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This book is dedicated to the most important people in my life. To my daughter who is my butterfly and my motivation. To my beloved Brian who constantly supports me and encourages me to do my best.

To my supportive and amazing parents who have never failed to guide me and always allowed me to follow my dreams.

You are all my inspiration.

I Love You.

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"Growing & Glowing"

A caterpillar named Farfalla goes through different stages of growth, learning English along the way. She overcomes challenges and becomes a teacher.  
(16 pages)
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Photo of Dr. Gair
Dr. Gair
A treasure for your shelf.
Photo of Saki Tanaka
Saki Tanaka
Hi Enza! I like the international theme in the story. I'd watch out for "yoda" moments in your sentences (object preceding verb) that feel awkward and would recommend reading this out loud or having someone read it out loud and note any instances where they pause or trip up and do a final edit based on that.
Photo of Stephen Marino
Stephen Marino
Enza, You have made some really fine edits to this based on my suggestions. The text events and dialogue is much clearer now. This is going to be a fine children's book. Here a some further editing suggestions: 1. p 5 you need a semi-colon or period after "strange." 2. p 11 Perhaps "They were all in shock" instead of the inversion. You may also keep it simple and say "They were surprised." 3. on p. 13 the language is awkward. You are almost there!
Photo of Stephen Marino
Stephen Marino
This promises to be a really meaningful book for your target ELL reader; however, I think it can also work with regular Education students because they are learning English too. You need to consider the following items as you edit 1. Use exact punctuation for the sentences. 2. You need to make the dialogue/give and take/responses clearer for different speakers, such as page 4. 3. Also, you use many inverted sentences such as "A caterpillar I am" and "English, I am learning." I think you should consider using regular declarative sentences such as "I am learning English." These will serve as models for your ELL students and are easier to understand. 4. You have much text, perhaps too much, and should consider paring down. I look forward to your further edits.
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