This book is dedicated to those who enjoy history!

is for the Anaconda Plan
The anaconda plan was an important strategy during the Civil War. The Union army used this plan to block southern ports! This eventually broke up the Southern army.

is for Brown v. Board
In the case of Brown v. Board, the courts ruled that schools had to become integrated. Although it was very controversial, it set many precedents. This meant that all children could receive the same education!

is for Corrupt Bargain

The corrupt bargain was corrupt indeed! The speaker of the house, Henry Clay, convinced Congress to elect president Adams. Adams, in turn, made Clay the secretary of state.

is for Dred Scott Case

The Dred Scott Case happened in 1857. The supreme court ruled that African Americans could not have citizenship. The case ruled that no matter if a slave lived in a state without slavery, they still wouldn't be citizens.

is for Election of 1828

The 1828 election was a rematch for the 1824 candidates. The election was between Andrew Jackson, a democrat, and John Quincy Adams, a republican. Andrew Jackson won the 1828 election.

is for Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass was a slave who was born in 1818. He was also an abolitionist, which meant that he did not like slavery, and wanted it to end. Douglass also wrote many books, including, 'Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, and American Slave'.

is for the Great Awakening

The Great Awakening consisted of religious revivals that occurred between the 18th and 20th century. The Great Awakening was important because many people decided to focus on religion in many ways. Many focused on religion to fix social and political issues.

is for Horace Mann

Horace Mann advocated for increased reform involving the education field. He is known as the 'Father of Education' due to his work with promoting the importance of school. He is probably the reason why you are at school right now!

is for Island Hopping

Island hopping was also known as 'leapfrogging'. Island hopping was a strategy used by the Allies in WWII when fighting Japan. This strategy involved 'hopping' around to less defended areas that would lead to the main islands of Japan.

is for James K. Polk

Polk was the 11th president of the U.S. who was in office from 1845 to 1849. Before being the president, he was also the governor of Tennessee. Polk was most known for extending the land of the U.S. during the Mexican-American War!

is for the Know Nothing Party

The Know Nothing party was also called the American Party and was a political party. The Know-Nothings were pro-Americans. This meant that they did not like immigrants, and other groups that they felt were different from them.

is for the Lend Lease Program

The Lend-Lease program was created by the U.S. during WWII. The U.S. did not want to fight at the time, and they wanted to remain neutral. They also, however, didn't want the Axis powers to win the war. So, the U.S. provided their allies with materials to help aid them.

is for the Monroe Doctrine

The Monroe Doctrine was created by James Monroe, the president at the time.The Doctrine stated that the U.S. wouldn't except colonization from countries in Europe.

is for New Immigration

New immigration occurred in the late 1800s, and included those who traveled to urban areas for better opportunities. These new immigrants included people from South and East Europe. Some Americans weren't happy with their arrivals due to the differences between the new arrivals and themselves.

is for Olive Branch Petition

During this time, the British and the colonists at the time were in conflict. The petition was passed to avoid war with Britain and the colonists. Although the colonists tried to make up with Britain, they would eventually reject the petition!

is for the Platt Amendment

After the Spanish American war, the U.S. released the Platt Amendment which was aimed at Cuba. The amendment basically limited Cuba in terms of freedom. This amendment followed the previous amendment between the U.S. and Cuba which was the Teller Amendment.

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This book is dedicated to those who enjoy history!

is for the Anaconda Plan
The anaconda plan was an important strategy during the Civil War. The Union army used this plan to block southern ports! This eventually broke up the Southern army.

is for Brown v. Board
In the case of Brown v. Board, the courts ruled that schools had to become integrated. Although it was very controversial, it set many precedents. This meant that all children could receive the same education!

is for Corrupt Bargain

The corrupt bargain was corrupt indeed! The speaker of the house, Henry Clay, convinced Congress to elect president Adams. Adams, in turn, made Clay the secretary of state.

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