To myself for being a half decent person and summoning the strength to write this bestseller and to Andrea for helping me come up with the idea

Samantha and Apollo decided to take a walk into the woods outside their village. They had just moved to a small village in Michigan and they knew absolutely nothing about their new home. Their parents told them to start exploring and learn more about Michigan.

So far all they could tell about the state is that there were a lot of trees and good food. As they were walking through the forest, they were stopped by a magical fairy.
"Hello, my name is Cherry the Magical Fairy and it seemed to me that you guys don't know anything about Michigan. That is where I come in. Lets take a trip down memory lane."

As she said those fateful words, they were suddenly dragged into a wormhole. The next thing they knew they had gone back in time! Suddenly, Cherry started speaking, "Welcome to Michigan in the year 1837. This is the year that Michigan officially became a part of the United States as the 26th state."

"The state is located in the middle of the Great Lakes and is separated in 2 land masses, the Upper and Lower Peninsulas." Cherry said as they arrived. Samantha and Apollo were in awe as they stood on the map of Michigan and waited for Cherry to tell them more about the cool state. "Come with me as we continue our journey through time."

"Onto our next destination!" exclaimed Cherry as they were thrown into a new wormhole. Samantha and Apollo hadn't been motion sick before hand but it seemed to them they would end up with motion sickness if this continued. "The next stop on our tour is the St. Joseph Lighthouse, a tourist attraction that gathers quite a bit of attention not only from tourist, but even from the people who live here."

They arrived on the shores of Lake Michigan and immediately wished they had brought a jacket. "The St. Joseph Lighthouse was built in 1907 and was the first lighthouse on Lake Michigan" Cherry said. "It was an important lighthouse and had been very useful in the time that it had been used" Samantha and Apollo were in awe of the structure they saw in front of them. "Onto our final destination" Cherry said as the lighthouse faded into the background.
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To myself for being a half decent person and summoning the strength to write this bestseller and to Andrea for helping me come up with the idea

Samantha and Apollo decided to take a walk into the woods outside their village. They had just moved to a small village in Michigan and they knew absolutely nothing about their new home. Their parents told them to start exploring and learn more about Michigan.

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