Globalization Books

  • Globalization
    A brief explanation of globalization and its impact on trade, with a focus on the import and export of goods.
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  • Jenny's Globalization Adventures
    Jenny discovers the power of the internet and how it connects people from all over the world, leading to new friendships and knowledge.
  • The Impact of Globalization
    Jada, a girl from the US, and a boy from Jamaica maintain their long-distance relationship through globalization and technology.
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  • The Story about McDonald's
    The story of how Ray Kroc founded McDonald's and turned it into a global fast food empire, exploring its impact on culture and lifestyle.
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  • Globalization
    A conversation between two friends about globalization, its impacts on the USA, and related terms like Eurocentric and democracy.
  • Globalization: Is it Good or Bad?
    An informative book explaining what globalization is, its different categories, examples, and its impact on people and countries.
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  • Role of Technology in Globalization
    This book provides a definition and history of the internet, discusses social media and e-safety, explores globalization and its effects, addresses the digital divide, and su…
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  • The Adventures of Ruby Doobie
    Ruby learns about international trade and globalization from her dad, exploring how it affects various aspects of their lives.
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