Dedicated to Disney World, and Sakuhei Fujiwhara
No hurricanes were harmed during the making of this book, mentally or otherwise :)

This is Cognate Cloud.
It'll be popping up every now and then to teach you new words in Spanish!
Cognate Cloud
Hi! I'm here to teach you some cool new words! Let me tell you what a cognate is.

A cognate is a word that shares the same root word and means the same thing in Spanish and English. They can also be spelled the same. Here are some examples: hotel-hotel, horror-horror, idea-idea, fantastic-fantástico, effect-efecto, and air-aire.

But that's not all! Watch out for "false cognates," or words in Spanish that look like words in English. Here are some examples:
"Pie" in Spanish means foot, but means pie (dessert) in English. "Arena" in Spanish means sand, but looks like the English word "arena," which means something completely different.

Grammar Topic: Prepositions
Prepositions are words or phrases that show a relationship between a verb, noun, or adjective. Prepositions often tells you where something is or when something happened. We have them in both Spanish and in English.
Throughout the book, these words and phrases will be in bold red text so that it'll be easier for you to see them.
Here is a list of some of the prepositions and prepositional phrases you'll find throughout the book:
Las Preposiciones:
alrededor - around hasta - until, forward arriba - up 0f - de
bajo - under sobre - about, on, upon abajo - down
alta - above desde - from, since to - a on - en
antes - before, in the presence of dentro de - Inside con - with in - en

The surface of the ocean warms up. The warm, humid air rises from the surface of the water, causing a low air pressure area from below.
La superficie del océano se calienta. El aire cálido y húmedo se eleva desde la superficie del agua, causando una area de baja presión.

Now that you know that you know what a cognate is, you can spot them yourself! An example of this on this page is océano and ocean. Both words have the same meaning. There are more cognates on this page. Can you spot them all?
Air from the surrounding areas with the high air pressure is pushed down, causing the new air to be warm and humid.
El aire de las áreas circundantes con la presión de aire alta se empuja hacia abajo, causando el aire nuevo caliente y húmedo.

The warm humid air continues to swirl until the warm water in the air turns into clouds. Then, the clouds swirl faster and faster until the clouds form a whole system. Then, a tropical storm is born! - That’s me, Avery! -
El aire húmedo y cálido continua girando hasta que el agua tibia en el aire se convierte en nubes. Luego, las nubes giran más rápido y más rápido hasta que las nubes forman un sistema entero. !Entonces nace una tormenta tropical! !Ese soy yo, Avery!

How many cognates can you spot?

The Eye
The eye is inside the hurricane. El ojo está dentro del huracán. Dentro de means inside!
My storm system swirls faster and faster until I form an eye in the center of my system. The clouds that surround my eye are going very fast but inside my eye it is very calm and clear! That’s how I became the hurricane that I am today.
Mi sistema de tormenta gira más rápido y rápido hasta que forma un ojo en el centro de mi sistema. Las nubes que rodean mi ojo están yendo muy rápido, pero dentro de mi ojo está muy tranquilo y claro! Así es como me convertí en el huracán que soy hoy.

How many cognates can you spot?
Right now, I'm traveling to Florida because I've heard so many nice things about it. It's warm, sunny, and has nice humid weather, which I like. I want to go to Disney World, have fun on all the rides, and make lots of new friends!
En este momento, estoy viajando a la Florida porque he escuchado muchas cosas buenas sobre ella. Es cálida, soleada y tiene buen clima húmedo, lo que me gusta. ¡Quiero ir a Disney World, divertirme en todos los juegos y hacer muchos nuevos amigos!

How many cognates can you spot?

"Hurricane Avery has officially made landfall on Orlando, Florida," said the news reporter. "It's the strongest kind- a category 5- and caused hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate their homes. More importantly though, it almost destroyed DISNEY WORLD."
-El huracán Avery ha aterrizado oficialmente en Orlando, Florida- dijo la reportera. -Es el tipo más fuerte, una categoría 5 y causó que cientos de miles de personas evacuaran sus hogares. Pero lo más importante es que casi destruyó DISNEY WORLD.-

How many cognates can you spot?

Oh no! Everyone is mad at me! No one likes me... They're saying I'm one of the worst hurricanes they have ever had! They even called me a "Category 5"! So mean!
I just wanted to go to the happiest place on earth, but I guess I'll just leave...
¡No! ¡Todos están enojados conmigo! A nadie le agrado... ¡Están diciendo que soy uno de los peores huracanes que han tenido! ¡Incluso me llamaron "categoría 5"! ¡Qué malos!
Sólo quería ir al lugar más feliz de la tierra, pero supongo que voy a partir!

I floated back out into the ocean, but this time I feel weaker than before. This is because I was away from the ocean, which is my energy source. The warmer, wetter air is over the ocean where I came from. When I went over land the cooler, drier air slowed me down and made me less powerful.
Volví al océano, pero esta vez me siento más débil que antes. Estoy más débil porque estaba lejos del océano, que es mi fuente de energía. El aire más cálido y húmedo está sobre el océano de donde vengo. Cuando pasé por tierra, el aire más frío y seco me retrasó y me hizo menos poderoso.

How many cognates can you spot?

I'm going to spend the rest of my time out here in the ocean, and I'm so lonely. I wish I had a friend.
Voy a pasar el resto de mi tiempo aquí en el océano y estoy tan solo. Ojalá tuviera un amigo.

As I travel through the Atlantic Ocean alone, I see something in the distance. As I got closer, I realized that it was another hurricane in the distance.
Mientras viajo solo por el Océano Atlántico, veo algo en la distancia. Cuanto más me acerco, me doy cuenta de que es otro huracán en la distancia.

How many cognates do you see?

I said, "Hi, I'm Avery! What's your name? How are you?" She replied with, "My name is Beryl. I'm not doing that well. I went to New York because I've always wanted to go, but everyone there was screaming and running away from me. So I left instead. How about you?"
I replied with, "I understand how you feel. I was on my way to Disney World, but when I got there, everyone also screamed and ran away. I was really sad afterwards."
Beryl said after, "Hey, you wanna be friends?" I said, "Yes, of course! Nice to meet you." Beryl and I stuck together afterwards and spent time together.
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Dedicated to Disney World, and Sakuhei Fujiwhara
No hurricanes were harmed during the making of this book, mentally or otherwise :)

This is Cognate Cloud.
It'll be popping up every now and then to teach you new words in Spanish!
Cognate Cloud
Hi! I'm here to teach you some cool new words! Let me tell you what a cognate is.

A cognate is a word that shares the same root word and means the same thing in Spanish and English. They can also be spelled the same. Here are some examples: hotel-hotel, horror-horror, idea-idea, fantastic-fantástico, effect-efecto, and air-aire.

But that's not all! Watch out for "false cognates," or words in Spanish that look like words in English. Here are some examples:
"Pie" in Spanish means foot, but means pie (dessert) in English. "Arena" in Spanish means sand, but looks like the English word "arena," which means something completely different.

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