To Kenna Anderson - You were an amazing teacher. I will never forget you.
Inspired by The Series of Unfortunate Events by Daniel Hantler.

Chapter 1:
The Beginning
Inside the fancy inn of Southgate neighborhood, lived three eager explorers. The oldest, as well as the strongest of the group, was a tall man named Kristjan. He had short, brown, fuzzy hair, dark brown eyes, and a growing beard and mustache. The best of his looks was his very friendly smile. He is very strict with his health and was only 26 years old. The smartest, as well as the best cook, was a small healthy young lady named Margret who was proudly 21 years old.
She had golden hair with strands that are brown. She had Hazel eyes and a slim nose. She loved wearing her fluffy, warm, cozy clothes. She was intelligent but a bit of a coward. She loves cooking, and her food was always delicious. Their dog who was an Icelandic Sheltie, was the final explorer of the three. Her name was Eva. She was only a one year old pup ( seven in human years ), but she was the wisest of the youngsters. Eva had longer hair than she should because before, she had been a stray dog and no one could cut her hair. She had only been found two weeks ago but to her, it felt like she had lived there all her life.
Chapter 2:
Unusual Sadness and Misery
Kristjan and Margret go out of the inn and take a peaceful walk in the enchanting woods with their beloved pet, Eva. As they go deeper and deeper into the forest, as they did everyday, Jon, their local mailman, comes to share terrible news for Kristjan, for the last of his parents were gone. "Your father has now past..." Jon pauses for a second seeing Kristjan's eyes swell dramatically.
"Leaving his last thousand pennies for you. Would you and your brother like to arrange a funeral?" Jon asks without meaning to break Kristjan's heart. Margret tells Jon "Yes, Kristjan would like to arrange that." and Eva whimpered in sadness. Days later, Kristjan's brother, Ref, Knocked on the rough oak wood door. Kristjan opens the door making a dreadful sound. "Eeeek!" the door sounded, making Kristjan and Ref stick their fingers in their ears. "Come on Kris! You know what I'm here for!" Ref quickly said in a jolly voice even though on the inside, he was sad. Ref pulls his brother out of his home, making Kristjan trip up in shock.
They walk out into the beautiful garden near the borders of Iceland to set up under the gazebo. "The garden is so enchanting and glorious isn't it?" Ref asks sweetly. "It feels like heaven. The perfect place to celebrate the life of papa right? We want him to go to heaven." Kristjan answered. In fact, the garden did seem like an enchanting, glorious heaven. There were flowers and fruit everywhere. The area was surrounded by healthy white rose bushes, filled with tulips blooming in flower beds, with apple trees in every corner, and it had every plant you could imagine.
As the brothers filled the gazebo, guests came and explored the heavenly garden - including Margret and Eva. People brought a large coffin and carefully placed it under the gazebo. Ref and Kristjan opened the coffin. They looked over and showed sadness and horror on their faces. They placed their favorite picture of their father on a small wooden desk. "Everyone, please gather around!" Kristjan calls out. They begin with a short prayer and Ref prepares for his speech. "We gathered all of you here today to have a happy celebration in remembrance of our father." Ref starts. "Please help yourself to Margret's delicious food..." Kristjan pauses as the guests
for Margret. "Make yourself at home and enjoy!" everyone applauds again. The guests rush over to the beautiful food and begin filling the clean white tables.
Chapter 3:
The Undiscovered
Through the black rusty bars of the gate that blocked out the undiscovered, something caught Kristjan's eye. Something, that seemed to be a turquoise Arctic fox! That moment there, changed the explorers lives. "Margret! Eva!" Kristjan calls out. Margret and Eva come squeezing through the energetic crowd. "Excuse me Sir, Excuse me Madame." Margret would say every time she and Eva pushed past someone.
As they made it to the steps of the shockingly beautiful gazebo, Margret scooped Eva up into her soft hands and asked “What’s the matter Kris? It is a lovely day but what seems to be bothering you?” Kristjan ignores Margret and keeps staring at the most bizarre sight. “Is it really?” Kristjan says unbelievably shocked. Margret finally looks in the direction that Kristjan had been staring at and froze and stared exactly like Kristjan. “A turquoise Arctic wolf?” the three trembled together ( Eva trembled in barks ). They professionally escaped the unusually joyous funeral, slipped through the gate and walked into the undiscovered parts of Iceland.
