Dedicated to every animal that has been forgotten in this world: we remember you.

Arowanas are a type of fish that live in freshwater. They have the nickname "bonytongues", because of the toothed bone at the top of their mouths. Their "tongues" come with a set of teeth that bite their prey with the tongue and the roof of its mouth.

A is for Arowana

Babirusa means "pig-deer" in the Malay language. Babirusa are in many legends and myths, because of their odd features like their tusks. There are very few of these animals left; only about 4000 of them are estimated to be living in the wild.

B is for Babirusa

C is for Coati
Coatimundis, or "coatis", live in South America, Central America, Mexico, and the southwestern area of the U.S. These friendly, raccoon-like creatures are nocturnal and omnivorous. Although they're gentle, coatis can bite if you agitate them.

D is for Dik-Dik
Dik-Diks, native to East Africa, are dwarf antelopes, ranging from 6 to 7 pounds only. They have an herbivorous diet, and, like antelopes, only the males have horns. They can live anywhere from 3 to 10 years.

E is for Ectruscan Shrew
Etruscan shrews are the world's smallest mammals, only weighing 0.046 to 0.088 ounces and is about two inches long. These small mammals can eat animals as big as itself when hungry.

F is for Flightless Cormorant
The Flightless Cormorant is one of the rarest species of bird in the world, with an estimated 1000 individuals left. They are only found in the Galapagos Islands, and can't fly due to their stubby wings. Although they're flightless, they are very swift in water, much like penguins.

G is for Gharial

Gharials have over 100 extremely sharp and pointy teeth. Gharials are very big; their length ranges from 11 to 20 feet long. These large reptiles' weight can add up to 550 pounds. Female gharials can lay between 20 and 95 eggs, which happen to be also the largest eggs among all crocodilian species.

H is for Hoatzin

Due to their pungent scent of dung, hoatzins are also called stinkbirds. This bird is flightless, and has a unique digestive system. They eat primarily leaves, and they have a sort of a fermentation vat to digest it. This results in their disgusting smell.

I is for Irukandji
The Irukandji is a species of box jellyfish. These sea creatures are theorized to be the most venomous animals in the world. It's diameter is only about 2.5 centimeters long, causing it to be extremely elusive and hard to spot in the depths of the oceans. Irukandji jellyfish has become noticed and recognized recently due to swimmers' deaths.

J is for Jabiru
Found in Central and South America, the Jabiru is the tallest flying bird there, the biggest males measuring up to 1.5 meters, or about 5 feet tall. Its long, black beak can be up to 30 centimeters, or 1 foot, long. While it is awkward on foot, it has grace and power when airborne.

K is for Kermode Bear
This subspecies of black bear is otherwise known as the "ghost bear" or "spirit bear", due to its white fur. They live in the Central and North Coast regions of British Columbia. Only about 10% of their species has a completely white coat, because of a recessive gene both parents must have in order for the offspring to have the white fur, much like humans.

L is for Langur
Langur monkeys, a.k.a. leaf monkeys, have a diet that consists mainly of leaves, hence the nickname. With their long limbs and tails, they can leap as far as 10 meters. There are multiple species of Langur monkeys. These monkeys live in groups ranging from 10 to 40 individuals.

M is for Mantella Frog
This bright orange frog is critically endangered due to overselling in the pet trade. It's bright color warns predators that it is poisonous. Their diet consists of small insects such as ants, mites, and other small invertebrates. These critters that the Mantella Frog eats give the frog its toxins. Unlike most other frogs, the Mantella lacks webbed feet. They mostly hang out in trees and on the ground. It is found in Madagascar.

N is for Nabarlek
This fuzzy little creature is native to Australia and sleeps during the day. It's diet consists mostly of various grasses. The silica in certain ferns helps with the continuous growth of their molars, although no one knows what species of fern they eat. Nabarleks are very shy creatures and live in rocky hollows covered by foliage. They move very fast to escape predators. They are critically endangered.

O is for Olingo
Also called a cuataquil, this relative to the raccoon lives in Central and Northern South America. They resemble kinkajous, but they lack the prehensile tails. They live in small groups, and are mainly nocturnal. They feast mostly on fruit and nectar, although they will sometimes eat small mammals, such as squirrels or mice.

P is for Pacarana
The Pacarana is a rare rodent that is slow-moving and is quite large for a rodent, weighing to about 33 pounds. It has a chunky body, with a thick neck, a large head, and small ears. In captivity they can live up to 10 years. Their litters range from 1 to 4 offspring.

Q is for Quoll

Quolls are a very old species of marsupial. There are fossils that have been found in Queensland. The smaller species eat insects, birds, and lizards. The larger species can feed on things as big as possums and and other reptiles; some can even eat things as large as hares and rabbits. A specific type can eat carrion, or dead animals. A quoll pup can be as small as a grain of rice.
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Dedicated to every animal that has been forgotten in this world: we remember you.

Arowanas are a type of fish that live in freshwater. They have the nickname "bonytongues", because of the toothed bone at the top of their mouths. Their "tongues" come with a set of teeth that bite their prey with the tongue and the roof of its mouth.

A is for Arowana

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