Once upon a time, there lived a Queen named Caroline. Although she appeared to have everything anyone would want, she was not happy because thirteen years ago, her beloved daughter Primrose had been kidnapped and was never seen again.

Her kidnapper, a woman named Ivey was not able to have children of her own and so she made a plan to kidnap the Princess and claim her as her own. The Princess was the perfect target because Ivey was already in charge of the Princess when the Queen was busy so she was attached to her.

Every year on Khalisi's birthday her mother would have a spectacular fireworks display so that no one would forget her.

She could still remember that fateful day. Ivey snuck into the Princess's nursery while everyone was sleeping took the child and ran off.

When the Queen got up in the morning and saw that the Princess was missing She had the guards search the kingdom but they could not find the Princess. The Queen was devastated.

Unknown to the Queen, the Pincess was alive and well living in a cabin in the forest just outside the kingdom.

Unfortunately, because thirteen years had passed, she barely remembered her mother. But at night she would have flashbacks of things from the past.

When she would tell her kidnapper who she thought was her mother about the flashbacks she would say, "There just dreams, they don't mean anything".

Primrose also noticed that every year on her birthday there would be a spectacular fireworks display. She often wondered what it was for, but her perceived mother would not tell her anything about what they meant.

One day during a heated argument with her perceived mother about the fireworks her kidnapper let it slip by saying in frustration, "I never should have kidnapped you"!

''What do you mean, you never should have kidnapped me"? asked Primrose.
"Ur um well did I say kidnapped, I meant adopted, no I meant gave birth to"!
Suddenly Primrose knew the truth and all of her flashbacks started to make sense.

Primrose knew who she really was and decided she had to get back to her real mother.
She played it cool until her kidnapper fell asleep and then she made her escape.

She didn't know her way around during the night and managed to get herself lost.
She hoped she could find someone to help her.

The next morning her kidnapper called her for breakfast but there was no response so she decided to go check on her.
To her shock and horror she was gone.

"Oh no, she has escaped"! I must go get her back if its the last thing I do.

Meanwhile, after a long night of wandering, Primrose stumbled upon a campsite. "Maybe someone here can help me" she thought.

"Hello, is anyone there"? she called. "Please, my name Primrose and I'm lost".
Suddenly a strange boy walked into the campsite.

"Hello my name is Eric Johnson, what did you say your name was again"?
"My name is Primrose " she replied.
"Nice to meet you Primrose , how can I help you"?
"I'm lost and I can't find my way home".

"What are you doing so deep in the forest"?
"It's a long story, but needless to say I have to find my way back to Winterfell.
"I can help you find your way out of the forest"
"Oh thank you so much, as soon as I get home I will make sure you are rewarded handsomely."

"What, are you rich or something"? he asked.
"Well I guess you could say that, I am actually the Princess of Winterfell". she retorted.
"Wait, what, you mean you are Princess Primrose "?
"Yes I am" she replied.

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Once upon a time, there lived a Queen named Caroline. Although she appeared to have everything anyone would want, she was not happy because thirteen years ago, her beloved daughter Primrose had been kidnapped and was never seen again.

Her kidnapper, a woman named Ivey was not able to have children of her own and so she made a plan to kidnap the Princess and claim her as her own. The Princess was the perfect target because Ivey was already in charge of the Princess when the Queen was busy so she was attached to her.

Every year on Khalisi's birthday her mother would have a spectacular fireworks display so that no one would forget her.

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