Ned: Hi! Welcome to Late Night PLANTZ! I'm your host, NED the NUCLEUS! Tonight we're going backstage to give you a inside look on how this plant cell works! First let's start with me! My name is Ned and in this cell i control all other activities and produce DNA! Our next stop tonight is...MOLLY the MITOCHONDRIA!

Molly: zzz...

Ned: Molly! It’s time for your bit, you were supposed to be ready an hour ago!
Molly: I just don't have the energy right now dude. I spend all my energy on this place that what a PRODUCER does!
Ned: Don't give me that, you're the mitochondria for nucleus sake!


Ned: Okay, no sooner no later! Well since we don’t have her for now i’ll introduce you to someone who really holds us all together. Get over here Charlie!
Charlie: Ned, you know i’m shy you can’t just throw me in like that!
Ned: Oh you’ll be fine! Tell the people what you do!


Charlie: Well I'm a stage hand in the studio. In the grand scheme of things i’m cytoplasm, my job in this cell is to hold everything together quite literally I am jelly.
Ned: Well thank you Charlie for showing everyone how you help us out around here! Lets get on stage and see how Molly is doing.


Molly:You’re go and you tell ME not to be late and then you’re late...who gave you the right?
Ned:Well i’m sorry your highness who died and made you queen.


Ned:RIBOSOMES! Just because you're the band and you make protein for us does NOT give you the right to take her side!


Molly: I’m the powerhouse of this cell, the mitochondria! You want to keep this show running, you need ME.
Ned:Even though you perform cellular respiration and make us energy, you are not the host of this show.


Molly:Yeah whatever man, i’d like to see you try without me.
Ned:We would be just fine without you...but please don't leave us! Anyways thanks for nothing Molly.

Ned:We're going to move on from her negative energy and on to our next guest is Vicky vacuole! We should find her in her dressing room backstage.

Vicky:Oh! Hi Ned, audience I just needed to get all of the waste out of this room the waste in here is crazy. A janitors job is never done!


Ned:Jeez, I'm sorry Vicky we forgot about your phobia of germs, why don't you tell the people why you have it?

Vicky: It’s alright Ned! Well since you asked the reason I'm around is because in this cell i remove all the waste products to keep this cell healthy and in good shape! So that’s just come over into my daily life it drives my husband crazy.


Ned:Oh that's right! Vicky is actually married to someone else very important to this show! Larry why don’t you come up and tell us what you do to round off your wife’s bit!

Larry: Well, hello everyone my name is Larry, the Lysosome and i’m the assistant janitor AND recycling man around here and help in assisting some in digestion in this cell! My wonderful wife and I work very well together because we both help rid of waste in the cell...but don’t tell her i said this she’s going a little crazy you know what I mean.

Ned:Um, Larry she can hear you, but we’ll leave you alone to let you deal with that one! On to the next guest.

*Rustling noise*

Ned:Well up next is Cleo Chloroplast who is our lighting around here, let’s go see if we can find her shall we?

Cleo what are you doing up there?!?

Cleo:I was just checking the lights they seem to be a little more white then yellow and i know that you think it makes you look old Ned!

Ned:Cleo!! You can’t know what nevermind! Well seeing as Cleo is a bit preoccupied i’ll just tell you how her job around here works. Cleo is the chloroplast who’s job is one of the most important, you see cleo keeps our plant cell fed and upbeat. She absorbs sunlight and uses it in conjunction with water and carbon dioxide gas to produce food for the plant.

Cleo: You betcha! I'm the light woman around here and Ned wouldn't know what to do without me around, and i'd have to agree with you Ned the white lights do make you look aged.

Ned: Can we cut her bit out?

Greg:No sir then we wouldn't have enough time for a full length show.

Ned:God, Greg I hate that your always right. I need a minute i’ll be back Greg tell the people about yourself.

Greg: Well um..Hi guys? I'm Greg the Golgi body and I'm the production assistant around here but what i do in this cell is a little different and I myself find it pretty important. I sort through all of the proteins around here and keep them in good shape and make sure that all of the proteins go their proper routes. Not much to say about it just all in all the proteins would never make it without me.

Greg: Well... that was all I had to say about myself but Ned never came back..So I guess i’ll be your host until Ned returns, let’s go see who we can find back here.

Greg: Well this is just perfect! These two fine organelles are Ron and Sam two people I work very close with, I'm going to leave this to you two!

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Ned: Hi! Welcome to Late Night PLANTZ! I'm your host, NED the NUCLEUS! Tonight we're going backstage to give you a inside look on how this plant cell works! First let's start with me! My name is Ned and in this cell i control all other activities and produce DNA! Our next stop tonight is...MOLLY the MITOCHONDRIA!

Molly: zzz...

Ned: Molly! It’s time for your bit, you were supposed to be ready an hour ago!
Molly: I just don't have the energy right now dude. I spend all my energy on this place that what a PRODUCER does!
Ned: Don't give me that, you're the mitochondria for nucleus sake!


Ned: Okay, no sooner no later! Well since we don’t have her for now i’ll introduce you to someone who really holds us all together. Get over here Charlie!
Charlie: Ned, you know i’m shy you can’t just throw me in like that!
Ned: Oh you’ll be fine! Tell the people what you do!
- END >
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