avgitidou
Maria Papadopoulou
Shophia Livaditi
Makbule GILIÇ

Once upon a time he was a very rich king. Everyone admired him for his riches and everyone thought he was happy.

One day the king got sick with anorexia nervosa. He could not eat anything from the rich food that brought him.

Many doctors visited him, but the king did not do any medication.

Visited him a poor elder too, who asked him if he was tired, if he had problems with his own citizens if he wanted something and did not have it. None of these. The king was not tired, he had no worries and suffering, he always had what he was asking for.

Then the elder proposed to the king to go for three days with him and follow his instructions to be cured.

The elder proposed to the king to eat the world's sweetest bread to be cured. Everyone brewed various kinds of bread for the king, but without effect. No bread liked the king.

The King accepted and went with him to the old man's hut on the plain, taking off his crown, dressed in poor clothes

On the first day the king drank in the livery all day

On the second day the king flattened in the livery all day

On the third day the king loaded the wheat onto his shoulders

And he went to the mill, up the mountain to grind

The king was very tired and hungry. He fermented the loaves

Then, after collecting wood for the oven, he baked the breads.

As soon as he ate the first bite, the king said, "This is the sweetest bread of the world.

The king returned to the palace, and since then he has always been industrious and his people happy.
And they both lived well and we were better

"The Sun and the Wind"
A traditional fairy tale from 1st Kindergarten Prosotsani Drama Greece-Litsa Gaziotou..
illustrated by 10th Kindergarten Neapoli Thessaloniki Greece-Efi Baki

Once upon a time, it was the Wind and the Sun. Wind said in the Sun that I am the strongest and the Sun answered, not
I am.
Then a man appeared. The Wind suggested to the Sun the following: "Anyone of us who can pull out the man's clothes will be the strongest one"

The Wind blows strong and the man is even more dressed. The Sun stretched out its rays and the man warmed up, leaving all the clothes, and he fell into the river to cool.

Then the Wind continues the Sun and accepts that it is the strongest and they have lived well and we are better.

Once upon a time, Mrs. Kali was
a poor but very
good woman...
She was working for a rich woman. Ηe went every day to her house and drank bread...
The rich woman never gave her money, but with the pasta from her hands she made bread for
her children...
When she realized that with her dough she
made bread and feeds her children, she
asked her before she left her house to
wash her hands very well
Mrs. Kali was very sad...
Searching for food, he saw a
house with light. He hit the door
and walked in. Around the fireplace
sat an old man and twelve young men
Mrs. Kali first went to the 3
young men with the flowers..
They asked Mrs. Kali if she liked the spring
months... She said that all 3 months
are very good, because they
bring the flowers, the birds and
the songs.. Then the 3 months of spring
were very much enjoyed!
Then Mrs. Kali went to the 3
young men with the golden
rays... Mrs. Kali said that all three months
are very good, because they give us
the grapes and the fine apples
In the end Mrs. Kali went to 3 young men
with thick clothes .. They asked her if she
liked the 3 months of winter..
Mrs. Kali said that all three months of
winter are good because they bring us the
holidays, the snow and the warm clothes..
Then the 12 young men gave
Mrs. Kali a box and told her to
open it when she went to her
home.. When she went to her house
and opened it was overwhelmed
with many gold coins..
She went to the market and bought bread for her children! On her way met the rich woman ..
She asked her where she found the money to buy bread and Mrs. Kali explained to her what
had happened..
So she decided to go home with the 12 young men.. When the spring months asked her if she liked the spring, she said they were all bad because they had a lot of annoying insects..
When the summer months asked her if she liked the summer, she said they were all bad because they brought the heat..
When the autumn months asked her if she liked the autumn, she said they are all bad, because they bring the rain and the air..
When she went home she opened the box
and several snakes banged her So the rich woman died..
On the other hand Mrs. Kali and all her children became rich and they lived well and we were better!
A mouse and his daughter

Marmarou Efterpie
2nd kindergarten Kalloni Lesvos-Greece
Xatzidimpa Panagiota
Κindergarten of Douneika-Greece
Once upon a time there was a family of mice. But that wasn’t any ordinary family. The daughter was one of the most beautiful female mice ever. That made her father not wanting her to marry any ordinary mouse. He wanted her to have a husband equal to her beauty and grace.

