Unit 1: Different Governments ..... page 4-11
Unit 2: Exploration ..... page 12-17
Unit 3: Colonization ..... page 18-23
Unit 4: Scientific Revolution ..... 24-31
Unit 5: Enlightenment ..... page 32-37
Unit 6: American Revolution ..... page 38-43
Unit 7:French Revolution and Napoleon ..... page 44-51
Table of Content
Table of Content
Unit 8: Latin American Revolution ..... page 52-59
Unit 9: Industrial Revolution ..... page 60-67
Unit 10: Imperialism ..... page 68-75
Unit 11: World War I ..... page 76-82
Unit 12: World War II ..... page 83-89
Unit 13: Cold War ..... page 90-97
Unit 14: Modern Age ..... page 98-102
Unit 1: Different Governments
Different government types are different way people rule their country/ state/ land. There are 7 basic types. One of the 7 basic types is a Constitutional Monarchy. A Constitutional Monarchy is run by a monarch that has limited power. The monarch is not allowed to make decisions without the agreement of the other branches (Legeslative and Judicial ((since the monarch would be the executive))). England was turned into a Constitutional Monarchy when King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta on June 15, 1215.
Unit 1: Different Governments
One of the events that occurred during this time was the creation and signing of the Magna Carta. It was signed on June 15, 1215 by King John. It was the document that created a Constitutional Monarchy in England. It also created Parliment, constitutionalism, democratism (a democracy), and the Seperation of Powers (legislative, executive, judicial). The document gave the commoners and nobles more freedom to do as they pleased and made sure that the king couldn't overuse his power.
Unit 1: Different Governments
One of the first people involved in a Constitutional Monarchy was King John. He was born in 1166 and His reign lasted from 1199 to his death in 1216. He was also known as John Lackland because unlike his older brothers, he didn't receive any land rights to the continental provinces. He once reigned as a absolute monarchy but was cornered in the Runnymede and forced to sign the Magna Carta, which changed his rule into a Constitutional Monarchy.

Unit 1: Different Governments
One of the inventions during this time was the Seperations of Powers. This was the on of the offspring's of the Magna Carta. The Seperation of Powers does exactly as it says. It separates the power in the government. It separates the government into three parts; legislative, executive, and judicial. Then those branches also got split into several government bodies. It changed the time period because instead of all the power being in one person's hands, it was in multiple people's hands.

The Exploration age, which began in the 15th century, was a time where all of the Eurpean Countries were on a hunt for new land, but mostly for goods/natural materials. There were obstacles in the way of their travel and trade, but they also created new technology to help fix that. There were many explorers that went out to the New World, specifically 4 main ones, that discovered and brought new items back to their home countries.
Unit 2: Exploration

Unit 2: Exploration
The Silk Road was one important event that occurred during the Exploration Age. They traded goods such as spices, silk, and tea from Southeast Asia, or as they called it, "The Indies". This road ran from Europe to Southeast Asia. It was kept safe by strong Chinsese rulers. There weren't any specific people involved rather than the Chinese rulers and the Ottoman Empire. The road was originally established in the early BCE's during the rule of the Han dynasty. There weren't any new inventions in the Silk Road, but there were new items acquired by the participants.

One of the most important people during this time period was Francisco Pizarro. He lived from 1475 - 1541. He was a cousin of Hernan Cortez, the Spanish Conquistador of the Aztecs. Unlike his cousin, he ran into the Ican's. The Incan's weren't centralized as others, but they were the wealthiest empire. Pizarro's group used advanced weaponry and trickery to take the land and wealth of the Incan Empire, just like his cousin Cortes.
Unit 2: Exploration

Unit 2: Exploration
One creation during this time was the Asrtolabe. It was an Ancient Greek instrument used to find the position of the stars (latitude) created by Hipparchus. This instrument helped leave travelers to the Old or New World. This affected the travelers because without these astrolabes, they could get lost in the ocean and never make their way back to their homeland.