To them, the undiscovered smell seemed enchanting even though it smelled very similar to the smell they had smelled minutes ago. The trees to them, looked like marshmallows but they were normal. Then suddenly they appeared to actually look like marshmallows! Everything seemed bizarre, just like the turquoise Arctic fox. The interesting things that they walked past were from bright pink minks, to purple cows!
Chapter 4:
Meanwhile, back at the funeral that seemed like a party, the partying guests finally find out that the three of them were gone. Everyone panicked by running around and screaming like the world was about to end. Ref tried to calm everyone down but he too wanted to know where his brother had disappeared to.
Ref, who had always listened to his parents, was reminded of ‘Rule No. 22 - If someone is lost, majorly injured, or has robbed you, call the police.’ Ref did exactly that and alerted the whole police force - including the military! He was very serious about this because he did not want to lose his last, and closest family member. The military came through the funeral and scared the panicking people even more. The military marches up towards the gazebo and falls in two lines facing each other. A man who seemed to be the boss, walked in between the soldiers and stood tall in the gazebo.
The man had greyish short hair, blue eyes, a big fat nose, dirty teeth, and was pretty buff! He also had a faint grey beard and looked wrinkly and sweaty. He seemed to look like a mean man. In fact, he was. "I, Gunnar would like to find out where these so called Kristjan, Margret and Eva people are.“ Gunnar began saying. “We can’t find them!“ a man called out in the distance. “GIVE ME SOME CLUES OR YOU WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF ARON!“ Gunnar shouts in a booming voice and the blue dragon that seemed to be Aron, breathed fire in the air. “I last saw them on the gazebo you are standing on right now!“ someone shouts.
“I saw them staring at the black gate!“ another shouts. “I don’t know anything!“ someone honestly shouted making Gunnar turn red. “ARON!“ Gunnar demands. “TAKE THIS PERSON TO YOUR DEN!“ Aron starts to flap his wings until he was in the air and scooped a woman holding a baby by her arm and flew her into the undiscovered parts of Iceland. “Hey! No one is allowed past the black gate! It’s the law!“ a man shouts and he gets sent away too. “ANY MORE CLUES?“ Gunnar asks the crowd of guests in his loud and booming voice. “I saw them sneak away!“ some observant guest shouted.
“Sneak away? Hmmm I think I know now. Did they sneak away towards the black gate?“ Gunnar asks slightly softer. “Yes“ answered the guest positively. He walks over to the black gate and looks at all the bars. He spots one that had been bent and saw footprints on the other side. “I know where they are now“ Gunnar says in an evil voice.
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To Kenna Anderson - You were an amazing teacher. I will never forget you.
Inspired by The Series of Unfortunate Events by Daniel Hantler.

Chapter 1:
The Beginning
Inside the fancy inn of Southgate neighborhood, lived three eager explorers. The oldest, as well as the strongest of the group, was a tall man named Kristjan. He had short, brown, fuzzy hair, dark brown eyes, and a growing beard and mustache. The best of his looks was his very friendly smile. He is very strict with his health and was only 26 years old. The smartest, as well as the best cook, was a small healthy young lady named Margret who was proudly 21 years old.
She had golden hair with strands that are brown. She had Hazel eyes and a slim nose. She loved wearing her fluffy, warm, cozy clothes. She was intelligent but a bit of a coward. She loves cooking, and her food was always delicious. Their dog who was an Icelandic Sheltie, was the final explorer of the three. Her name was Eva. She was only a one year old pup ( seven in human years ), but she was the wisest of the youngsters. Eva had longer hair than she should because before, she had been a stray dog and no one could cut her hair. She had only been found two weeks ago but to her, it felt like she had lived there all her life.
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A Big Thanks To:
Kenna Anderson
Lemony Snicket
Anna Johns
Sean David
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