Dedicated to the trees outside

Spatial Distribution of Major Economic Systems
Chapter 1
North Korea command economy
North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea .Farmers are either paid or allowed to keep bees, fruit trees, chickens and gardens. Some farmers can sell leftover produce at regional markets that are held annually.

Germany market economy
The economy of Germany is a highly developed social market economy. It has the largest national economy in Europe, the fourth-largest by nominal GDP in the world.. Germany is a founding member of the European Union and the Eurozone.

Command economy
There are benefits and drawbacks to command economy structures. Command economy advantages include low levels of inequality and unemployment, and the common good replacing profit as the primary incentive of production. Command economy disadvantages include lack of competition and lack of efficiency.

Traditional economy
Traditional economies depend on agriculture, fishing, hunting, gathering, or some combination of the above. They use barter instead of money. Most traditional economies operate in emerging markets and developing countries. They are often in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Market economy
The definition of a market economy is one in which price and production is controlled by buyers and sellers freely conducting business.Countries that have a market economy are Mexico, United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Canada . These countries have a market economy because the prices of goods and services are set by supply and demand .

Farm subsidies
American farm subsidies are egregiously expensive, harvesting $20 billion a year from taxpayers' pockets. Most of the money goes to big, rich farmers producing staple commodities such as corn and soya beans in states such as Iowa. Is a government incentive paid to agribusinesses,agricultural organizations and farms to supplement their income, manage the supply of agricultural commodities, and influence the cost and supply of such commodities.

Tax incentives
Individual tax incentives are a prominent form of incentive and include deductions, exemptions, and credits. Specific examples include the mortgage interest deduction, individual retirement account, and hybrid tax credit. Another form of an individual tax incentive is the income tax incentive.

Chapter 2
Spatial Dimensions between Economic Activities
Primary Economic Activity
The primary sector includes the production of raw material and basic foods. Activities associated with the primary sector include agriculture (both subsistence and commercial), mining, forestry, farming, grazing, hunting and gathering, fishing, and quarrying. The tertiary sector of the economy is the service industry.

Secondary Economic Activity
Secondary economic activities involve the processing of raw materials.Examples would include turning timber into furniture and turning iron-ore into steel. Any factory can be seen as a system involving inputs.

Tertiary Economic Activity
Tertiary is the sector that provides services to end consumers and to the primary and secondary sectors, and is considered the most important sector in the chain. Transportation, health care, food service, retail sales, advertising, entertainment, tourism, banking, law, etc. are all examples of tertiary-level sectors.

Providers of Components
- Glass
- Tires
- Sheet Metals

Providers of Components
Circuit Boards
Electrical Components
Wireless Components

Early in the 19th century Johann Heinrich Von Thünen(1783-1850) developed a model of land use that showed how market processes could determine how land in different locations would be used. Von Thünen was a skilled farmer who was knowledgable in economics.German economist Johann Heinrich Von Thünen is best known for his writings on agricultural production and his model of the isolated state.
Von Thunen model

Christaller's Central Place Theory
Central place theory is a geographical theory that seeks to explain the number, size and location of human settlements in a residential system. The theory was created by the German geographer Walter Christaller, who asserted that settlements simply functioned as 'central places' providing services to surrounding areas.The most important theory is the central place theory which was created Walter Christaller (1893-1969) in 1933.

Oil towns and Texas and Oklahoma
Oil in Oklahoma was first discovered, by accident, in 1859, near Salina, in the then Oklahoma Territory, in a well that had been Oil production became established in North Texas, Central Texas, the Panhandle, and the Permian Basin in western Texas. The finds in North Texas, beginning with the 1917 strike in Ranger west of Dallas-Fort Worth, were particularly significant, bringing substantial industrialization to the area. drilled for salt.

High-tech corridors of cities in India
Bangalore, Delhi NCR, and Mumbai are the best-perceived tech cities in India, according to a survey by the CEOWORLD magazine. Question topics touched on Start-up growth, digital infrastructure, innovation, and livability.The Digital Indian Cities Survey, 2016 was developed and conducted by the CEOWORLD Magazine and includes responses from more than 74,000 IT professionals and tech recruiters, all over India.

Textile Mill Towns of North and South Carolina
Textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution in Britain was centered in south Lancashire and the towns on both sides of the Pennines. In Germany it was concentrated in the Wupper Valley, Ruhr Region and Upper Silesia, in Spain it was concentrated in Catalonia while in the United States it was in New England.A mill town, also known as factory town or mill village.