Unit 3: Colinization
Colonization began in 1492 when Columbus sailed the blue and found the Americas. There were many different places that the Europeans colonized. The two most known country that was colonized was the Americas. The two most known Continents were Asia and Africa. There were also different types of colonies such as, the Trading Post Empire, the Plantation Colony, and the Settler Colony. There were three main countries in the European group that were settling. Those countries were England, Spain, and France. They colonized for the sake of raw materials and land for their homeland.
Unit 3: Colonization
One important event that occurred during the time of colonization was in the 16th century meeting of the Europeans and Native Americans. Although this meeting was good for the Europeans, it was consequential for the natives. The Europeans brought diseases that killed many Native Americans. European missionaries also came to spread Christianity. Some of the Eurpeans were kind to them, such as the French and the English, but the Spanish were the opposite. The Spanish were cruel to the natives and made them work on their plantations. The English also eventually turned out the same way. They forced the natives off of their land. All the Europeans did to the Native Americans was treat them like a pebble on the side of the road.

Unit 3: Colonization
One famous person during the exploration age was Hernan Cortes. He lived from 1485-1547He conquered Central America for Spain. The area was controlled by the Aztecs, a strong native empire led by Montezuma. In 1519, he used advanced weapons and horses to fight the Aztecs. The disease and allies helped him win against the Aztecs.

Unit 3: Colonization
One invention during the Colonization period was a Caravel. It was a lightweight ship created by the Portogese so that travelers can sail closer to shore created in the 15th century. This helped the explorers because it allowed them to be able to stay closer to their homeland so that they didn't drift off to sea.

Unit 4: Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution was a period from the 1500 to the 1700s where people started questioning the truths (what the pope and church said) and figured things out using scientific thinking. There were many famous philosophers during this time such as Galileo, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, and Francis Bacon. They went against the church and uncovered the real scientific truths about the universe and what is in it.

One important event that occurred during the Scientific Revolution was Galileo's house arrest in 1633. Galileo had supported Copernicus's heliocentric theory. This the church did not approve of. WIth or without the church's approval, he did it anyway. He observed space using the new invention, a telescope, and discovered 4 of Jupiters moons proving that celestial objects can orbit something other than Earth. There was then conflict between scientific thought and traditional religious beliefs, so the church pushes back. Scientists, like Galileo, were told to stop their views and to reaffirm the beliefs of the church or they would be excommunicated. As before, he did not care for the church's words and was put under house arrest.
Unit 4: Scientific Revolution

One of the most important and well known people who discovered scientific truths during the Scientific Revolution was Isaac Newton. He lived from 1643-1727. He had discovered the laws of gravity and motion. These also challenged old theories of the church. He discovered that two bodies are attracted to each other because they have mass and when you pass a ray of sunlight into a prism, where the sun hit the prism it will be white, but when it exits the prism, it will be the colors of the rainbow. He also created the first reflecting telescope. All of these things made him famous because it helped prove to everyone what lies and what secrets the world beholds.
Unit 4: Scientific Revolution

Unit 4: Scientific Revolution
One of the many inventions during this time was a microscope, created by Zacharias Janssen in 1590. The microscope allowed people to see smaller things. It worked by having several layers of glass lenses, and shining light through them. It affected the people who discovered cells. It also helped the development of the cell theory.

Unit 5: Enlightnenment
Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in the 17th and 18th century. The philosophers during this time wanted to apply reason to understand and improve their society such as its structure, purpose, and execution. There were 4 well known philosophers during this movement. They are John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Baron De Montesquieu, and Volitare (Francois Marie Arouet). There were many beliefs and changes made by these philosophers that helped change and form a better society.

Unit 5: Enlightenment
An event that occurred during the Enlightenment period was the Glorious Revolution. It is called the Glorious Revolution because there was no battle or blood involved. Parliament was fed up with James II so they asked the King of Scotland to help get rid of him. He agreed to help and went to England with an army in 1688. James II fled to France and William and Mary - James II's daughter and wife of William - took over the throne of England.

