World War 2 ended with a unpredictable surrender by the Axis powers. The other power were the Allie powers and they had soon accepted the surrender. This event made the tensions stronger(Icy Tensions). The war officially ended with Japan surrendering in Asia.
World War II Ends(Sep. 2, 1945)

The Soviet Union starts to dominate countries(1945)
The Soviet Union occupied several countries that were handed over by Germany. THey had taken over a spread of countries. They had forced these countries to force their military into their nations. This had made tensions stronger against the US.

United Nations(October 24, 1945)
The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization. This organization is to maintain international peace and security and to develop friendly relations with other nations. A founder of the organization of the US. This organization had made the tension the same as it was a year ago but still some tension.

Truman Doctrine(March 12, 1947)
This was an American foreign policy was to counter Soviet geopolitical expansion.This policy was announced to Congress by President Harry S. Truman. This document would provide help to those nations under threat. This policy had actually made the tension become less active.

The Marshall Plan(April 3, 1948)
This was an American initiative that was passed in 1948. This was to aid Western Europe after the end of World War II. Also its purpose was to assistance any economic infrastructure of the postwar for Europe. This plan had made the tensions stronger from how they settled the agreement towards.

Berlin Airlift(June 24, 1948)
This airlift was a action of doing by the United States. After the Soviet blockade of land routed into West Berlin. The US sent food, water, and medicine to West Berlin. For almost 2 years straight they have been sending supplies to more than 2 million people. This event didn't really have an effect on their state of tension.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (April 4, 1949)
NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance between 31 countries including the US and Europe. This organization implements the Nroth Atlantic Treaty. It's objective is to defend each other from the possibility of Soviet Union to take control of their nation. This treaty had made the tension become more as one then anything.

Korean War(June 25, 1950)
This war was between North and South Korea. It started when North Korea invaded South Korea following a series of battles along the border. It was caused by the spread of communism during the Cold War. This war made the tensions not really have a deciding point according to reporters it was irrelevant to them.

Explosion of the First Hydrogen Bomb(November 1, 1952)
This device was detonated at the United States on the island of Elugelab in Enewetak Atoll. it was the first full test of the Teller. The device has only been used twice in war to this day. This explosion made the USSR become scared and have tensions with the US because they thought the would use it on them.

Warsaw Pact(May 14, 1955)
Other words can describe this as the Treaty of Friendship. This was a collective defense treaty signed in Warsaw. This was between the Soviet Union and seven Eastern Bloc satellite states. This treaty made friendship so in those words it made the tension become less stronger then what it is.

Sputnick(October 16, 1957)
The Sputnick 1 was the first Earch satellite. It was launched by the Soviet Union and was orbiting for 3 weeks before its batteries died. This satellite was the first mark and it introduced to the technology we have now. This satellite made the US become more worried for the Sovet Union so tension got higher.

Soviet Union shoots down American Spy Plane(May 1, 1960)
This incident was placed by a US U-2 spy plane was shot down by the Soviet Union. This plane was hit by an S-75 Bvina air missile and crashed near Sverdlosk. The tensions between the 2 had raised. This was by the clash between the planes and had been almost separated in alliances.

Bay of Pigs Invsion(April 17,1961)
This was a failed military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the CIA. This was a foundation of cuban people and americans developed by the CIA. With in 1 attack they were defeated in 3 days of war. This invasion increased tension because the US were created more armies to go against the USSR.

Berlin Wall is Erected(August 13, 1961)
First the Berlin Wall was a concrete wall that physically divided Berlin for more than 20 years. The wall had caused a short term crisis and later it became to symbolize the Cold War. This act is one of the most important things leading up tot he Cold War. This act didn't really effect the US and the tension that it served.

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World War 2 ended with a unpredictable surrender by the Axis powers. The other power were the Allie powers and they had soon accepted the surrender. This event made the tensions stronger(Icy Tensions). The war officially ended with Japan surrendering in Asia.
World War II Ends(Sep. 2, 1945)

The Soviet Union starts to dominate countries(1945)
The Soviet Union occupied several countries that were handed over by Germany. THey had taken over a spread of countries. They had forced these countries to force their military into their nations. This had made tensions stronger against the US.

United Nations(October 24, 1945)
The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization. This organization is to maintain international peace and security and to develop friendly relations with other nations. A founder of the organization of the US. This organization had made the tension the same as it was a year ago but still some tension.

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