One day while he was walking out in the fields. He gazed upon the shining sun and thought to himself “The almighty sun should be the husband for my daughter”. So he headed to the house of sun
But the sun was quick to turn him down saying that the clouds were more powerful than him
So the father headed to them to ask them to marry his daughter. The cloud denied his proposal as well saying that the wind was more powerful.
The poor father headed to the wind.

Same as before he denied his proposal as well saying that there was an old tower he couldn’t destroy and that tower was more powerful.

Finally asking the tower, the tower responded” You know whats more powerful and beautiful than me? Inside my walls live thousands of brave mice, that destroy me little by little day by day. You should marry your daughter to one of them.

So the father married his daughter to a big and brave mouse and they lived happily ever after.

The Owl and the Grouse!
Kindergarten of Douneika Greece
Hatzidimpa Panagiota
2nd Kindergarten of Kalloni Lesvos
Marmarou Efterpie

Once upon a time, the birds of the whole world came together and had a huge meeting. They agreed to build a school so their children would go there and learn how to read and write.
They even found a teacher and so the classes began.
After a few days some of the students hadn’t done their homework, so the teacher punished them by forcing them to stay at school afterwards with no food.
Among those children was the owl’s child.
When mother owl saw that her child hadn’t back from school she went to find it.
When she heard the bad news she decided to pick some food and take it to her child at school. On her way to school she met the grouse.
When she heard the bad news she decided to pick some food and take it to her child at school. On her way to school she met the grouse.
My kid got punished too, said the grouse, can you do me a favor and take him some food from me? I’m bd usy and I can’t make it.
How I be able to recognize your child? asked the owl.
It won’t be difficult, said the grouse, because my child is the most beautiful in the entire class.
So the owl went to school, gave her child some food and then try to find grouse’s child but she couldn’t find it.
The owl came back to the grouse and said: I’m sorry Misses Grouse but I couldn’t find your child to give him food.
After careful looking my child was the most beautiful in the entire class.

And they lived happily ever after.

5th kindergarten of Drama Greece
Draws the fairy tale of 29th Chalkidas kindergarten , Greece
"The golden cup and the king's son"
Once upon a time, he was a king who lost his golden glass, which was his grandfather's memento, and that was a symbol of the royal power as well. The king's young son promised his father to find and bring back the golden glass.
The king's son with his beloved horse begins. on the street they meet an old man who told him that his glass stole 40 dragons living in the far mountain.
The young man arrived at the 40-dragon wharf, and they told him that to give him his golden cup, he must bring them out of the black dragon kingdom that was far away, the black diamond.
However, they wanted to send him away to never come back. There were three rivers on his way. The white, the red and the black river. The black dragon lived beyond the black river.
The son of the king with his horse, crossed the rivers and reached the country where the black dragon lived. There, the violinist of the dragon lived playing music to sleep the dragon.
But his violin broke down, and the black dragon threw him in the river. The king's son saved the violinist from drowning
The violinist played violin, the dragon slept and the King's son took the black diamond from the dragon's nest. The black diamond was wrapped in a black scarf. . The violinist, had told him that he should not unfold the scarf a day except night so as not to be blinded by the light of the diamond.
The king's son and the fairy were much loved. they returned the glass to the king, married, kept the violin forever and lived together happily.
The king's son and the violinist riding on the horse passed the black river and returned to the country of 40 dragons. The dragons did not keep their promise and wanted to keep the gold glass and the black diamond forever.
The dragons tied the two friends to a tree, and when they went to their nest they solved the scarf and they pulled out the black diamond. The dragons were blinded by the light of the diamond.
The horse helped release the two friends and they fled away. They came to a river, and the king's son had to drink water in the glass. Then came the beautiful fairy of the glass.
The king's son and the fairy were much loved. they returned the glass to the king, married, kept the violin forever and lived together happily.
Spanish tale: 'THE LAZY GIRL'
Santiago Apostol School: Primary Education
Calzada de los Molinos, Palencia province
Once upon a time, there was a house in the middle of a forest where a couple lived together. Each of them had a daughter from previous marriages. The woman loved her daughter too much but, however, she used her husband´s daughter as a maid.Consequently, the woman´s own daughter became very lazy whereas the man´s daughter became very responsible.
-Stepmother: 'Keep on cleaning all the house and never stop!'
-Girl: 'Ok, I´ll do what you say'

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1th fairy taile
29th Chalkida Greece kindergarden
5th Drama Greece kindergarden
The Sweetest Bread.

Maria Makri
Stauroula Avgitidou
Maria Papadopoulou
Shophia Livaditi
Makbule GILIÇ

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