Unit 5: Enlightenment
Oliver Cromwell was a famous person during this time. He was the leader of the Roundheads during the English Civil War. He created the New Model Army which was able to claim major victories over the royalists. After the war, puritan Olvier Cormwell, born in the year of 1599, became "lord protector" of England in 1653 until his death in 1658.

Unit 5: Enlightenment
An invention during this time was the reflecting telescope. It was created in 1668. Isaac Newton was the creator of the first reflecting telescope. It allowed people to see far away places, such as space (it was mostly used for seeing into space). This affected many people, especially Copernicus and Galileo. With the use of the telescope, Galileo proved Copernicus's theory of heliocentrism.

Unit 6: American Revolution
The American Revolution lasted from 1765 to 1783. The war was based on freedom and equality. One of the people involved in the American Revolution was Marquis De Lafayette, Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, and Aaron Burr. It was a fight between America and Britain for America's freedom. The Decleration of Independence was created during this time.

An event that occurred during the American Revolution was the trapping of the British at York Town. Marquis De Lafayette helped George Washington do so. Washington ordered Marquis to and an American army of 5,000 soldiers to block of the British from escaping Yorktown. On September 28 he had completely encircled them. They also had the help of the French army. After 3 weeks of nonstop bombardment, the British surrendered, leading Washington's army to victory.
Unit 6: American Revolution

Unit 6: American Revolution
One important person during this time was Marquis De Lafayette. He had volunteered to fight with the Contenential Army in effort to bring to bring change in the government. He eventually became the general of the Continental Army. He also also helped George Washington trap the British in Yorktown. He was born in 1757 and died at the age of 76 in 1834.

Unit 6: American Revolution
An invention during that time was the submarine. Although it wasn't the first submarine, it was the first submarine used in battle in 1776. This invention was created by David Bushnell. It was used to launch explosives at British ships during the American Revolution.

Unit 7: French Revolution and Napoleon
The French Revolution, beginning in 1789, consisted of the Storming of the Bastille, Reign of Terror, the 3 Estates, and the National Assembly. There were also important people who came to power,such as Napoleon. There were also documents and meetings such as the Decleration of the Rights of Man and the Congress of Vienna. As well as that, there were two countries who unified; Germany and Italy.

Unit 7: French Revolution and Napoleon
An important event that happened was the Reign of Terror (1793-1794). 40,000 people died during this time. The architect of the Reign of Terror was Maximiliem Robesppiere. Enemies of the revolution (more than 17,000 of them) were executed, mostly by guillotine, per encouragement of Robesppiere. In the end, he and Marie Antoniette were beheaded.
Unit 7: French Revolution and Napoleon
One very important person during history was Napoleon Bonparte born in 1769. At the age of 10, he was sent to military school and 14 years later was appointed to general. He was famous for crowning himself emperor, winning wars, and gaining so much land. Although he conquered so many, he met his defeat in Russia. Winter came early and wiped out his troops. He was then exiled to Elba. He then returned and gain support from public support to rebuild his army. After, an international force defeated Napoleon and exiled him a second time called St. Helena, where he drew his last breath in 1821.

Unit 7: French Revolution and Napoleon
The famous guillotine was invented at the very beginning of the French Revolution in 1789. The inventor was Dr. Joseph-Ingance Guillotin. It was used to cut the heads of enemies off. It was a wooden structure that had a rope that pulled the blade up or down. The blade was at a slant so that it was more effective, unlike if it was a straight blade, it crushes the neck of the victim and might take more than one try to kill them.

Unit 8: Latin American Revoliution
The Latin American Revolution had many different things happening and many things causing it at once beginning in 1808. There were two main leaders; Toussaint L'Ouverture and Simon Bolivar. Napoleon was also a part in starting the revolution. The main country involved was Spain, but their were others such as France, both Americas, and Mexico. One document was created and that was the Monroe Doctrine. There were many battles between Spain and others, mostly over South America.

unit 8: Latin American Revolution
An event that occurred during the Latin American Revolution was the Haitan Revolution. In 1791, this revolution was made up of a slave revolt. This revolt was lead by Toussaint L'Ouverture. They successfully fought the French as well as invading the Spanish ans the British. Following their defeat, Napoleon abandoned Haita to independence After the revolt there were some problems the new nations faced such as politics and politicians, the church, the economy, and La Reforma.