Chapter 3
Factors that Influence Economic Activities
Site as an Economic Influence
Economic impact analyses often estimate multiple types of impacts. An output impact is the total increase in business sales revenue. In turn, local businesses use some of this new revenue to pay for goods and services outside of the study region, so the output impact is not synonymous with local business profits. A more conservative measure of economic activity is the value added impact, which estimates the increase in the study region’s gross regional product.

Situation as an Economic Influence
The conditions change over time along with the economic and business cycles, as an economy goes through expansion and contraction. Economic conditions are considered to be sound or positive when an economy is expanding and are seen as adverse or negative when an economy is contracting.Other economic changes that affect business include changes in the interest rate, wage rates, and the rate of inflation.

Singapore’s Deep Water Ports
The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals that conduct maritime trade, and which handle Singapore's harbours and shipping.Singapore has two main commercial port terminal operators, namely PSA Corporation Limited and Jurong Port. Both ports can accommodate all vessel types. The Port of Singapore includes terminals located at Tanjong Pagar, Keppel, Brani, Pasir Panjang, Sembawang and Jurong.

Your Home
My home is medium size. My home is nice. I enjoy being home.

YOUR local region (SC)
The Sandhills (Midlands) is the sandy region of South Carolina where the fall line is located. The Sandhills region is located in the middle of the state below the Piedmont and above the Coastal Plain.The Coastal Plain is low, flat to gently sloping land that extends along the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

3 local manufacturing businesses
These materials are then modified through manufacturing processes to become the required part.A manufacturing business is any business that uses components, parts or raw materials to make a finished good. These finished goods can be sold directly to consumers or to other manufacturing businesses that use them for making a different product.

It describes the way countries and people of the world interact and integrate. Many things have become globalized as people come into contact. Economic globalization is how countries are coming together as one big global economy, making international trade easier.

environmental issues that accompany trade
But trade can also lead to beneficial impacts on the environment by allowing environmental goods and services to be shared more widely. Increased trade can support economic growth, development and social welfare, thereby contributing to a greater capacity to manage the environment more effectively.Clearly, trade-led growth can have significant environmental impacts.

carbon footprint
Carbon emissions contribute to climate change, which can have serious consequences for humans and their environment.The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. These carbon emissions raise global temperatures by trapping solar energy in the atmosphere.

consumers like inexpensive goods
Providing a product at the lowest price point in your market sounds like a sure way to attract customers.The problem is that the brands with this strategy are rarely considered high-quality. The best strategy is to strive to be competitive via a mix of quality and pricing.

U.S. workers may lose their jobs due to outsourcing
New research shows that more than three-quarters of jobs lost were in manufacturing. Jobs outsourced to China have diminished American employment opportunities and have helped contribute to wage erosion since 2001, when China entered the World Trade Organization, new research shows.It allows them to sell to foreign markets with overseas branches.

trade imbalances between the U.S. and China
The U.S. trade deficit with China was $419 billion in 2018. The trade deficit exists because U.S. exports to China were only $120 billion while imports from China were $540 billion. The biggest categories of U.S. imports from China were computers and accessories, cell phones, and apparel and footwear.

Chile produces grapes that are out of season in the U.S
Chile’s earliest table grape-growing region has officially kicked off the 2018-19 season, with the first shipments to the U.S. expected to set sail next week.Grape volume from the Copiapó region is projected to exceed 10 million boxes this season. Harvesting began on Nov. 20, with the first shipments expected to depart for the U.S. between Dec. 5 – 7.

drawing in foreign currency but shipping out
Exchange currency before you leave. Currency conversion can be an unnecessary expense, and it's one that you can avoid with some clever preparation for your travel, Hamm writes.Generally speaking, withdrawing cash from the right ATM at your destination will land you with a better deal than using an exchange bureau or purchasing travelers checks or currency from your bank before you leave. But you need to be mindful of two things: your bank's policy and the ATM you're using.

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Dedicated to the trees outside

Spatial Distribution of Major Economic Systems
Chapter 1
North Korea command economy
North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea .Farmers are either paid or allowed to keep bees, fruit trees, chickens and gardens. Some farmers can sell leftover produce at regional markets that are held annually.

Germany market economy
The economy of Germany is a highly developed social market economy. It has the largest national economy in Europe, the fourth-largest by nominal GDP in the world.. Germany is a founding member of the European Union and the Eurozone.

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