Unit 8: Latin American Revolution
An important person during this time was Simon Bolivar. He was born in 1783 and died in 1830, living 47 years. He had a brilliant military mind and he witnessed the first hand success of democratic principles in the United States (1807). As well as that, he was also called "Gerorge Washington of South America". They named him this because, like Washington freed us from England's control, Simon freed South America of the last Spanish colonial government. He also led forces of Argentina when it declared Independence in 1816. He gave his life and family fortune to free South America from Spanish rule.

Unit 8: Latin American Revolution
An invention during the revolution was the Monroe Doctrine. It was an American diplomatic decision which greatly influenced the world and the way it developed (to present day). When the document was created in 1823, one of the lines stated, "The American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European Power". With this, the U.S accepted the responsibility of being the protector of independent Western nations and affirmed that it would steer clear of European affairs. THe Doctorine was basically a warning telling the British not to make any new colonies here.

Unit 9: Industrial Revolution
The Indutrial Revolution, starting in the 18th century, was the move from doing everything by hand to having machines help. The word industrialism means "an economic system where machines do work that was once performed by animals or humans". There were many changes such as people moving to the urban areas and the creation of factories. There were also changes in the government, such as the development of capitalism. As well as government changes, there were economic changes and changes to how people lived. This was a drastic change in the way people did things and developed our future as it is.
Unit 9: Industrial Revolution
An event that occurred during the Industrial Revolution was the spread of industrialization. It first started in Britain in the late 1700's, but then it started spreading to the Unites States and other European countries, such as Belgium and Germany. It also spread to some Asian nations (Japan). The Asian nations were forced to industrialize due to imperialistic threats against them. These threats caused major political, cultural, and economic changes throughout the world.
Unit 9: Industrial Revolution
An important person during this time was James Hargreaves. He lived from 1720 - 1778. He was famous for creating the Spinning Jenny. In his time alive, he was a weaver, carpenter, and inventor. Just like in the name of his invention, Spinning Jenny, he was one of the men responsible for the creation of spinning mechanics.

Unit 9: Industrial Revolution
A very important invention during this time was the steam engine. It was invented in 1787 by James Watt. It was created for the use of factories and eventually, steam boats. Factories used to have to be built near a body of water so that the water could power the machines. When the steam engine was created, they started building factories away from the water and more inland. These engines were powered by coal and made of iron. As said earlier, they led to changes such as the steam boat and locomotive. The changes in transit led to trading occurring over longer distances as well as traveling becoming easier.
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Unit 1: Different Governments ..... page 4-11
Unit 2: Exploration ..... page 12-17
Unit 3: Colonization ..... page 18-23
Unit 4: Scientific Revolution ..... 24-31
Unit 5: Enlightenment ..... page 32-37
Unit 6: American Revolution ..... page 38-43
Unit 7:French Revolution and Napoleon ..... page 44-51
Table of Content
Table of Content
Unit 8: Latin American Revolution ..... page 52-59
Unit 9: Industrial Revolution ..... page 60-67
Unit 10: Imperialism ..... page 68-75
Unit 11: World War I ..... page 76-82
Unit 12: World War II ..... page 83-89
Unit 13: Cold War ..... page 90-97
Unit 14: Modern Age ..... page 98-102
Unit 1: Different Governments
Different government types are different way people rule their country/ state/ land. There are 7 basic types. One of the 7 basic types is a Constitutional Monarchy. A Constitutional Monarchy is run by a monarch that has limited power. The monarch is not allowed to make decisions without the agreement of the other branches (Legeslative and Judicial ((since the monarch would be the executive))). England was turned into a Constitutional Monarchy when King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta on June 15, 1215.
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